Knowledge exchange
Knowledge exchange is part of the institutional identity of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. The Faculty can refer to a large number of knowledge exchange actors and activities that have been carried out in the past, will be continued in the future and supplemented by new activities.
Knowledge exchange actors and activities in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences are characterized by a strong plurality, which results from the diversity of subjects and interdisciplinary research orientation of the faculty. In general, knowledge exchange can be understood as a research-based, dialogical exchange process with actors from politics, business and administration as well as culture, art and civil society. Research results are developed cooperatively or co-creatively with non-university stakeholders and transferred to non-scientific contexts. Existing research is empirically enriched through exchange with society and the development of new research topics is stimulated.
The faculty has particular expertise in the field of “social innovation” as a sub-aspect of knowledge exchange activities. The idea of social innovation is suitable for communicating the central importance of cooperation between scientists and other stakeholders, from the identification of problems to possible processing strategies and the desired impact. Social innovations change society in many ways - such as in forms of living together (e.g. multi-generational houses), consumption (e.g. sharing economy) or work (e.g. coworking).