Nonprofit Management and Leadership
The Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the UN in 2015 are highly aligned with the public benefit-oriented missions of nonprofit organizations (NPO). For example, fighting poverty, promoting sports and the arts, protecting animals and the environment, and more. However, to consistently pursue their missions, NPO must overcome several management and leadership challenges. Numerous sub-topics can be included under the management umbrella, such as developing volunteer recruitment strategies or even succession planning strategies, responding to crises such as COVID-19, collaboration between NPO and the public sector, the issue of digitization in the NPO sector, and more. Numerous questions also arise in the area of nonprofit leadership, such as: What does effective leadership in the nonprofit sector look like today? What leadership styles, characteristics and skills do NPO leaders need to have today and in the future? And to what extent can innovative leadership constructs and strategies for coping with current leadership requirements at the various hierarchical levels of NPO be derived or further developed through theory-led empirical research contributions?
The project "Nonprofit Management and Leadership" addresses these questions and related research contributions. It identifies leadership as a core area of sustainable organizational development and aims at contemporary scientific contributions in the management and leadership discourse of NPO. Currently, work is underway on a project study focusing on strategic succession management in NPO.
Geib, N., & Boenigk, S. (2022). Improving Nonprofit Succession Management for Leadership Continuity: A Shared Leadership Approach. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, online first. DOI:
Schubert, P., Ressler, R. W., Paarlberg, L., Boenigk, S. (2022). The Evolution of the Nonprofit Research Field: An Emerging Scholar Perspective. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(1) DOI:
Schubert, P. & Boenigk, S. (2021). Pressure, Cost Accounting, and Resource Allocations: Experimental Evidence on Nonprofit Financial Decision Making. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50(6), 1216-1238. DOI: 10.1177/089976402110032.
Helmig, B., & Boenigk, S. (2019). Nonprofit Management, 2. Aufl., München: Franz Vahlen Verlag (, Auszeichnung mit dem VHB- Lehrbuchpreis).
Mayr, M. L. & Boenigk, S. (2019): Knowledge Management in Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Transactive Memory and Employee Perspective, Festschrift für Dieter K. Tscheulin, Zeitschrift für öffentliche und gemeinwirtschaftliche Unternehmen (ZögU), 42 Jg., Nr. 1-2, 155-175. (Link).
- Project lead: Prof. Dr. Silke Boenigk
- Sponsor: -