Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel
Photo: Sandra Henninger
Chair of Public Management
Chair Holder
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By appointment
Rick Vogel has held the Chair of Public Management at Universität Hamburg since 2015. His current most important fields of research are public sector leadership, mixed governance, and institutional change in the public sector. He regularly publishes his research findings in international journals such as Organization Studies, Public Administration, and Research in the Sociology of Organizations.
Prior to his call to Hamburg, Rick was Full Professor at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen at Lake Constance. From 2005 to 2011, he was a research associate at Universität Hamburg, where he received his Venia legendi in business administration in 2011. In 2005, he completed an external doctorate with honors at the Bergische University of Wuppertal with a thesis on the institutionalization of new public management. Prior to that, he studied economics with a focus on planning and organization at the same university.
In addition to his extensive scientific expertise, Rick Vogel also possesses multifaceted practical experience, thanks to his seven years of professional practice as a consultant in administrative modernization and benchmarking in the public sector.
Vogel, R. & Werkmeister, L. (2021). What is public about public leadership? Exploring implicit public leadership theories. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 31 (1), 166–183.
Asseburg, J., Hattke, J., Hensel, D., Homberg, F. & Vogel, R. (2020). The tacit dimension of public sector attraction in multi-incentive settings. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 30 (1), 41–59.
Vogel, R., Hattke, F. & Petersen, J. (2017). Journal rankings in management and business studies: What rules do we play by? Research Policy, 46 (10), 1707–1722. Open Access
Vogel, R., Puhan, T. X., Shehu, E., Kliger D. & Beese, H. (2014). Funding decisions and entrepreneurial team diversity: A field study. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 107 (SI), 595–613.
Vogel, R. (2012). The visible colleges of management and organization studies: A bibliometric analysis of academic journals. Organization Studies, 33 (8), 1015–1043.
Journal Articles
Aunin, J., Lüde, P., Sander, I., Vogel, R., & Wiesner, J. (2024). Perceived ethical leadership and follower outcomes in the public sector: The moderating effect of followers’ need for autonomy. Public Performance & Management Review, 1–28. Open Access
Vogel, R., Vogel, D., Liegat, M. C., & Hensel, D. (2024). From social categorization to implicit citizenship theories: Advancing the socio-cognitive foundations of state-citizen interactions. Public Administration Review, 1–17. Open Access
Hesmert, L. & Vogel, R. (2024). Following your ideal leader: Implicit public leadership theories, leader-member exchange, and work engagement. Public Personnel Management (forthcoming).
Liegat, M., Hensel, D., Vogel, D. & Vogel, R. (2024). Aggressions and associations: How workplace violence affects what public employees think of citizens. Public Administration, 102 (1), 222–248. Open Access
Vogel, R. & Satzger, M. (2024). What drives the attractiveness of public and private employers? Comparative evidence from an online employer review platform. American Review of Public Administration, 54 (2), 180–197. Open Access
Vogel, R., Vogel, D., & Reuber, A. (2023). Finding a mission in bureaucracies: How authentic leadership and red tape interact. Public Administration, 101 (4), 1503–1525. Open Access
Hattke, F. & Vogel, R. (2023). Theories and theorizing in public administration: A systematic review. Public Administration Review, 83 (6), 1542–1563. Open Access Infografik
Satzger, M. & Vogel, R. (2023). Do inclusive workplace policies foster employer attractiveness? Comparative evidence from an online employer review platform. Public Personnel Management, 52 (4), 566–589. Open Access
Hesmert, L. & Vogel, R. (2023). Espoused implicit leadership and followership theories and emergent workplace relations: A factorial survey. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1123303. Open Access
Galwa, J. & Vogel, R. (2023). In search of legitimacy: Conflicting logics and identities of management consultants in public administration. Public Management Review, 25 (2), 404–428.
Cordes, J. & Vogel, R. (2023). Comparing employer attractiveness of public sector organizations to nonprofit and private sector organizations – An experimental study in Germany and the U.S. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 43 (2), 260–287. Open Access
Weißmüller, K.S., Bouwman, R. & Vogel, R. (2023). Satisficing or maximizing in public-private partnerships? A laboratory experiment on strategic bargaining. Public Management Review, 25 (7), 1282–1308.
Backhaus, L. & Vogel, R. (2022). Leadership in the public sector: A meta-analysis of styles, outcomes, contexts, and methods. Public Administration Review, 82 (6), 986–1003. Open Access
Vogel, R. & Hattke, F. (2022). A century of Public Administration: Traveling through time and topics. Public Administration, 100 (1), 17–40. Open Access
Seidenschnur, T., Galwa, J., Krücken, G. & Vogel, R. (2022). Consulting in context: Legitimacy of management consultants in public administration and at universities. management revue, 33 (1), 19–41.
Vogel, R., Göbel, M., Grewe-Salfeld, M., Herbert, B., Matsuo, Y. & Weber, C. (2022). Cross-sector partnerships: Mapping the field and advancing an institutional approach. International Journal of Management Reviews, 24 (3), 394-414. Open Access
Backhaus, L., Reuber, A., Vogel, D. & Vogel R. (2022). Giving sense about paradoxes: Paradoxical leadership in the public sector. Public Management Review, 24 (9), 1478-1498.
Hesmert, L., Hattke, F. & Vogel, R. (2022). The a priori of public leadership: Social attributions to public and private leaders in different performance contexts. Public Administration, 100 (4), 876-899. Open Access
Hattke, F., Hattke, J., Homberg, F. & Vogel, R. (2021). Civic duty and career outcomes in a career-based system: A two-wave, multisource study. International Public Management Journal, 24 (1), 86-105.
Vogel, R. & Werkmeister, L. (2021). What is public about public leadership? Exploring implicit public leadership theories. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 31 (1), 166-183.
Weißmüller, K. S. & Vogel, R. (2021). Sector-specific associations, trust, and survival of PPPs: A behavioral experiment based on the centipede game. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 31 (3), 578-595.
Vogel, D., Reuber, A. & Vogel, R. (2020). Developing a short scale to assess public leadership. Public Administration, 98 (4), 958-973. Open Access
Asseburg, J., Hattke, J., Hensel, D., Homberg, F. & Vogel, R. (2020). The tacit dimension of public sector attraction in multi-incentive settings. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 30 (1), 41-59.
Aschhoff, N. & Vogel, R. (2019). Something old, something new, something borrowed: Explaining varieties of professionalism in citizen collaboration through identity theory. Public Administration, 97 (3), 703-720.
Homberg, F., Vogel, R. & Weiherl, J. (2019). Public service motivation and continuous organizational change. Taking charge behaviour at police services. Public Administration, 97 (1), 28-47.
Veh, A., Göbel, M. & Vogel, R. (2018). Corporate reputation in management research: A review of the literature and assessment of the concept. Business Research, 12 (2), 315-353.
Hattke, F., Bögner, I. & Vogel, R. (2018). (Why) Do you trust your reviewers? Influence behaviors, trustworthiness, and commitment to peer review. Managementforschung, 28 (1), 61-86.
Seidenschnur, T., Krücken, G., Galwa, J. & Vogel, R. (2018). Berater im Spiegel des Feldes – eine professionssoziologische Rekonstruktion ihrer Legitimierung in Verwaltungen und Universitäten. Soziale Welt, 69 (1), 6-32.
Aschhoff, N. & Vogel, R. (2018). Value conflicts in co-production: Governing public values in multi-actor settings. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31 (7), 775-793.
Asseburg, J., Homberg, F. & Vogel, R. (2018). Recruitment messaging, environmental fit and public service motivation: Experimental evidence on intentions to apply for public sector jobs. International Journal of Public Sector Management, 31 (6), 689-709.
Vogel, R. & Hattke, F. (2018). How is the use of performance information related to performance of public sector professionals? Evidence from the field of academic research. Public Performance & Management Review, 41 (2), 390-414. Open Access
Hattke, F., Vogel, R. & Znanewitz, J. (2018). Satisfied with red tape? Leadership, civic duty, and career intention in the military. Public Management Review, 20 (4), 563-586.
Vogel, R., Keppeler, F. & Papenfuß, U. (2017). Arbeitgeberattraktivität öffentlicher Unternehmen aus Sicht des Führungskräftenachwuchses der Verwaltung. Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen, 40 (4). 256-282.
Petersen, J., Hattke, F. & Vogel, R. (2017). Editorial governance and journal impact: A study of management and business journals. Scientometrics, 112 (3), 1593-1614.
Vogel, R., Hattke, F. & Petersen, J. (2017). Journal rankings in management and business studies: What rules do we play by? Research Policy, 46 (10), 1707-1722. Open Access
Vogel, R., Galwa, J., Krücken, G. & Seidenschnur, T. (2016). Legitimierungsprobleme und -strategien von Managementberatern im öffentlichen Sektor. Der moderne Staat, 9 (2), 253-275.
Vogel, R., Homberg, F. & Gericke, A. (2016). Abusive supervision, public service motivation, and employee deviance: The moderating role of employment sector. Evidence-based HRM: A Global Forum for Empirical Scholarship, 4 (3), 214-231.
Seidenschnur, T., Krücken, G., Vogel, R. & Galwa, J. (2016). Beratung von Universitäten – Lernprozesse zwischen universitärem Denken und ökonomischer Logik. Hochschulmanagement, 11 (3), 66-72.
Homberg, F. & Vogel, R. (2016). Human resource management (HRM) and public service motivation (PSM): Where are we, and where do we go from here? International Journal of Manpower, 37 (5), 746-763.
Frost, J., Vogel, R. & Bagban, K. (2016). Managing interdependence in multi-business organizations: A case study of management control systems. Schmalenbach Business Review, 17 (2), 225-260.
Masal, D. & Vogel, R. (2016). Leadership, use of performance information and job satisfaction: Evidence from police services. International Public Management Journal, 19 (2), 208-234.
Göbel, M., Weber, C. & Vogel, R. (2015). Life-worlds of corporate venturing: A multiple case study on interorganisational knowledge transfer across socio-cultural barriers. International Journal of Knowledge Management Studies, 6 (3), 201-222.
Vogel, R. & Masal, D. (2015). Public leadership: A review of the literature and framework for future research. Public Management Review, 17 (7). 1165-1184.
Vogel, R. (2014). What happened to the public organization? A bibliometric analysis of public administration and organization studies. American Review of Public Administration, 44 (4), 383-408.
Vogel, R., Puhan, T. X., Shehu, E., Kliger D. & Beese, H. (2014). Funding decisions and entrepreneurial team diversity: A field study. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 107 (SI), 595-613.
Vogel, R. (2013). Tracing the quest for performance in Germany’s public sector: Institutional entrepreneurship with rhetorical strategies of persuasion. International Journal of Public Sector Performance Management, 2 (2), 123-140.
Vogel, R. & Güttel, W.H. (2013). The dynamic capability view in strategic management: A bibliometric analysis. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15 (4), 426-446.
Göbel, M., Vogel, R. & Weber, C. (2013). Management research on reciprocity: A review of the literature. Business Research, 6 (1), 34-53.
Vogel, R. (2012). Framing and counterframing New Public Management: The German case. Public Administration, 90 (2), 370-392.
Vogel, R. (2012). The visible colleges of management and organization studies: A bibliometric analysis of academic journals. Organization Studies, 33 (8), 1015-1043.
Vogel, R. (2012). Paradigms revisited: Towards a practice-based approach. Review of Contemporary Philosophy, 11, 34-41.
Vogel, R. & Masal, D. (2012). Publicness, motivation, and leadership: The dark side of private management concepts in the public sector. Administration and Public Management Review, 19, 6-16.
Vogel, R. & Masal, D. (2012). Public Sector Leadership. Wie schädlich sind Konzepte der Privatwirtschaft für den öffentlichen Sektor? Austrian Management Review, 2 (1), 78-88.
Frost, J. & Vogel, R. (2011). Change Management im Hörsaal? OrganisationsEntwicklung: Zeitschrift für Unternehmensentwicklung und Change Management, 20 (1), 3537.
Hansen, N.K. & Vogel, R. (2011). Organizational routines: A review and outlook on practice-based microfoundations. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 6 (3), 86-111.
Shehu, E. & Vogel, R. (2011). Evolutionäre Algorithmen im Marketing. Grundlagen, Bestandsaufnahme und Ausblick. Zeitschrift für Management, 6 (1), 29-51.
Vogel, R. (2011). Thomas S. Kuhn’s institutional theory of stability and change. Review of Contemporary Philosophy, 10, 80-100.
Göbel, M. & Vogel, R. (2010). Von der Verwaltungsbürokratie zum New Public Management: Leitbilder administrativer Steuerung im Wandel. Die Betriebswirtschaft, 70 (1), 75-93.
Hilgers, D., Jung, M. & Vogel, R. (2010). Leistungssteuerung und Extra-Rollen-Verhalten in der öffentlichen Verwaltung – der mediierende Effekt organisationaler Gerechtigkeit. Die Verwaltung, 43 (1), 35-62.
Vogel, R. (2010). Parallel, transfer or collaboration strategy of relating theory to practice? A case study of German public management debate. Public Administration, 88 (3), 680-705.
Puhan, T.X. & Vogel, R. (2009). Solving the innovation dilemma by creating organizational think tanks. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 10 (4), 291-300.
Vogel, R. (2009). Aufkommen und Verbreitung von New Public Management in Deutschland. Eine institutionalistische Diskursanalyse mit bibliometrischen Methoden. Der moderne Staat, 2 (2), 367-390.
Vogel, R. (2009). Paradigm shifts as ideological changes: A Kuhnian view of endogenous institutional disruption. Research in the Sociology of Organizations, 27, 85-113.
Vogel, R. & Frost, J. (2009). Innovating in the German public sector: How a think tank frames the debate on NPM. The Innovation Journal: The Public Sector Innovation Journal, 14 (2), 1-21.
Aholt, A., Queißer, C., Rowe, J. & Vogel, R. (2008). Das organisationspsychologische Fairness-Konstrukt im Marketing: Ein bibliometrischer Überblick. Zeitschrift für Management, 3 (4), 321-337.
Frost, J. & Vogel, R. (2008). Linking exploration and exploitation: How a think tank triggers a managerial innovation. International Journal of Learning and Change, 3 (4), 75-91.
Vogel, R. & Voss, K. (2008). Inhouse Consulting. Praktische Verbreitung und organisatorische Gestaltung. Zeitschrift der Unternehmensberatung, 3 (5), 216-222.
Vogel, R. (2004). Öffentliche Verwaltung in den Perspektiven interpretativer Organisationstheorie. Verwaltungsarchiv, 95 (1), 114-132.
Vogel, R. (2003). Leitbilder und ihre Grenzen. Verwaltung & Management, 9 (2), 96-98.
Vogel, R. (2003). Verwaltungsmodernisierung zwischen Struktur und Kultur. Die Relevanz „weicher Faktoren“ am Beispiel der Reform öffentlicher Gebäudewirtschaft. Verwaltungsrundschau, 49 (1), 12-17.
Koch, R., & Vogel, R. (2013). Paradigmenkonkurrenz im Public Management. Zur Kritik des Diskurses um Management-Entwicklungen. Springer.
Vogel, R. (2006). Zur Institutionalisierung von New Public Management. Disziplindynamik der Verwaltungswissenschaft unter dem Einfluss ökonomischer Theorie. Deutscher Universitätsverlag.
Book Chapters
Vogel, R. (2016). Pfadbildung, Pfadabhängigkeit, Pfadbrechung. Institutionalistische Perspektiven. In Zeppelin Universität (Eds.), Pfadabhängigkeit | 2013 Speicher | 2014: Tagungsband der studentischen Konferenz für interdisziplinäre Forschung ZUfo (pp. 9-33). Zeppelin Universität.
Kreysch, M., & Vogel, R. (2016). Motive von Jobsharern: Eine latente Klassenanalyse. In I. Krone-Germann, & A.M. Guénette (Eds.), Le Partage d'Emploi - Job sharing (pp. 289-302). L'Harmattan.
Hattke, F., Vogel, R., & Woiwode, H. (2016). When professional and organizational logics collide: Balancing invisible and visible colleges in institutional complexity. In J. Frost, F. Hattke, & M. Reihlen (Eds.), Multilevel Governance in Universities. Springer.
Vogel, R., & Hansen, N. K. (2013). Organisationsforschung nach Foucault: Eine technische Rezeptionsanalyse. In R. Hartz & M. Rätzer (Eds.), Organisationsforschung nach Foucault: Macht – Diskurs – Widerstand (pp. 127-150). transcript.
Koch, R., & Vogel, R. (2013). Einführung: Problem und Fragestellungen zum Verhältnis von Paradigmenkonkurrenz und Managementdiskurs. In R. Koch, & R. Vogel (Eds.), Paradigmenkonkurrenz im Public Management. Zur Kritik des Diskurses um Management-Entwicklungen (pp. 9-14). Springer.
Koch, R., & Vogel, R. (2013). Public management modernisation options. Towards a socio-constructivist analysis of the emergence of revisionist models to modernise the management of the state apparatus. In R. Koch, & R. Vogel (Eds.), Paradigmenkonkurrenz im Public Management. Zur Kritik des Diskurses um Management-Entwicklungen (pp. 15-29). Springer.
Vogel, R. (2013). Public Management – eine fragmentierte Adhokratie. In R. Koch, & R. Vogel (Eds.), Paradigmenkonkurrenz im Public Management. Zur Kritik des Diskurses um Management-Entwicklungen (pp. 175-195). Springer.
Koch, R., & Vogel, R. (2010). Public management modernisation options. Towards a socio-constructivist analysis of the emergence of revisionist models to modernise the management of the state apparatus. In R. Koch, P. Conrad, & W. H. Lohrig (Eds.), New Public Service (2nd ed., pp. 369-384). Gabler.
Frost, J., Morner, M., Vogel, R., & Queißer, C. (2010). Organisatorische Steuerung in Konzernen. In J. Frost, & M. Morner (Eds.), Konzernmanagement: Strategien für Mehrwert (pp. 195-297). Gabler.
Jung, M., Vogel, R., & Voss, K. (2010). Knowledge Governance von Inhouse Consulting im Konzern. In C. Niedereichholz, & J. Niedereichholz (Eds.), Inhouse Consulting (pp. 85-98). Oldenbourg Verlag.
Vogel, R. (2008). Ökonomische Imperialismen: Grenzverschiebung zwischen öffentlich und privat. In P. von Maravic, & B. P. Priddat (Eds.), Öffentlich / Privat: Verwaltung als Schnittstellenmanagement (pp. 91-115). Metropolis.
Frost, J., & Vogel, R. (2007). Organisatorische Voraussetzungen der Ergebnissteuerung. In M. Brüggemeier, R. Schauer, & K. Schedler (Eds.), Controlling und Performance Management im öffentlichen Sektor – Ein Handbuch (pp. 391-398). Haupt.
Vogel, R. (2007). Ökonomisierung des Öffentlichen? New Public Management in Theorie und Praxis der Verwaltung. In S. Jansen, B. P. Priddat, & N. Stehr (Eds.), Die Zukunft des Öffentlichen. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven für eine Öffnung der Diskussion über das Öffentliche (pp. 152-174). VS Verlag.
Andeßner, R., Greiling, D., & Vogel, R. (Eds.). (2016). Public sector management in a globalized world. Springer Gabler.
Homberg, F., & Vogel, R. (Eds.). (2016). HRM and public service motivation. International Journal of Manpower, 37 (5).
Frost, J., Kasper, H., & Vogel, R. (Eds.). (2008). Knowledge management in research-intensive organizations. International Journal of Learning and Change, 3 (4).
Discussion Papers
Vogel, R. (2011). Exploration und Exploitation: Stand und Perspektiven der internationalen Diskussion. Diskussionspapiere des Schwerpunktes Unternehmensführung, 3 (10). Hamburg.
Vogel, R., & Hansen, N. K. (2010). Organisationale Identität: Bibliometrische Diskursanalyse und Ausblick auf einen praxistheoretischen Zugang. Diskussionspapiere des Schwerpunktes Unternehmensführung, 2 (3). Hamburg.
Research and Teaching
- Behavioral foundations of public service production
- Public sector leadership
- Control of public organizations
- Institutional change in the public sector
- Cross-sectoral partnerships
- Interdisciplinary Master Course
- Introduction Public and Nonprofit Management
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership
- PhD-Track
- Public Management
- Research colloquium "PUNO & Friends"
- Research Project
- Theoretical and practical Aspects of Public and Nonprofit Management