Eva Luise Knor, M. A.
Photo: UHH/Sommer
Research Associate
Eva Luise Knor has been a part of the teams led by Prof. Dr. Kleinen-von Königslöw and Prof. Dr. Judith Möller at the Faculty of Business, Economic and Social Sciences since June 2023. Her research interests are:
- Political Communication
- Digital Public Sphere
- Influence and impact of artificial intelligence on the opinion formation process
Curriculum Vitae
Eva Luise Knor is a communication scientist, her research focuses on the influence of artificial intelligence on opinion diversity and the political opinion formation process.
She studied political science at the Otto-Suhr-Institute of the Free University Berlin. In her master's thesis, as part of the Political Communication program at the University of Amsterdam, she investigated the influence of warnings labels on the perception and credibility assessment of digital content generated by artificial intelligence.
Since June 2023, Eva Luise Knor has been a research associate in the two research areas of digitized communication & sustainability (Prof. Dr. Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw) and empirical communication science, media use and effects (Prof. Dr. Judith Möller) at the Universität Hamburg.
Additionally, she serves as a research assistant at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institute (HBI), working in Research Program 1 “Transformation of Public Communication – Journalistic and Intermediary Functions in the Process of Opinion Formation”.