Mathias Denecke
Photo: denecke
Research associate
Academic biography
Mathias Denecke, MA, is a research associate in the project “Mediale Kulturen des Streamings: Temporalität, Infrastruktur und Bewertung” headed by Urs Stäheli. The project is part of the DFG Research Unit “Media and Participation. Between demand and entitlement” (FOR 2252). In 2014, after completing a degree in Literature-Art-Media at the University of Konstanz (DE), Denecke took up his doctoral studies at Leuphana University Lüneburg. His doctoral project Flow-Kalküle – Übertragungsprobleme in digitalen Kulturen investigates how the terms “flow” and “stream” are applied in recent contributions to cultural and media studies. His research shows that targeted uses of “flowing” and “streaming” as an argumentative resource in building theories often do not consider power structures. Denecke’s key research areas are media theory, data transfer infrastructures, and conceptual participation and metaphor theory.
Denecke, Mathias/Ganzert, Anne/Otto, Isabell/Stock, Robert (Hg.) (2016): ReClaiming Participation: Technology – Mediation – Collectivity. Bielefeld: transcript.
Denecke, Mathias (submitted): «Work it.» In: Schreiber, Michel/Stürmer, Milan (Hg.): Postmedia and Participation. Augenblick. Marburg: Schüren.
Denecke, Mathias (submitted): Flows of People. Comments on migration discourse through the video Bibby Challenge. In: Bippus, Elke/Ganzert, Anne/Otto, Isabell (Hg.): Taking Sid/tes. Bielefeld: transcript.
Denecke, Mathias (2020): Flows and Streams of Data: Notes on Metaphors in Digital Cultures. In: Burkhardt, Marcus/Shnayien, Mary/Grashöfer, Katja (Hg.): Explorations in Digital Cultures. Lüneburg: meson press.
Denecke, Mathias (2017): Zuschauerfiguren zwischen Flow und Internet-TV: Vom Ver-fließen der Differenz. In: Montage AV 1/2017. Marburg: Schüren, 17-27.
Otto, Isabell/Denecke, Mathias (2013): WhatsApp und das prozessuale Interface: Zur Neugestaltung von Smartphone-Kollektiven. In: Sprache und Literatur 111 (44), 14-29.
Denecke, Mathias (2013): Zirkulierende Spotify-Playlisten als Visualisierung und Kata-lysator von attachement zwischen Usern, Milieu und Geschmack. In: Augen-Blick: Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft 58, 42-53.
Reviews and workshop reports
Denecke, Mathias/Hille, Laura (2020): Tagungsbericht Windkanäle: Wissen, Politik und Ästhetik bewegter Luft. 07.11.2019–08.11.2019, Lüneburg, in: H-Soz-Kult 17.01.2020.
Denecke, Mathias (2016): Rezension im erweiterten Forschungskontext. Samuel Sie-ber: Macht und Medien: Zur Diskursanalyse des Politischen. In: MEDIENwissenschaft Rezensionen 3, 318-324.
Denecke, Mathias (2016): Review. Cubitt, Sean/Palmer, Daniel/Tkacz, Nathaniel (Hg.) (2015): Digital Light. Open Humanities Press. In: Culture Machine. Online: