Prof. Dr. Thorsten Teichert
Chair of Marketing and Innovation
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Zur Person / Personal data
Zur Person / Personal data
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Teichert ist Inhaber des Lehrstuhls für Marketing und Innovation an der Universität Hamburg. Nach dem Studium des Diplom-Ingenieurs an der TU Berlin sowie Erwerb des MBA in New York promovierte Herr Teichert an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. In mehrjähriger Praxistätigkeit betreute er Innovationsvorhaben in der Automobilindustrie und leitete Merger & Acquisition-Vorhaben sowie Projekte der Strategieberatung. Nach Habilitation an der Wissenschaftlichen Hochschule für Unternehmens-führung (WHU) folgte er dem Ruf als Ordinarius an die Universität Bern. Internationale Lehr- und Forschungsaufenthalte beinhalten u. a. die Duke University (NC), ESC Rennes, Stevens Institute of Technology, University of Stellenbosch und eine sechsjährige Gastprofessur an der UTS, Sydney. |
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Teichert holds the Chair of Marketing and Innovation at the University of Hamburg. After finishing his diploma in engineering at the Technical University of Berlin and receiving a master’s degree in Business Administration from Union College in New York, Thorsten Teichert completed his doctorate at the Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. While working in the industry for several years, he was leading projects related to innovations for the automotive industry and directed different Mergers & Acquisition projects. He also conducted numerous strategy consultancy projects. Having completed his habilitation at the Otto Beisheim School of Management (WHU) in Koblenz, Thorsten Teichert was appointed Professor at the University of Bern, Switzerland. His international teaching and research visits among others include Duke University, Stevens Institute of Technology, ESC Rennes, University of Stellenbosch and a visiting professorship at University of Sydney for six years. |
Forschungsschwerpunkte / Research focus
Veröffentlichungen / Publications CMI
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We have collected all the publications of the Chair of Marketing and Innovation in one list. There you can choose a category and look for the publication you are interested in. Alternatively we offer you to work with a "Shortcut": Please click here to see all the journal publications of the Chair of Marketing and Innovation. Please click here to see all the publications in books of the Chair of Marketing and Innovation. Please click here to see all the books of the Chair of Marketing and Innovation. Thanks a lot! |