Keyword Index
Academic Leave
Academic Office Faculty of Business Administration
Accademic Office Departmement of Economics
Academic Office Department of Social Sciences (in German only)
Accident Report
Application procedure BA Socioeconomics (in German only)
Application procedure MA Labor, Economy and Society (in German only)
Application procedure MA Human Resource Management (in German only)
Application procedure MA International Business and Sustainability
Application procedure MA Interdisciplinary Public and Nonprofit Studies (in German only)
Application procedure MSc Health Economics and Health Care Management (in German only)
Application to a higher subject semester BA Socioeconomics (in German only)
Authorization (in German only) (PDF)
Bachelor ´s thesis (in German only)
BA Socioeconomics (in German only)
BAföG: certificate pursuant to Section 48 of the German Federal Education and Training (in German only)
Career Center
Change of address
Coaching (in German only)
Compensation for disadvantages
Complaints Office for exam matters
Contact Academic Office/Studienbüro Sozialökonomie
Course catalog (STiNE)
Corona virus - Information of the university [Questions about the Corona virus and ist impacts on University of Hamburg]
Elective areas of the Master ´s Programs
Elective area: registering (students from other departements/faculties) (in German only)
Enrollment and withdrawal
Erasmus (outgoing) (in German only)
Examination Manager BA Socioeconomics
Examination Regulations (in German only)
Extending the completion period for coursework
Extending the completion period for Bachelor ´s thesis (in German only)
Extending the completion period for Master ´s thesis
Extracurrular activities and accomplishments (in German only)
International Office (Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences)
International opportunities (Department of International Affairs at University of Hamburg)
Internship Master HRM (in German only)
Internship Master PUNO (in German only)
Office and Opening Hours Academic Office Socioeconomics (Studienbüro Sozialökonomie)
Oral Exam
Orientation activities (Campus Center)
Re-enrollment at University of Hamburg
Retake Exam
Rentenversicherungsbescheinigung (in German only)
Recogniton of completed coursework and examinations
Recognition of language courses
Registering for and withdrawing from courses and examinations
Registering for and withdrawing from exams in the bachelor ´s program (in German only)
Registering for and withdrawing from exams in the master ´s programs
Registration period
Regulations for written examinations (Klausurordnung des Fachbereichs Sozialökonomie vom 22.01.2014 mit Änderungen vom 02.07.2014) (PDF) (in German only)
Return of Examination Coursework
Service for Students (Campus Center)
Semester re-enrollment
Semester of Academic Leave
Sick Note
Specialisation in the BA Socioeconomics (in German only)
STiNE - Study Information Network
Studienbüro Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Faculty of Business Administration)
Studienbüro Sozialwissenschaften (in German only)
Studienbüro Volkswirtschaftslehre (Departement Economics)
Study Guide BA Socioeconomics (in German only)
Study Guide MA AWG (in German only)
Study Guide MA HRM (in German only)
Study Guide MA MIBAS
Study Guide MA PUNO (in German only)
Study Guide MSc HEHCM (in German only)
Studying Abroad ("Outgoing")
Studying as a parent
Studying without a highschool diploma (in German only)
Subject-specific Provisions (Fachspezifische Bestimmungen)/Examination Regulations (in German only)
Submission of examination coursework
Supervisor for Bachelor ´s thesis (in German only)
Supervisor für Master ´s thesis
Verification (in German only)