Photo: studioline
Professorship for Human Resources and Gender, Equal Opportunity Representative of the Faculty
Business Administration
Von-Melle-Park 9
20146 Hamburg
Room: B427
Tel: +49 40 42838-2777
Office hours
By appointment
Equal opportunity team
Prof. Rastetter
Business Administration
Von-Melle-Park 9
20146 Hamburg
Room: B436a
Tel: +49 40 42838-2174
Photo: studioline
Research Associate, Deputy Equal Opportunity Representative
Business Administration
Von-Melle-Park 9
20146 Hamburg
Room: B436
Tel: +49 40 42838-2235
Office hours
By appointment
Photo: Christian Fieberg
Lecturer, stellvertr. Gleichstellungsbeauftragte
Rentzelstraße 7
20146 Hamburg
Room: 205a
Photo: UHH/Mentz
Research Associate
Social Sciences, Sociology
Allende-Platz 1
20146 Hamburg
Room: 402
Photo: UHH/Sommer
Senior Research Associate
Social Sciences
Journalism and Mass Communication
Sedanstr. 19
20146 Hamburg
Room: 419
Tel: +49 40 42838-3821
Office hours
Wednesdays 9:30 - 10:30 hrs
Photo: Yannick Mangold
Research Associate
Von-Melle-Park 5
20146 Hamburg
Room: 2112 (ascent B)
Tel: +49 40 42838-3244
Office hours
Monday, 11 - 12 a.m.
Key aspects of activity
- History of Economic Thought