Hendrik Meyer, M.A.
Photo: UHH/HendrikMeyer
Research Associate
Hendrik Meyer joined Prof. Brüggemann's team at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences in May 2021.
His research interests lie primarily in the study of structures and amplifications of media-networked political discourses - especially their supposed "polarisation". He is also interested in how the society negociates social media and platform regulations as well as public discourses on media technologies based on algorithms and so-called "artificial intelligence".
Currently, he is also working on the data processing and analysis of the project "Climate Futures" in the Cluster of Excellence CLICCS and researching potential polarisation dynamics of (climate) political online discourses.
For his dissertation, he plans to analyse and classify findings generated from this research through communication studies and network sociology.
Curriculum Vitae
Time |
Education and Position |
Since May 2021 |
Research Associate at the Chair of Prof Michael Brüggemann: "Communication Studies, esp. Climate and Science Communication“ - Universität Hamburg |
2018 – 2021 |
Master of Arts: Media Culture and Globalisation - Universität Bremen Master thesis: „Dynamiken des Twitter-Diskurses über den G20-Gipfel in Hamburg 2017 – Eine Analyse der Strukturen und Amplifikationen ideologisch-geprägter Kommunikationsnetzwerke in Zeiten von Protest und Gewalt" |
2014 – 2018 |
Bachelor of Arts: Art and Media Studies, English/American Studies - Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg Bachelor thesis: „Das Dispositiv Trump/Twitter – Eine Analyse der Relation von Politik und Social Media am Beispiel der Tweets von Donald Trump im Kontext des US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampfs 2016“ |
2/2020 |
Student Assistant/Research Assistant of Prof Dr Cornelius Puschmann at the ZeMKI (Centre for Media-, Communication- and Information Research Bremen |
3/2020 |
Student Assistant/Research Assistant of Dr Juliane Jarke at the ifib (Institute for Information Management, Bremen) |
2015 |
Tutor at the Universities of Oldenburg and Bremen |
4/2019 |
Student Assistant in the research project of the ZeMKI (Centre for Media, Communication and Information Research) Bremen |
9/2019 |
Student Assistant: Co-organisation and realisation of the conference "Data Power 2019" at the Universität Bremen |
2015 |
Occasional work as an illustrator: creation of commissioned works, illustrations, company/club logos and graphics (www.hendrikpanda.com) |