Laura Lüth, M.A.
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Research Associate
Office hours
Laura Lüth also supervises Bachelor's theses
Research Interests
Comparative Welfare State Research, Feminist Perspectives, (Active) Social Citizenship, Social Investment, EU Social Policies, Comparative Institutional Analysis, Qualitative interpretative Methods
European Social Policy Network (ESPAnet) Germany: Social policy and crises – multiple perspectives (doctoral workshop): The ‘Managerial Family’? Shifting Ideas on Familial Care Work. Wissenschaftszentrum für Sozialforschung Berlin (WZB), 17.03.23.
PhD programme in Politics, Policies and International Relations at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Activating the Family - Family Models in Times of Social Investment, 22.11.22.
German Sociological Association (DGS): Polarized Care Worlds. Societal Negotitations of Care Gaps (Ad-Hoc Group): The ‘Managerial Family’-New Forms of Social Recognition for Familial Care Work. Bielefeld: 30.09.22.
European Social Policy Network (ESPAnet): Reconsidering concepts and ideas in welfare state policies (stream), accepted for presentation and paper: The ‘Managerial Family’? Shifting Ideas of Familial Care Work. Wien, 14.09.22.
German Social Science Association for Labor Market Research (SAMF): „Shifting Ideas of Familial Care Work – Moral economies of Social Investment” (Doctoral Workshop/ Poster Presentation at the associations’ annual conference). Berlin, 18.05.22 – 19.05.22.
German Sociological Association/Austrian Sociological Association (DGS/ÖGS): Family and Partnership in times of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Section of family policy): Parents between Homeoffice and child care – restructuring of labor division and gender arrangements? Vienna [online], 23.08.2021.
International Public Policy Conference (IPPA): Family Complexity and Social Policy around the World (stream), accepted for presentation and paper: Activating the Family – Family Models in Active Social Citizenship. Barcelona [online], 08.07.2021.
European Social Policy Network (ESPAnet): Unintended consequences of family policies (stream), accepted for presentation and paper: Activating the family – familial social rights in times of social investment. Leuven [online], 31.08.-03.09.2021.
European Sociological Association (ESA): Intersectionality, the Welfare State, and Women’s Work (RN-session), accepted for presentation: Activating the family – familial social rights in times of social investment. Barcelona [online], 31.08.-03.09.2021.
Open to the Public
Podcast: Family care work and the importance of state institutions In the "Young Research" series of the science podcast "In der Wirtschaft", Laura Lüth talks to Julia C. Cremer about her dissertation.