Previous semesters
Winter semester 2024/25
- Foundations Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture | MSc PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Sandra Henninger | Lecture | BA Sozialökonomie
- Theoretical and Practical Implications of Public and Nonprofit Management | Finn Hollberg | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
Summer semester 2024
- Creative Bureaucracy | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- The Interactions Between State and Citizens: Stereotypes and Implicit Theories | Anne Dahlweg | Seminar | BA Sozialökonomie
- Digital Innovation in the Public Sector | Sandra Henninger | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- GIPA@UHH - German and Georgian Perspectives on Public Administration & Policy | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Crisis Management by Public Organizations | Finn Hollberg | Seminar | BA Sozialökonomie
- Public und Nonprofit Management | Finn Hollberg, Melissa Satzger, Sandra Henninger, N.N. | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Sozialökonomie
- Rush2Rome – International Master Workshop | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
Winter semester 2023/24
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course 2 | Melissa Satzger, Finn Hollberg | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Interdisziplinary Master Course | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Nils Geib | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Charlotte Aßmann | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture | MSc PUNO
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Dr. Leonie Backhaus | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Trip2Taiwan: Exploring Public Sectors Abroad | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
Summer semester 2023
- Creative Bureaucracy | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Digital Transformation in the Public Sector | Sandra Henninger, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Go2Georgia - Exploring Public Sectors Abroad | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course 1 | Melissa Satzger, Finn Hollberg | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Dr. Leonie Backhaus | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Organizational Behavior: Current Issues and Challenges in Public Management | Seminar | Melissa Satzger | BA Socioeconomics
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Sandra Henninger, Nils Geib, Finn Hollberg | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Research Project (Part 2) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Laura Sophie Hesse | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Rush2Rome - International Master Workshop | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO, MA HRM, MA MIBAS
Winter semester 2022/23
- Interdisziplinary Master Course | Nils Lukas Geib, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | MSc PUNO
- Organizational Behavior: Current Issues and Challenges in the Public Sector | Melissa Satzger | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Sandra Henninger, Charlotte Aßmann | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Public and NPO Methods | Sandra Henninger, Dr. David Hensel | Lecture and tutorial | MSc PUNO
- Research Project (Part 1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Laura Sophie Hesse | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Theoretical and Practical Implications of Public and Nonprofit Management | Melissa Satzger, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
Summer semester 2022
- Human Resource Development in the Public Sector | Leonie Backhaus | Seminar |BA Socioeconomics
- International Master-Workshop | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Prof. Dr. Fabian Homberg | Seminar | MA HRM
- Leadership in Public Organizations | Leonie Backhaus, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Organizational Behavior: Current Issues and Challenges in the Public Sector | Melissa Satzger | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- PhD Track | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Prof. Dr. Dominik Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Laura Hesse, Melissa Satzger | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Research Project (Part 2) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk | Seminar | MSc PUNO
Winter semester 2021/22
- Human Resource Management in the Public Sector | Jana Cordes, Dr. David Hensel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Human Resource Development in the Public Sector | Leonie Backhaus | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | MA HRM
- Public and NPO Methods | Dr. David Hensel, Jana Cordes | Lecture and tutorial | MSc PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Laura Sophie Hesse, Melissa Satzger | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Research Project (part 1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Theoretical and Practical Implications of Public and Nonprofit Management | Leonie Backhaus, Jana Cordes | Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
Summer semester 2021
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Leonie Backhaus, Nils Lukas Geib, Laura Sophie Hesse | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Research Project (part 2) Group B | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Laura Werkmeister | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public & Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Dominik Vogel, Jana Cordes | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Training and Development in the Public Sector | Leonie Backhaus | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
Winter semester 2020/21
- Human Resource Management in the Public Sector | Jana Cordes | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course "Working Together: Leadership and Team Spirit 4.0" | Leonie Backhaus | Proseminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Organizing in Times of Crisis | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | M.Sc. PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Public and NPO Methods | Jana Cordes, Peter Schubert | Lecture and tutorial | M.Sc. PUNO
- Public Corporate Governance | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | M.Sc. PUNO
- Research Project (part 1) | Laura Werkmeister | Seminar | M.Sc. PUNO
- The Age of Alliances: An Introduction to Cross-sector Partnerships | Yuka Matsuo | Seminar | M.Sc. PUNO
Summer semester 2020
- Human Resource Management in the Public Sector | Jana Cordes | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course "Working Together: Leadership and Team Spirit 4.0" | Leonie Backhaus | Proseminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Open Space | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Leonie Backhaus | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Public Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Laura Werkmeister | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Research Project (part 2) Group C | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
Winter semester 2019/20
- Hamburg days of foundation and nonprofit law | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | M.Sc. PUNO
- Interdisciplinary Master Course | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Laura Werkmeister a.o. | Lecture and tutorial | M.Sc. PUNO
- Organizational Behavior & Leadership | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | M.A. HRM
- Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Jana Cordes | Lecture and tutorial | B.A. Soz.-Ök.
- Public and NPO Methods | Jana Cordes, Peter Schubert | Lecture and tutorial | M.Sc. PUNO
- Public Corporate Governance | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | M.Sc. PUNO
- Public Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Laura Werkmeister | Seminar | B.A. Soz.-Ök.
- PUNO et Orbi | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | PhD-Program | Research colloquium
- Research Project (part 1) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | M.Sc. PUNO
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public and Nonprofit Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Jana Cordes | Lecture and tutorial | B.A. Soz.-Ök.
Summer semester 2019
- Development Management & Governance: The Case of the Philippines | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course Public Leadership | Laura Werkmeister | Proseminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Open Space | N.N./ Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management, intermediate course (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Artur Reuber, Meikel Soliman | lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Research Project (part 2, group C) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public und Nonprofit Management, advanced course (PUNO2) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Laura Werkmeister | lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
Winter semester 2018/19
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course | Laura Werkmeister | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics
- Interdisciplinary Master Course | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture | MSc PUNO
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | MA HRM
- PhD-Track | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management, intermediate course business administration (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Aaron Adrian Kreimer, Artur Reuber | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics
- Public Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Research Project (part 1) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
Summer semester 2018
- Research Project (Part 2, Group A) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO
- Public and Nonprofit Management, Intermediate course business administration (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Nils Aschhoff, Julia Galwa | Lecture and tutorial | B.A. Soz.-Ök.
Winter semester 2017/18
- Behavioral Public Administration: Psychology in Public Management Research, advanced course PUNO (PUNO3) | Kristina Weißmüller | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.942.172
- Interdisciplinary Foundation Course (2nd Part) | Nils Aschhoff | Proseminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-01.941.172
- Interdisciplinary Master Course | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture | MSc PUNO | 23-37.101.172
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership| Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | MA HRM | 23-34.903.172
- PhD-Track | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO | 23-37.701.172
- Practical course: Public and Nonprofit Methods | Julia Asseburg | Tutorial | MSc PUNO | 23-37.201.172
- Public and Nonprofit Management, intermediate course business administration (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Peter Schubert, Kristina Weißmüller | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-11.910.172
- Public Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO | 23-37.401.172
- Research colloquium "PUNO & Friends" | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Colloquium | PhD
- Research project (part 1, group A) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO | 23-37.311.172
- Selected Problems in Public and Nonprofit Management: Research practice for beginners, advanced course PUNO (PUNO5) | Julia Asseburg | Lecture | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.944.172
- Theoretical and practical Aspects of Public and Nonprofit Management, advanced course PUNO (PUNO2) | Artur Reuber | Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.941.172
Summer semester 2017
- Public and Nonprofit Management, intermediate course business administration (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Aaron Kreimer, Artur Reuber | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-11.922.171
- Public and Nonprofit Management, advanced course PUNO (PUNO2) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Julia Asseburg | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.942.171
- Human Resource Management in the public sector, advanced course PUNO (PUNO3) | Julia Asseburg | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.941.171
- Selected issues dof Public and Nonprofit Management: Research practice for beginners, advanced course PUNO (PUNO5) | Julia Asseburg | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.940.171
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course 1 | Nils Aschhoff | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-01.932.171
- Research project (part 2, group B) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO | 23-37.321.171
- Interdisciplinary Master Course 2 | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Nils Aschoff | Lecture and tutorial | MSc PUNO | 23-37.102.171
- Public, Nonprofit and Health Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Paper development workshop | PhD program
Winter semester 2016/17
- Public and Nonprofit Management (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Nils Aschhoff, Aaron Kreimer | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-11.920.162
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course | Nils Aschhoff | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-01.952.162
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and tutorial | MA HRM | 23-34.903.162
- Research project (part 1, group B) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO | 23-37.321.162
- Interdisciplinary Master Course | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Kristina Weißmüller | Lecture and tutorial | MSc PUNO | 23-37.101.162
- Public Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | MSc PUNO | 23-37.401.162
Summer semester 2016
- Introduction Public and Nonprofit Management (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Marcel Mayr, Kristina Weißmüller | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-11.924.161
- Interdisciplinary Introductory Course 1 | Nils Aschhoff | BA Socioeconomics | 23-01.935.161
- Public Management (PUNO3) | Nils Aschhoff | Lecture and tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.941.161
- Public, Nonprofit and Health Management | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Paper development workshop | GS PhD program | 20-201.31
Winter semester 2015/16
- Consulting in the public sector (PUNO5) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.956.152
- Introduction Public and Nonprofit Management (PUNO1) | Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk, Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Marcel Mayr, Kristina Weißmüller | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-11.932.152
- Public Management (PUNO3) | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel, Nils Aschhoff | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.951.152
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel | Lecture and Tutorial | MA HRM | 23-34.904.152
- Public Management specialization: Human Resource Management in the public sector | Julia Asseburg | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.955.152
Summer semester 2015
- Introduction Public and Nonprofit Management (PUNO1) | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-11.923.151
- Public Management (PUNO3) | Lecture and Tutorial | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.947.151
- Public Leadership (PUNO5) | Seminar | BA Socioeconomics | 23-21.945.151
- Organizational Behavior and Leadership | Lecture and Tutorial | MA HRM | 23-34.910.151