Corporate and financial data
Topic | Region and Database |
Stocks | World: Compustat Global (WRDS), Refinitiv Workspace USA: Compustat North America (WRDS), CRSP (WRDS) |
Bonds and loans | World: Refinitiv Workspace USA: CRSP (WRDS) |
Derivatives | World: Refinitiv Workspace |
Analyst forcasts | World: I/B/E/S (Refinitiv Workspace) |
Accounting | World: Compustat Global (WRDS), Refinitiv Workspace DEU: Dafne USA: Compustat North America (WRDS) |
Mergers & Acquisitions | World: Refinitiv Workspace |
Ownership | World: Refinitiv Workspace |
Market data and industry reports | World: Business Source Complete (Company Profiles); Factiva, wiso (Corporate data), Nexis DEU: Dafne |
Company profiles | World: Business Source Complete (Industry Profiles, Market Research Reports), ABI Inform: Trade & Industry; Factiva, wiso (Market data), Nexis DEU: Dafne |
Executive management | World: wiso (Personal data), Nexis DEU: Dafne |
ESG, governance, sustainability | World: Refinitiv Workspace |
Please see below for detailed information on content, access rights, and tips for the databases.
Audit Analytics (IVES)
Content: Audit Analytics provides detailed research on over 150,000 active audits at 1.200 auditing firms and more than 15,000 listed companies.
The licensed Audit + Compliance module covers all SEC registrants, tracking auditors, auditor changes, audit fees, director & officer changes, financial restatements, etc. Data are updated quarterly.
Access: via WRDS. Also available directly via AuditAnalytics. Details upon request(sabine.rauchmann"AT" für
Tips and documentation:
- Online Services: Audit + Compliance datasheet (IVES)
- Overview of AuditAnalytics (WRDS)
- Getting Started Guide (
Compustat (S&P)
Compustat provides balance sheet and market data in a standardized form for both active and nonactive listed companies. The database includes general company information (location, name, industry, S&P rating, and CEO), balance sheet information, income statements, cash flow statements, financial figures, market data (stock prices and dividends), and market indexes, segment reporting (North America only), exchange rate time series for more than 110 currencies, and macro data. The following modules are currently available:
- Compustat North America includes a maximum of 20 years of annual and monthly data and up to 48 quarterly reports for more than 30,000 American and Canadian companies (active and inactive). Annual, quarterly, and monthly data is available back to 1979. It also includes the last seven years for segments and daily market data back to 1984.
- Compustat Historical complements Compustat North America and contains historical data for American and Canadian companies, back to 1950 on an annual level, and back to 1962 on a daily, monthly, and quarterly level.
- Compustat Global contains fundamental and market data for about 18,000 publicly listed companies from 80 countries and therefore covers about 90 percent of the global market capitalization. Specifically, the database contains detailed balance sheet information, cash flow statements, income statements, financial figures, stock prices, dividends, information on market capitalization, a range of macro data, index time series for over 90 local market indexes, and additional data fields for the time period back to 1993—however, for a maximum of 20 years retroactively. In total, the database offers access to over 440 data fields.
via WRDS
Tips and documentation
- Compustat manuals and overviews (WRDS > Support) incl. data guide and item list
- Introduction to Compustat North America (WRDS) (PDF) (Kenneth In Kyun Ernst Jørgensen, Aarhus University, August 2008)
If Compustat Data is used, S&P must be cited as a source and the following disclaimer notice must be included:
"Copyright © 201X, S&P Capital IQ (and its affiliates, as applicable). Reproduction of [NAME OF SERVICES] in any form is prohibited except with the prior written permission of S&P Capital IQ (“S&P”). None of S&P, its affiliates or their suppliers guarantee the accuracy, adequacy, completeness or availability of any information and is not responsible for any errors or omissions, regardless of the cause or for the results obtained from the sue of such information. In no event shall S&P, its affiliates of any of their suppliers be liable for any damages, costs, expenses, legal fees, or losses (including lost income or lost profit and opportunity costs) in connection with any use of S&P information."
(X = aktuelle Jahreszahl)
CRSP (University of Chicago Booth School of Business)
The CRSP (Center for Research in Security Prices) maintains the largest collection of capital market time series for the NYSE, AMEX, and NASDAQ.
- CRSP US Stock Database for 1925 contains current market and corporate action data for securities listed on the NYSE (since December 1925), AMEX (since 1962), and NASDAQ (since 1972). The database also contains the following:
- descriptive, historical information and market data (such as price, volume, yield, distribution, and name history data)
- end-of-day and month-end data
- CRSP Index History Files (CRSP Index History Files—Intraday) (IHF) contain the history of real-time data in the course of the day on investable indexes.
- CRSP10 holds 10 years of monthly history for active and inactive securities.
via WRDS
Tips and documentation
- Data Descriptions Guide: CRSP US Stock & US Index Databases (PDF) (CRSP)
- CRSP US Stock Databases—Documentation and Knowledge Base (PDF) (CRSP)
- CRSP Indexes Quick Reference Guide (CRSP)
- CRSP Manuals and Overviews (WRDS > Support) (WRDS)
- Introduction to CRSP (WRDS) (PDF) (Kenneth In Kyun Jørgensen, August 2008)
- If the data is to be used in a publication for which the authors receive compensation or payment, permission must be obtained from CRSP.
- All materials containing data from CRSP must include the following notice: “Calculated (or Derived) based on data from database name © XXXX Center for Research in Security Prices (CRSP®), The University of Chicago Booth School of Business.” (XXXX = year the database was published).
Dafne (Bureau van Dijk)
Dafne offers current and historical financial information on approximately 800,000 German and Austrian companies. Both individual and consolidated financial statements are available as provided by the companies. The International Accounting Standards (IAS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States, US GAAP) as well as standards from the German commercial code (Handelsgesetzbuch, HGB) are included in detailed form.
via Datenbank-Infosystem DBIS in your web browser
Tips and documentation
Refinitiv Workspace (Refinitiv) (ehem. Eikon)
Data from Refinitiv (former Thomson Reuters) are a source used in numerous academic publications.
Refinitiv's Workspace for Students (formerly Eikon) covers major financial markets – equity, fixed income, commodities, foreign exchange, hedge funds and international market indices. It includes market data, charts, time series analysis and streaming news by Reuters and other financial institutions as well market research companies regarding stock price analysis, and global equity indices. In addition, Refinitiv Workspace brings together macroeconomic indicators from various institutions (EIU, IMF, OECD, etc.).
The Datastream Add-in for Excel includes charting and reporting tools for data analysis and editing and allows for downloading of comprehensive time series.
Register with your UHH email address for a personalised account. Please send us an email(bib-datenbanken.wiso"AT" Konto Refinitiv: Workspace for Students) and include the following information:
- faculty and department (BWL, WISO VWL, WISO SozÖk)
- status (bachelor/master/doctoral student, (research) staff, etc.
- reason for use ( seminar/bachelor/master / doctoral thesis, research project)
- writing period (the login will be valid for 3 months and can be renewed upon request).
Use your login and password to access:
- Refinitiv Workspace Client, including Excel Add-In
- UHH staff members may install the client (incl. Excel Add-Ins) on their UHH computer by using the RRZ ServicePortal.
- UHH students use the download link for the client software provided in the welcome email.
- Workspace Web.
Please note:
- Datastream Add On
- For the Datastream Add On, there is a 10 million data points download limit per month. You can monitor your usage.
- MacOS users, please be aware of limitations with regard to the Excel Add-In
- If you are trying to install this Add-In for Excel Desktop, you must have an Office 365 subscription, as well as be on either version 2002 or later for Windows or version 16.30 or later for Mac. This add-in is not supported on Office 2016, Office 2019 Pro Plus, or versions of Office 365 before 2002 on Windows or 16.30 on Mac. Installing this will show an “Add-in is no longer supported” error. (The Office Store Add-Ins are not allowed on RRZ notebooks).
- All recent MAC desktops use now Intel processors, and thus allow to install a dual boot on such machine. In that case, booting on Windows is not a virtual but a real Windows environment. As soon as you respect the PC Requirements for Refinitiv Eikon, this is a fully supported environment.
- Since May 1, 2023, there are new limits in Refinitiv Workspace's Deal Screener (PCN205894):
- Export to Excel as formulas or values limited to 1,000 deals per 24-hour period
- Maximum download is 200 per each event as formulas or values.
- Since July 7, 2024, there are new limits in Refinitiv Workspace for the layout (PCN210192):
- 10 sheets per Layout
- 10 panels per sheet
- 10 tabs per panel
- Maximum of 1000 apps in a Layout
- Users can still chose to:
- Group all content together, using a ‘Collection’ in My Files
- Bookmark any of these items in a group or individually, supporting a switch between items directly from their Browser toolbar
- Batch Print/Save App
- The app has to be installed. UHH staff members may install the app on their UHH computer by using the RRZ ServicePortal.
- At the moment (April 2024), the app does not work correctly. LSEG is working on correcting the error. In the meantime, there is a workaround using Google Chrome. You have to make the following adjustments:
- 1. [Optional] Add the following command line flag to your shortcut used to start Chrome
--disable-features=ChromeRootStoreUsed - 2. Launch Google Chrome
- 3. Paste the following URL in the address bar:
chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost - 4. Choose the option: "Allow invalid certificates for resources loaded from locahost"
- 5. Change the setting from "Disabled" to "Enabled".
- 6. Close Google Chrome.
- 7. Relaunch Chrome then go to
- 8. Log in with Refinitiv Workspace Web and test the batch print feature in ADVEV
- 9. [Optional] When downloading, edit the "Batch Printing/Saving Settings" in the lower right corner and select "Prompt for Location".
- 1. [Optional] Add the following command line flag to your shortcut used to start Chrome
Please contact Sabine Rauchmann(sabine.rauchmann"AT" for Refinitiv: Workspace for Students) for any questions relating to searching data in Refinitiv Workspace and Datastream.
Tips, documentation, training
- Installation
- Refinitiv Workspace for Students: System Requirements (PDF)
- Refinitiv Workspace for Students: Basic Installation Guide (PDF)
- Refinitiv Workspace for Students: Office 365 Add-In FAQ (PDF)
- Refinitiv Workspace for Students / Datastream Add on: Monitoring Data Usage (Number of Data Points) (PDF)
- Training
- Refinitiv Learning Centre
- Learning Catalogue
- LSEG Workspace Certificate
- LSEG Finance Essentials (Zertifikat)
- includes seven online modules: Introduction to LSEG Workspace, Capital Markets Overview, Economics,
Currencies, Fixed Income, Equities and Excel/Codebook - takes five hours to complete
- LSEG Finance Essentials Factsheet (PDF)
- LSEG Finance Essentials FAQ (PDF)
- includes seven online modules: Introduction to LSEG Workspace, Capital Markets Overview, Economics,
- Start working with Refinitiv Workspace
- Refinitiv Workspace for Students: Quick Start Guide (PDF)
- Relevant Apps in Workspace for searching
- SRCH (Search Tools)
- SCREENER (select the correct "Universe"!)
- OV (Overview)
- DIB (Data Item Browser; what is available)
- Relevant Apps in Workspace for ESG data
- SUSFIN (Sustainable Finance; includes Apps & Views plus Document Hub (with methodology documents))
- ESG (for companies and equities)
- Other relevant Apps
- FPEERS (Fund Peers App für die Erstellung einer Peers-Liste für einen einzelnen Fonds)
- Relevant information for using Refinitiv Workspace Excel
- Formula Builder
- 1. Select instrument(s), 2. Select Data Item, 3. Edit Parameter (i.e. Series), 4. Edit Layout
- Compare fiscal years using "Financial Period Absolute"
- Get a list of companies that are part of an index using "0#." (i.e. 0x.GDAXI for DAX constituents)
- When there is a notice about a limit of data points that can be saved simultaneously, please go to the Formula Builder in Workspace.
- Formula Builder
- Relevant information for using API
- Relevant Apps in Workspace:
CODEBOOK (download data via API in Workspace)
CODECREATOR (get the correct expression for Python programming) - Refinitiv Developer Community for Eikon Data API, includes Quickstart, Tutorials, Q&A Forum, Use Cases
- Relevant Apps in Workspace:
- MyRefinitiv: Data Notifications (changes, news, delays) (PDF)
WRDS (Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania)
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania is a web-based research platform with one location to access over 250 terabytes of data across multiple disciplines including Accounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, ESG, and Statistics. All search results can be exported in a standard format.
In addition to free data sets currently in WRDS (e.g., Dow Jones, IRI, TRACE, Bank Regulatory, FDIC, and Reserve Bank Reports), the following licensed databases are also available:
- Compustat North America (S&P)
- Compustat Global (S&P)
- Compustat Historical (S&P)
- CRSP US Stock Database for 1925
- CRSP Intra-day Index History Files
- Factset Ownerhship
To use WRDS, you must register for a WRDS account (in the top right-hand corner of the page):
- When you register, select the appropriate user type:
Faculty Professors and junior professors Research Assistant Student employees/assistants PhD Student Research associates and doctoral students Masters / Undergrad Student Master students, Bachelor students Visiting Faculty Guest lecturers at UHH - Professors, employees, guest lecturers, and doctoral students can request a personal account and use WRDS via the Internet, SSH, or PC-SAS Connect.
- Master's and bachelor's degree students can request a personal account that allows for access to WRDS via the Internet.
- Lecturers can request an account for their seminar (a password for the course, max. of 15 users at one time, valid for one semester). This also allows access to WRDS via the Internet.
- In the field "department", please enter the faculty and department (BWL, WISO VWL, WISO SozÖk), the reason for your use (seminar / bachelor / master / doctoral thesis) and, if available, the professor.
- If you already have a WRDS account through another institution, please fill out the “Account Transfer” form or contact us.
After you submit the form, we will activate your account. You will then be able to use your log-in details to access WRDS from anywhere in the world, always logging in to WRDS using Two-Factor-Authentication (2FA).
Tips and documentation
- Introduction
- Training
- WRDS > Support > Getting started: videos, presentations, e-learning training courses
- Learning Pathways
- User agrees to place the following acknowledgement in all publications or other communications prepared using the WRDS services: "Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) was used in preparing ___________ [identify research piece]. This service and the data available thereon constitute valuable intellectual property and trade secrets of WRDS and/or its third-party suppliers."