Implicit Association
AYB investigates associative connections between memory content as a second layer of implicit cognitions. The Implicit Association Test (Greenwald, McGhee, & Schwartz, 1998), as the name already suggests, measures the prevalence and strength of such implicit associations and attitudes on the respondent level. It is by far the most widely used indirect measure in cognition research (Nosek et al., 2011). Its popularity can be attributed to many reasons: good reliability, predictive validity, especially for socially sensitive behavior (Brunel et al., 2004) and standardization, which reduces complexity and allows for comparison between results of different studies. Below depicts In-game Screenshot of AYB IAT.
AYB replicates the IAT as a card game. The participant receives a card that he has to slide either to the left or to the right card stack. This modifies the task of the original IAT, which is based on the input of two keys on a keyboard. In addition hereto, the AYB task of sliding the stimulus allows to track mouse trajectories as further indicator of decision making. To motivate for participation, respondents receive a feedback on task performance by the avatar and a scientific score with interpretation at the end of the session.
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