HPS³ - Stefanie Reher - Someone like me? Disability identity, representation perceptions and candidate supportWe welcome Stefanie Reher (University of Strathclyde) on May 10 2023
10 May 2023
The Hamburg Political Science Seminar Series (HPS³) features international speakers presenting cutting-edge research in empirical political science and political economy.
We welcome on May 10 2023, 17:15-18:45 CET in VMP9 A316 & via Zoom
Stefanie Reher (University of Strathclyde) - Title: Someone like me? Disability identity, representation perceptions and candidate support
Abstract: Disabled politicians remain few and far between in parliaments around the world. At the same time, disabled citizens tend to have lower levels of political trust and electoral turnout than non-disabled citizens. Is part of the reason that they do not feel sufficiently represented? This study draws on data from survey experiments in the UK and US (N=6,000) to explore whether disabled citizens feel better represented by disabled candidates. Moreover, as the scope of a shared disability identity is contested, it explores to what extent shared disability type and community identity matter for symbolic representation. Finally, it tests whether disabled voters are more likely to vote for disabled candidates. The findings expand our understanding of the under-explored role of disability in political engagement and political representation and underlines the importance of a shared identity.
Please find the preliminary program on the HPS³ Website.
We invite everyone interested to attend and are looking forward to seeing you.