Hamburger Bürgerumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften (Hamburg-BUS)
Hamburg-BUS is a social science survey for Hamburg that is periodically conducted by the WiSo survey research laboratory. The main interest of the researchers is the attitude of Hamburgs' residents towards politics, their housing situation and their perception of homelessness in Hamburg, as well as their media use. In the university's anniversary year there is also a set of questions dealing with the connection of the people to their university.
The project team consists of Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Schnapp, Dipl. Pol. Olaf Bock, Prof. Henning Lohmann, Prof. Stefanie Kley, Prof. Ulrich Fritsche and Dr. Sascha Peter (links in german).
For the Hamburg-BUS survey, we collect data on attitude, behaviour and social structure of Hamburg’s population. On a yearly basis, about 1000 residents that are aged 16 years and older are surveyed in telephone-based interviews. This sample is created through a scientific method (Gabler-Häder-Design) that ensures the random selection of phone numbers (link in german). Due to the sample size, answers made by the respondents can be understood as representative for the overall population of Hamburg.
Voluntariness, anonymity and data security
The participation in our surveys is voluntary. Personal details about the participants are processed in an anonymous and aggregated manner. At no times connections between a single participant and his or her personal data or answers are made. Personal data are being separated from the survey results immediately after the elicitation.
The data collection and processing for the Hamburg-BUS: Bürgerumfrage der Sozialwissenschaften für Hamburg is verified and authorized by the Data Protection Officer of the University of Hamburg in accordance with Article 30 Paragraph 1 GDPR. For that, a register of data processing activities is registered at the central portal of the information security officer of the University of Hamburg. For further information on data protection and security at the University and research laboratory, find the data security portal of Hamburg's universities and colleges.
If you want us to no longer use your data for our studies please send an email to: forschungslabor.wiso"AT"