Open Access WISO/BWL
Open Access means unrestricted and free access to scientific and scholarly information, which is as technologically and legally barrier-free as possible. The aim is to make scientific literature and scientific materials freely accessible to all and thus maximise the dissemination of scientific information.
Information on OA at the University of Hamburg and in the disciplines
Universität Hamburg
- Open-Access-Policy (2016) [German only]
- UHH Open Access Fund (2023)
- Open-Access-Portal [German only]
- OA-Publications of UHH members (Information via FIS) [German only]
- Center for sustainable research data management
Economics (BWL, VWL)
- Open Access in Economics (
- Open Science Future (ZBW)
Sociology, Criminology, Political Science
- Open Access in Sociology (
- Publizieren (FID Politikwissenschaft) [German only]
Law, Criminology
- Open Access in Law (
- Netzwerk Open Access für die Rechtswissenschaften (jurOA) [German only]
Media Studies (Journalism)
- Open Access in Media Studies (
Golden Road: First publication
The first publication in an Open Access publishing house is called the "golden road". Open Access publications go through a peer review process to ensure scientific quality. Access is open worldwide and free of charge.
Funding through the UHH-OAF fund is available for Article Processing Charges (APC) for journal articles and books/monographs by members of UHH that meet the UHH-OAF funding criteria.
UHH members can publish in the Hamburg University Press, operate their own Open Access journal (hosted by the SUB) and receive discounts on the APC from various publishers. [German only]
Weitere Links
- Frequently cited open-access journals (Nationaler Open-Access-Kontaktpunkt OA2020-DE)
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Checklist Think. Check. Submit for journals
- Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB)
- Checklist Think. Check. Submit for books and book chapters
- Handout Predatory Publishing (ZBW) [German only]
Green Way: Secondary publication
The "Green Way" is the parallel publication of publications after the first publication in a publishing house. The second publication is published in a repository either simultaneously or with a time delay.
UHH members can use the epub@SUBHH repository for publications and the repository for research data of the Center for Sustainable Research Data Management. In addition, you can make use of the SUB's legal advisory service on the use, findability and publication of Open Access licensed content and offerings. [German only]
More links: Repositories of the disciplines
Business and Economics (BWL, VWL)
Sociology, Criminology, Political Science
- SSOAR – Social Sciences Open Access Repository (Gesis)
- SocArXiV Papers
- SSRN (Elsevier)
- Gender Open Repositorium (DFG Projekt GenderOpen)
Law, Criminology
- <intR<²Dok[§] (FID Recht) [German only]
- Kriminologisches Repository (FID Kriminologie)
Media Studies (Journalism)
- MediArXiV (OSF Preprints)
- media/rep/ (Institut für Medienwissenschaft, UB Marburg) [German only]
Legal issues and financing
Legal issues
- Rechtsfragen bei Open Science (Till Kreuzter, Henning Lahmann, 2nd ed. 2021) [German only]
- Copyright and Open Access (SUB, 2018)
- FAQs on secondary publication law (Schwerpunktinitiative „Digitale Information“, 2015)
Funding through the UHH Open Access Fund is available for Article Processing Charges (APC) for journal articles and books/monographs by members of UHH that meet the UHH-OAF funding criteria.
The SUB, the specialist libraries of the UHH and the Medical Central Library (ÄZB) have concluded special framework agreements or memberships with some publishers. These enable free or discounted Open Access publication. The publishers with APC discounts for UHH members include Cambridge University Press, de Gruyter, Hogrefe, Sage and Wiley.
- Open Access Monitor: Mirror Journals (articles in mirror journals are excluded from funding by DFG and coalition S)