Active professors
To make an appointment, please send me an email.

Photo: Jonas Albrecht
Tuesday 14-15h, Von-Melle-Park 5, Room 2144 or by appointment. Please try to book an appointment here first. If no suitable appointment can be booked or if there are any problems, please contact us by email (

Photo: kristinblock-fotografie
For appointments, please contact Janine Herzberg(janine.herzberg"AT"

Photo: Jürgen Beyer

Photo: UHH/Dingler
January 9th: 02:00 - 03:30 h
January 20th: 10:30 - 12:00 h
February 3rd: 10:3ß - 12:00 h
February 17th: 10:30 - 12:00 h
March 3rd: 10:30 - 12:00 h
March 31st: 10:30 - 12:00 h
Appointments over Frau Besemann
Please note: all consultation hours will take place via zoom

Photo: Leila Ivarsson
by appointment per email

Photo: UHH/MBrüggemann

By appointment only.

Photo: studioline Hamburg1 GmbH

Photo: Mina Esfandiari

Photo: A. Engels
Please register for the office hours by contacting Anika Hummel: anika.hummel"AT" She will suggest a possible date.

Photo: U. Fritsche
Please register in the appointment calendar.

Photo: Frank von Wieding
If you have any questions regarding the supervision of theses and dissertations, please contact the research associates of the professorship directly.
For appointments with Prof. Frost, please contact her by email.

Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
Consultation hours: Monday 2 pm - 3 pm (Please make an appointment via email: carolin.wagener"AT"
Note: there are NO regular consultation-hours during the semester break.

Thursday, 2-3 p.m.

Photo: Dirk Gilbert
by appointment

Photo: Privat
Tuesday 16-17h, Von-Melle-Park 5, Room 2139 or by appointment.Please try to book an appointment here first. If no suitable appointment can be booked or if there are any problems, please contact us by email (

Photo: UHH/ von Boor

Photo: UHH/Esfandiari

Photo: Mathias Kifmann

Photo: UHH/Sommer
Office hours take place every 2nd Wednesday from 17-18 hrs. Please register via the secretary's office.

Photo: UHH Hansen

Photo: Oliver Reetz
after previous registration by e-mail.

Photo: Kriebel/privat

Photo: UHH/CEN: D. Ausserhofer
For appointments please contact my office.

Photo: lilienthal
Please make an appointment via E-Mail!

Photo: UHH/Feuerböther
Office hours will be held by phone or zoom. To make an appointment, please send me an email.

Photo: Claudia Gerhard, Potsdam
For appointments, please contact Janine Herzberg(janine.herzberg"AT"

Photo: Bernd Lucke
by arrangement

Photo: UHH/Lutsch
- Consultation hours will be held by phone or zoom during the 2021 summer term.
- To make an appointment, please send me an email.

Photo: UHH - Mentz
Next office hours: Thur, March 6, 2025; 12:00 p.m.-13:00 p.m.
- Economic Policy
- Real Estate and Urban Economics
- Sport Economics
- Transport Economics

Photo: Arvid Mentz
Wednesdays from 4:00 - 6:00 pm: January 15th / January 29th / February 19th / March 12th / April 2nd
Please contact Frau Besemann for appointments
Appointments will take place either in Prof. Manderscheid's office or per zoom

On appointment by email
- Political Economy
- Behavioral Economics
- Experiments
- Game Theory
- Market Design

Agreement by e-mail with the secretariat
- Please contact to arrange individual contact times

Photo: UHH/Mendt
To get in touch with Prof. Niesen, please send a message(Peter.Niesen"AT" for an appointment. Thank you.

Photo: © Sebastian Engels Fotografie

Photo: Prof. Dr. Olaf Posch
- For an appointment please contact the office by e-mail (Corinna Kienle).

Photo: studioline

Photo: UHH / Isacu

Photo: scacco alexandra

Photo: Carolin Scharfenberg
- Winter Term 2024-25:
- 27.11.2024: 10-11 am (online via Zoom)
- Every Tuesday: 16:15 - 17:15 pm on Site: Allende-Platz 1, Room 336, 20146 Hamburg (Exceptions: January, 7th and 14th 2025 will take place online)
- There will be no office hours over Christmas and New Year! We will start again on January, 7th 2025.
- Please make an appointment on our home page "Über Uns"
- Please also see the german Homepage for Zoom-Link!

Photo: staeheli/privat
Winter Term 2024-25:
During the winter term the office hours will take place every Tuesday at 4.15 -5.15 pm on site: Allende-Platz 1, room 336, 20146 Hamburg (beginning on December, 3rd 2024).
Please make an appointment on the homepage "Über Uns"
There will be no office hours over Christmas and New Year! Ther first time in the new year wil be January, 7th 2025.
On January, 7th and 14th 2025 the office hours will take place online via Zoom! Please see link below:
Meeting-ID: 969 3519 0768
Kenncode: 65176358
Schnelleinwahl mobil
+14703812552,,96935190768#,,#,65176358# Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Atlanta)
+17209289299,,96935190768#,,#,65176358# Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Denver)

Photo: nn

Photo: Sandra Henninger
By appointment

Photo: School of International Relations, University of St Andrews
Appointments only via the secretary's office.

Photo: Susanne Schmidt-Dominé
Junior professors

Photo: Franziska Müller

Photo: AdWHH/Jann Wilken
- Sociology of (In)Security
- Political Sociology
- Migration and Border Studies
- Urban Sociology
- Utopian Studies and Sociology of Futures

Photo: Fany Fazii, Die Fotogräfinnen

Photo: Rödder

on leave in WS 2024/25
Mondays, 15:00 to 17:00 and upon appointment.
Please send an email.

Please make an appointment via email.

Photo: Studio Monbijou
§17 professors
- Peace and Conflict Studies: Ethnizität, Religion, Ressourcen und Institutionen als Determinanten gewaltsamer Konflikte
- Comparative Politics: Parteien- und Demokratieforschung
- Comparative Area Studies, Mixed Methods
- Sub-Sahara Afrika

Photo: UHH/privat
Retired professors / with emeritus status

- PI of the international, collaborative research project AURELIA of the French ANR
- Member of the Bord of Directors of the international Centre for Comparative Social Policy Research (CCWR) at the University of California, Berkeley

Research associates

Photo: privat
By appointment

Photo: privat

Photo: Bogusz (privat)

Photo: UHH/Mentz

Photo: Privat

Photo: Max Braun

Monday, 11 - 12 a.m.

Photo: Carolin Scharfenberg

Photo: HCHE
by appointment

Photo: UHH
by appointment

Photo: Clara Da Ros

Photo: Sandra Henninger
to make an appointment please send me an email

Photo: Juan Deininger

Photo: denecke

Photo: privat

Photo: sd

Photo: Marc Dörlemann
by appointment

Photo: UHH/Dovbischuk

Photo: Duezguen

Photo: Dyroff
To make an appointment, please send me an email.

Photo: Eberlein

Photo: Frederike Esche

Photo: Janis Ewen

Photo: UHH/Farjam

Photo: Hauke Feddersen

Photo: Privat

- By appointment only

Photo: Jonas Albrecht

Photo: GIGA / Claudia Höhne

Photo: Francesco Furini

Photo: kristinblock-fotografie

Photo: Dr. Larissa Gebken

Photo: Carolin Scharfenberg
- CLICCS B2 - Dynamics of Climate Governance: Norms, Contestation, and Policies

Photo: S. Golder

Photo: Fred Willenbrock
by appointment

Photo: privat

Photo: Steffen Haag

Photo: Privat

Photo: Mrunali Damania

Photo: Hattke
- by appointment
Please send an email for an appointment.

Photo: Sandra Henninger

Photo: J. Heuel

Photo: Jonas Albrecht

Photo: Youssef Ibrahim

Photo: privat

Photo: Irina Redkina

Photo: privat

Photo: Privat/Julia Wiesner

Photo: Tobias Kalt

Photo: Jonas Albrecht

Photo: Fred Willenbrock

Photo: Privat

Photo: Africa_Kiiza

Photo: UHH/Sommer

Photo: UHH/Bau
- Focus in research and teaching: Gender-based violence and gender constructs in armed conflicts Non-state actors of violcence Peace and conflict research

Photo: Jannis Kreinhop
by appointment

Photo: Leila Ivarsson
by appointment per email

Photo: Lenz
- by appointment
by appointment

Photo: UHH/Liebig
By arrangement
Tel.: +49 40 42838-8025

Photo: privat
Laura Lüth also supervises Bachelor's theses
To make an appointment, please send me an email.

Photo: privat

Photo: Pauline Mente
by appointment

Photo: UHH//Maximilian Glas

Photo: Andreas Möllenkamp
To make an appointment, please send me an email.

Photo: Carolin Scharfenberg

Photo: UHH/Laffin

Photo: christine Neubert
Please make an appointment per email

Photo: Henning Retzlaff
in the summer semester of 2023, appointments on MS Teams or in person (in my office, B133, opposite the students’ union) should be made in advance via e-mai

- By arrangement

Photo: Niels Verwijk (PicturePeople)
To make an appointment, please send me an email.

Photo: Overmeyer
by appointment

Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz

Photo: Thorsten Pampel

Photo: jp

Photo: UHH/Sommer
Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 hrs

Photo: UHH/Paul

Photo: privat

Photo: UHH/Feuerböther

Photo: privat

Photo: Lisa Pfeiffer

Photo: UHH/Mentz

Mondays 14-16 (by arrangement via email)
- Social Theory and Sociology of Culture, Postcolonial Theory, Diaspora, Governmentality, Infrastructuralism, (Post-)Secularism, Critical Shia Studies, qualitative and ethnographic Methods of Social Research

- By arrangement

Photo: UHH/Reif

Photo: UHH/Mentz

Photo: Stefanie Remmer

Photo: Manuel Reppmann

Photo: privat

Photo: Leo Roepert
To make an appointment, please send me an email.

by appointment

Photo: UHH/Rohloff

Photo: Lorenzo Romero

In the lecture-free period: Appointments by previous arrangement.

Photo: M. Sauber

Photo: J. Sauerbier

Photo: UHH/Sommer

Photo: privat

Photo: UHH/Schmidt

Photo: Frederik Schmitz

Photo: studioline

Photo: M. Schulz

Photo: Henrike Schwickert

Office hours during the semester: Tuesday, 15:00 to 16:00 (upon prior registration by e-mail). Other office hours by appointment.
- social and political theory, migration, racism, social movements, citizenship, solidarity and radical democracy

Photo: Alexander Spielau

Photo: Privat

Photo: Michael Tanner

Photo: G. Tattarini

Photo: Fred Willenbrock

Photo: UHH/Tschötschel

Photo: Johanna Tunn

Photo: Caroline Omari Lichuma

Photo: van Dülmen

Photo: Jürgen Haacks

Photo: Fred Willenbrock

Consultation hours: Please make an appointment via email.

Photo: Annika Weber

Photo: privat

Photo: M. Weinig

Photo: Weinig
Please contact me via Email for an appointment. Thank you.

Photo: UHH/Sommer

Photo: privat

Photo: Lars Meierwisch

Photo: Christian Fieberg
Academic counsels
Consultation hours will be held by phone or zoom during the 2021 summer term.
To make an appointment, please send me an email.
Teaching staff / instructors

Photo: UHH
Privatdozenten and contract university teachers

Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz
- Sociology
- (Psychosocial) Counseling

Photo: Andreas Grimmel
- European Union
- European integration
- International relations
- Political theory
Contact via Silke Boenigk

Photo: Florian Lottermoser

Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz

Visiting scholars

Photo: Anthony Cheung

Photo: privat

Photo: katharina geis

Photo: Benedicta Hermanns

Photo: Thomas Kaspereit

Photo: Lehmann-Grube

Photo: William E. Scheuerman

Photo: Ole Jacob Sending

Photo: privat

Photo: privat
Technical, administrative and library staff
- Betreuung studierende Angestellte
- Betreuung der Bibliothek des IIFS

Photo: Petra Besemann

Photo: Petra Besemann

- Sicherheitsbeauftragte:r
- Informationsmaterialien
- Web-Dienste

Photo: C. Braukmann
- Mon to Thu 9:00 am to 14:00 pm

Photo: studioline

Photo: studioline

Photo: UHH/Caesar

Photo: privat
- Please make an appointment:
Kirsten Cassau is available via email at normal office hours and personally on request.
- Due to the current situation you can only reach us by e-mail.

Photo: Alexandra Christiansen
- Monday - Friday [09:00 am - 16:00 pm]
- Publikationspflege im FIS; Ansprechperson für Fachbereich VWL, Fachbereich SozÖk/Fachgebiete VWL, BWL und Rechtswissenschaft sowie Fakultät BWL
- Coordination Profile Initiative "Violence and Security" and Team Assistent for Prof. Dr. Christine Hentschel, Prof. Dr. Susanne Krasmann, Prof. Dr. Nina Perkowski and Acting Prof. Dr. Nils Schuhmacher
- Medienbearbeitung für die Bibliothek des Zentrums GenderWissen
- Tue & Thu 13-16
- Mon & Wed (home office) 10 - 13

Photo: Katharina Fischer
Please use the reservation tool below to book an appointment. After your reservation, you receive a confirmation email with the link for the meeting.
- Please send us the document that you would like to discuss at the latest one week before the appointment (glob-gov.wiso[at] Otherwise the appointment will be canceled.
- In case you would like to write your thesis under the supervision of Prof. Wiener, please draft an exposé before the first meeting. Please adhere to the following guidelines for thesis abstracts (BA and MA).
- Möchten Sie Ihre Abschlussarbeit bei Frau Wiener schreiben, entwerfen Sie bitte vor dem ersten Treffen ein Exposé. Halten Sie sich hierzu an folgende Handreichungen zur Erstellung eines Abstracts für eine BA-/MA-Thesis.
- In case you want to discuss a large project such as a thesis, please book a second time slot.
- Please open the link a few minutes before the appointment starts and wait until you are allowed to enter.
- In case you are not able to keep the appointment, please cancel your reservation. You find the cancellation link in the email.
Monday – Friday 9 am – 12:30 pm and 1:30 pm – 4:00 pm (Monday & Friday by phone)
- Support of the departmental coordination of social economics

Photo: privat
- gen. Mon. to Thur. 9 am-10 am

Photo: privat
- gen. Monday to Thursday, 9 am-2 pm

Photo: Jonas Albrecht

Photo: Privat

- Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. (please write an email for an appointment)

- Tuesday and Thursday 02:00 - 04:00 p.m.
- By arrangement

Photo: Photo-C.Hansen
- Tuesdays and Wednesdays 09:30 - 11:00 hsr
- or on appointment/via e-mail

Photo: UHH/Sommer
- Tuesdays and Wednesdays 09:30 - 11:00 hsr
- or on appointment/via e-mail
- Zeitschriften
- Rechnungsbearbeitung
- Literaturbestellungen der Wissenschaftler:innen
- Erwerbungsvorschläge
- Betreuung studierende Angestellte
- Schulungen

Photo: privat

Photo: privat

Photo: Sabine Luckmann
- Literaturbestellungen der Wissenschaftler:innen
- Buchhandel und Lieferanten
- Handbibliotheken
- Buchbindeaufträge
- Technische Buchbearbeitung der Zeitschriften

Photo: privat
By appointment.

Photo: Carolin Scharfenberg
By appointment.
- Schulungen

Photo: Pires
- Bestandsaufbau, Geschenke
- E-Medien (E-Books, Datenbanken)
- Erwerbungsvorschläge
- Beratung und Schulungen zur wissenschaftlichen Literaturrecherche
- The office is open at irregular times. Please make an appointment by email.

Photo: UHH, RRZ/MCC, Mentz

Monday to Thursday, 9.30 AM to 2:30 PM

Photo: Privat
- By arrangement. Please contact me via email ( to arrange an appointment.
- Tue - Thu 9 - 12 a.m. and by appointment
- Katalogisierung
- Publikationspflege im FIS: Koordination und Ansprechperson für Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften und Fachbereich SozÖk/Fachgebiet Soziologie
- Ausbildungsbeauftragte
- Mon-Thu 9-15:30 (office hours, please make an appointment)
- Departmental coordination of Socio-Economic Affairs (committee support, support for personnel and financial controlling, support for departmental management)
- Mo-Do 9-15:30 Uhr (Bürozeiten, bitte Termin vereinbaren)
- Fachbereichskoordination SozÖk (Gremienbetreuung, Unterstützung Personal- und Finanzcontrolling, Unterstützung Fachbereichsleitung)
Student assistants

Photo: Drößler

Photo: Jesko Hennig

Photo: Carolin Scharfenberg

Photo: Khmel

Photo: Jonas Kubelke

Photo: Louisa Kuhn

Photo: privat

Photo: Pritha Mandal

Photo: Luzian Massarrat

Photo: F. Charalambous

Photo: Jonas Albrecht

Photo: Liliana Paroli

Photo: Jonas Albrecht

Photo: Privat

Photo: Kieran Suchanek

Photo: privat

Photo: privat

Photo: Jonas Albrecht


Photo: Jill-Baehring

Photo: Privat

Photo: Antonio Basilicata

Photo: Kristin Biesenbender

Photo: Katarina Böttcher

Photo: Foto: Sarah Brockmann

Photo: Frerich Buchholz

Photo: Felix Canitz

Photo: S. Diaf

Photo: Sheherazade Elyazidi

Photo: Marion Fischer-Neumann

Photo: Arvid Mentz

Photo: Arvid Mentz

Photo: Foto: Sarah Brockmann

Photo: Katrin Gödker

Photo: Boris Heizmann

Photo: Matti Helmrich

Photo: Helge Inselmann

Photo: Reemda Jaeschke

Photo: Privat

Photo: Laura Kollert

Photo: Franziska Sump

Photo: UHH/Dingler

Photo: Viola Logemann

Photo: Florian Lüdeke-Freund

Photo: privat

Photo: privat

Photo: Josua Oll

Photo: Privat

Photo: Dirk Pupke

Photo: privat

Photo: UHH/Reedy