Bachelor Thesis Topics
Dear Bachelor Students of the Department of Socioeconomics,
we, the team of the chair of Silke Boenigk, are pleased to present you a List of Current Bachelor Thesis Topics as a PDF (as of April 2023). The topics are especially aimed at students specializing in "Market-Oriented Management and Public Management" or "Public Management". However, it is also possible to write your bachelor thesis with us if you have chosen a different specialization. If you are interested in one of the topics, please read our Thesis Guidelines as PDF (only available in German) and decide whether you would like to register for the corresponding topic.
We only supervise bachelor theses on nonprofit management by those students who have already attended a seminar with us, e.g. Service Learning or Nonprofit Research: Questionnaire Design and SPSS. In this way, we ensure that you are already optimally familiarized with the topic of writing a scientific paper.
To register for a bachelor thesis at our chair please outline your ideas and send a short email to Prof. Silke Boenigk. Please briefly describe the problem, objective and approach of your thesis. If your ideas and suggestions enrich our research program, we will then help you to narrow down your problem and approach in a personal meeting.
In case you are interested in another topic on which you would like to write your bachelor thesis, and you already have first contacts to public or nonprofit organizations that would support your topic, it is possible to hand in your own topic proposal.
With this in mind, we wish you every success in writing your Bachelor's thesis.
With kind regards
Prof. Dr. Silke Boenig
PS: On the website of Prof. Dr. Rick Vogel you will find Further Topics on Public Management.