Support and funding
Funding for 2024
In 2024, the office of the dean will once again provide funding for doctoral candidates in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. We are very happy about these resources and hope they contribute to creating the conditions required for first-class research.
Thus, in 2024 the Graduate School can provide funding for:
- participation in (online-) scientific conferences
- participation in (online-) summer schools or (online-) workshops
- fieldwork and research stays
- direct research needs (acquisition of data sets or assumption of transcription costs)
- proofreading of English-language texts
In 2024, the maximum funding amount per doctoral candidate is €750. This can be distributed among several projects.
Decisions about funding are made based on the available funding and funding criteria. Applications for funding can be submitted to the Graduate School office at the latest by November 15th, 2024. The invoices and receipts (as well as travel expense claims when travelling) must be submitted to the Graduate School office at the latest by December 1st, 2024. Financial support for events taking place in 2025 is not possible. Please note that doctoral research assistents must submit the application for reimbursement of a work-related travel no later than 6 months after the end of the travel (6-month period).
See downloads (doctoral support) for more information and application forms.
Funding for 2022
In 2022, the office of the dean will once again provide funding for doctoral candidates in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences. We are very happy about these resources and hope they contribute to creating the conditions required for first-class research.
Thus, in 2022 the Graduate School can provide funding for:
- participation in (online-) scientific conferences
- participation in (online-) summer schools or (online-) workshops
- fieldwork and research stays
- direct research needs (to procure data sets or cover transcription costs)
- proofreading and editing of texts in English
In 2022, the maximum funding amount per doctoral candidate is €1.250. This can be distributed among several projects.
Decisions about funding are made based on the available funding and funding criteria. Applications for funding can be submitted to the Graduate School office at the latest by November 15th, 2022. The invoices and receipts must be submitted to the Graduate School office at the latest by December 1st, 2022. Financial support for events taking place in 2023 is not possible.
See downloads (doctoral support) for more information and application forms.
Office Space for Doctoral Students at Max-Brauer-Allee 60
There are a total of twenty workstations for doctoral students of the WiSo Faculty at Max-Brauer-Allee 60. The workstations encompass computers, software, printers, bookshelves and cabinet space, and meeting areas.
Doctoral students in the WiSo Faculty who do not yet have their own workstation at Universität Hamburg and would like to use this office space are welcome to apply. To do so, please fill out the Application to Use a Room for Doctoral Work at MBA 60 and send it via email to or per post.
Further documents and information
Application to use a workstation at MBA 60 PDF (0.3 MB) |
Welcome to MBA 60 PDF (0.3 MB) |
Lobby of Max-Brauer-Allee 60 | Workstations for doctoral students at Max-Brauer-Allee 60 |
Förderung durch die Universität Hamburg
Doctoral scholarships according to the HmbNFG as of April 2014.
Twice a year, the University of Hamburg awards doctoral scholarships in the amount of 1200 euros per month in accordance with the Hamburg Act for the Promotion of Young Academics and Artists. The prerequisite for the award of a scholarship is that the studies have been completed with above-average grades and that the doctorate is supervised at the University of Hamburg. A distinction is made between a basic scholarship lasting up to two years and a final scholarship lasting one year.
Click here for more information on doctoral scholarships.
Hamburglobal PhD
With funding from the Excellence Strategy, Hamburglobal PhD provides research grants of up to 2 months for doctoral students at Universität Hamburg. The doctoral work must have links to one of Universität Hamburg’s core research areas, emerging fields, or profile initiatives. Funding is available for research stays at any of Universität Hamburg’s strategic partner universities or other excellent research institutions abroad. The grants may also be used to fund presentations at conferences or for short virtual formats.
You can find more information on the Hamburglobal PhD website or contact Sophie Raatz(sophie.raatz"AT", Outgoing Students Team, Department of International Affairs.
Information for international students about the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The DAAD has informed us that for an initial two-year test phase non-German students and university graduates enrolled in a degree program at a German university with the goal of completing a degree or a doctorate at a German university may receive financial support from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung, BMBF) through the PROMOS scholarship program to study abroad during their studies. However, students may not receive funding for stays in their home countries (country of citizenship shown in their identification documents).
We would therefore like to point out that for study trips planned between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2016 the documentation listed in Section 8 of the German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz, BAföG) is not required. Instead, proof of enrollment as described above will be sufficient.
Information on the Körber Fund for Young Researchers
Informationen zur Körber-Fonds Nachwuchsförderung
Die Förderung durch den Körber-Fonds gilt auch weiterhin, der nächste Bewerbungsschluss ist der 1. März 2016. Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Financial support for Postdocs
Postdocs are eligible for financial support in the form of EU research grants.
Other types of funding
Doctoral scholarships in accordance with the Hamburg Act for the Promotion of Young Researchers (HmbNFG) as of April 2014
Universität Hamburg awards two doctoral scholarships annually in accordance with the Hamburg Act for the Promotion of Young Researchers (HmbNFG). The grants are worth €1,200 per month. You are eligible for a scholarship if you have completed your studies with above-average grades and your doctoral studies are being supervised at Universität Hamburg. There are two different types of scholarships, namely a basic scholarship of up to two years and a one-year completion scholarship.
You can find more information about these scholarships here.
Funding from the Bundesbank
The headquarters in Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pommerania and Schleswig-Holstein put out calls every year for outstanding dissertations and final theses (Diplom or master’s theses) related to economics and business and touching upon matters of major concern to a central bank, e.g., the European Monetary Union, monetary policy, monetary foreign trade, public finance, banking, financial markets, or financial stability. Please read the calls for details.
Funding from the DAAD: Programm des Projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs (PPP)
The central goal of this program is to initiate or intensify research cooperation between German and international universities and/or research institutions in order to strengthen academic ties. Particular value is placed on providing young researchers with further qualifications.
The program fosters mobility and short-term research stays for members of the participating institutions, particularly young researchers, in the name of research exchange. If nothing has been agreed upon otherwise with the international partner, DAAD funds may be used to cover travel expenses and short research stays at foreign partner institutions for the members of German research groups.
Graduate students (master’s programs), doctoral students, postdocs, academics with a Habilitation, and university teaching staff are all eligible for funding if nothing has been agreed upon otherwise with the international partner.
German universities and research institutions may submit applications at the same time their international cooperation partners submit their own. Generally, the program is open to all subject areas, with the exception of a few state-based exceptions.
Information on the Körber Fund for Young Researchers
Funding from the Körber Fund is still available; the next application deadline is 1 March 2018.
Compass: Career Development Program for Young Researchers
Universität Hamburg provides its doctoral students and postdocs with an extensive program to cultivate skills and gain further qualifications: Compass — Career Development Program for Young Researchers. This program replaces the Q*WIN program that you are probably already familiar with and includes new events such as the evening series "Ein Blick auf..." (A Glance At...), which provides career orientation outside of academia. Additionally, Compass continues to offer workshops and advising services.
On the Compass page you will find events and services for doctoral students and postdocs. Below that, you will find the Program categorized by phase:
Getting settled — successful working practices
Orientation — career prospects
Moving forward — strategic career planning
Whether doctoral students and postdocs are in the early or late stages of their qualifications or career, they can find what they need here. Every offer corresponds to at least one possible career path. Thus, offers have been organized according to the following paths: academia, business/industry, society, entrepreneurship.
Academic exchange program
As part of its travel scholarship program, Universität Hamburg is offering mobility funding and support for the upcoming year. Researchers at Universität Hamburg are eligible to apply. Successful applicants usually receive administrative and financial support for a one-month research stay at one of our international partner universities. In some cases, shorter stays may also be possible. More information on the universities, application and selection procedures, and application and funding opportunities can be found on our website.
Academic exchange program
As part of its travel scholarship program, Universität Hamburg is offering mobility support services for the upcoming year. Researchers at Universität Hamburg are eligible to apply. They usually receive administrative and financial support for a one-month research stay at one of our international partner universities; in some cases, shorter stays may also be possible. More information on the universities, application and selection procedures, and application and funding opportunities can be found on our website.
Funding by Die Joachim Herz Stiftung
Joachim Herz Stiftung
Die Joachim Herz Stiftung promotes innovative research approaches in economics and natural sciences with its offers for students, postdocs, doctoral candidates and junior professors.