Prof. William E. Scheuerman, Indiana University
Photo: William E. Scheuerman
Guest Researcher (June 2013)
Professor William E. Scheuerman has been granted a one-month fellowship at CGG within the context of the international exchange programme of the University of Hamburg and the renowned Indiana University (IU). During his stay his research will focus on „Cosmopolitanism and (Postnational) Stateness“.
Please find the project's abstract below:
Pace the general tendency among advocates of democratic "global governance" to downplay the potential virtues of state or state-like political structures at the postnational or global level, the project investigates the likelihood that effective -- as well as legitimate -- decision making will likely to continue to rely on substantial forms of "stateness" The concept of postnational "stateness" is formulated as an alternative to traditional (especially: Weberian) conceptions of the state, which not only get in the way of creative thinking about postnational state formation, but also lead advocates of global governance to obscure the ways in which their proposals sometimes require state-like institutional attributes.
Academic career info at a glance:
Professor Scheuermann has been „Professor of Political Science and West European Studies“ at the IU since 2006. His research focuses, inter alia, on the interface of Political Theory and International Relations as well as on law.