Books and articles
Are you looking for literature on a social sciences or economics topic? Do you want to find out what has already been published on your topic?
Effectively use subject bibliographies and full-text databases for economics and social sciences to find references, and sometimes full texts, primarily of journal articles and monographies, but also frequently of doctoral dissertations and reviews.
Economics and business administration
- Wisonet: business administration, German
- Business Source Complete: business administration, English
- ABI/Inform Complete: business administration, English
- Gale Business: Insights: business administration, English (select via "All databases")
- EconLit with Fulltext: economics, English
- Social Sciences Citation Index: all fields of sociology and social sciences
- Stotax First: tax law, business law, and commentaries, German
- IBFD: international tax law and taxation, English
Search portals
- EconBiz—Virtual Library for Economics and Business Studies: literature references from library catalogs as well as full texts and Internet sources with a focus on economics
- RFE—Resources for Economists on the Internet: comprehensive list of English-language links compiled by the American Economic Association
- BRASS Business Guides: collection of links related to information on economics on the Internet; focus: international and United States
- Business / Economics Research Guide (Rutgers University Libraries): collection of links related to information on economics on the Internet; focus: international and United States
- CrossAsia (FID Asien): literature references from the humanities and social science from and about Asia, including politics and economics
- Applied Social Sciences Index and Abstracts (ASSIA): all fields in the social sciences and related disciplines, psychology, health and social services, educational science, economics, and politics, English
- International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS)
- IBR Online: bibliography of book reviews for scholarly literature from 1985 to the present
- IBZ Online: journal articles from the humanities and social sciences
- Periodicals Index Online (1739–2000): journal articles from the humanities and social sciences
- Social Sciences Citation Index: all fields of sociology and social sciences
- Social Services Abstracts: social work, human services, and related areas such as social welfare, social policy, and community development
- Social Theory: full-text database on sociological theory (nineteenth to the twenty-first century)
- SocIndex with Fulltext: sociology
- Sociological Abstracts
- wiso-net: social sciences, German, includes social work, social pedagogy, politics, and international relations
Search portals
- Social Science Open Access Repository: research contributions from the social sciences publicly accessible on the Internet
- SocioHub-Recherche (FID Soziologie): search platform for literature in sociology
- Gerolit (Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen) (DZA): gerontology, geriatric care, senior citizen policy, social policy, i.e. basic income
- Fachportal Pädagogik (Deutsches Institut für Pädagogische Forschung): pedagogy, , educational research, didactics, teaching methodology.
- Labordoc (International Labour Organization): labour, labour market
Political science
- Annotierte Bibliografie der Politikwissenschaft (annotated bibliography of political science): reviews of new publications in the field of political science and related disciplines (german)
- Columbia International Affairs Online: international relations, international political science, diplomacy, geography, and international law and economics
- Political Science Complete: policital theory, comparative politics, international relations, law and legislation, non-governmental organizations, humanitarian issues
- PAIS International Public Affairs Information Service: politics, administration, economics, and social sciences
- Public Affairs Index: politics and public administration, health care management, environmental issues, economics and labor, social policy, and education
- SIPRI's Databases: country profiles, information on military expenditures, and information on export control of armaments
- WAO - World Affairs Online: foreign and security policy issues, international economic and development cooperation, European and transatlantic policy issues, regional and country-related issues around the globe, as well as foreign cultural policy, the climate, environment, and energy
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts: political science and related areas such as administrative science, international relations, and law
Search portals
- POLLUX (FID Politikwissenschaft): political science
- EUROPA - die offizielle Website der Europäischen Union: the official homepage of the European Union
- IREON (International Relations and Area Studies Gateway): specialized information on international relations and area studies
- LIVIVO (ZB MED): life sciences, i.e. sustainability, climate change
- Communication and Mass Media Complete: includes the databases CommSearch and Mass Media Articles Index
- Encyclopedia of International Media and Communications: reference work
- International Encyclopedia of Communication: reference work
- Medienwissenschaft Literaturdatenbank: journal articles, books, and research reports on the topic of media research; focus on radio and television
- Hans-Bredow-Institut - Online-Search: collection of the Hans-Bredow-Instituts für Medienforschung an der Universität Hamburg, focuses on media studies, mass communication, telecommunication, television and radio broadcasting and electronic media
- ZEFYS Zeitungsinformationssystem: newspaper information system for searching newspapers and newspaper articles
Subject portals
- (Advanced Delivery of Library Resources for Communication, Media and Film Studies) (FID Kommunikations-, Medien- und Filmwissenschaft): main search portal for literature search in communication, film, television, media
Criminological Social Research
- KrimDok online: lists of references on criminological literature
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service Abstracts: literature references on the subject of criminal law and criminology
Search portals
- Gesetze im Internet (laws on the Internet)
- Justizportal des Bundes und der Länder (Portal of the justice authorities of the federal and state governments)
Other databases
For a complete list of databases, go to Datenbank-Infosystem (DBIS) of the State and University Library (SUB). These include: