Enrollment is a prerequisite for studying at University of Hamburg in accordance with Section 2, subsection 1 of the Enrollment Regulations (Immatrikulationsordnung der University of Hamburg). In addition, section 9 (3) of the examination regulations defines enrollment in the respective degree program as a prerequisite for attending module examinations and the final thesis. This requirement also applies to modules offered by other programs. This also includes registering for examinations and taking examinations (including submitting your final thesis).
Your university username (B-Kennung) and thus your access to STiNE, the use of your university email account to submit your final thesis or contact the Academic Office, and the submission of online applications are dependent on enrollment.
Enrollment is therefore mandatory at least until you submit your final thesis or take your last examination.
We recommend that you remain enrolled until the final assessment is published in STiNE. Late semester reenrollment is possible against payment of a fee in order to be able to register for a repeat examination if necessary.
Contact the Campus Center for information about semester reenrollment and withdrawing.