Adnan Muhammad Shah, Ph.D.

Foto: AS
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Chair of Marketing and Innovation
Research Interests
Machine Learning
Text Mining and Sentiment analysis
Big Data and Business Analytics
Digital Marketing
Consumer Behavior and Satisfaction
Healthcare Analytics
Healthcare IT and Data Mining
Professional Experience
09/2021 – 2022: Postdoctoral Associate for Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in Health care at Florida Atlantic University, United States of America.
04/2021 – 08/2021: Research Professor for Artificial Intelligence at Centre for Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Gachon University, South Korea.
01/2011 – 08/2016: Lecturer for Information Technology, Pakistan.
01/2010 – 12/2010: Trainee Engineer, Ministry of Information Technology, Pakistan.
09/2008 – 11/2008: Centre for Advanced Studies in Telecommunication, COMSATS University, Pakistan.
Journal Papers
[1] Shah, A. M., Lee, K. Y., Hidayat, A., Falchook, A., & Muhammad, W. (2024). A Text Analytics Approach for Mining Public Discussions in Online Cancer Forum: Analysis of Multi-Intent Lung Cancer Treatment Dataset. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 105375.
[2] Qayyum, A., Jamil, R. A., Shah, A. M., & Lee, K. Y. (2024). Unpacking the dark side of positive online destination brand engagement: effects on stress, disengagement, and switching intention. Current Issues in Tourism, 1–19.
[3] Jamil, R.A., Qayyum, A., Ahmad, Z. and Shah, A.M. (2024), "Investigating the determinants of consumer confidence and online impulse buying intentions: an experimental study", Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
[4] Shah, A.M., Qayyum, A., Shah, M., Jamil, R.A. and Lee, K. (2024), "Navigating negative events: the role of online destination brand experience in tourists' travel decisions", Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print
[1] Shah, A. & Schweiggart, N. (2023). #BoycottMurree campaign on twitter: Monitoring public response to the negative destination events during a crisis. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 92.
[2] Shah, Adnan, Ali Mudassar (2023). Social Media Marketing Activities and Luxury Fashion Brands in the Post-Pandemic World, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics.
[3] Abdul Qayyum, Raja Ahmed Jamil, Adnan Muhammad Shah, KangYoon Lee (2023). Inclusive advertising featuring disability on Instagram: Effect on consumer well-being, brand engagement, and purchase intention, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 75, 103515.
[1] Shah Adnan, Muhammad Wazir, KangYoon Lee (2022). Shah Adnan, Muhammad Wazir, KangYoon Lee (2022) Investigating the Effect of Service Feedback and Physician Popularity on Physician Demand in the Virtual Healthcare Environment, Information Technology and People, Vol. 36 No. 3, pp. 1356-1382.
[2] Shah Adnan, Muhammad Wazir, KangYoon Lee (2022). Examining the Determinants of Patient Perception of Physician Review Helpfulness across Different Disease Severity: A Machine Learning Approach, Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, Article ID 862358.
[3] Shah Adnan, KangYoon Lee (2022). The Role of Emotions Intensity in Helpfulness of Online Physician Reviews, Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing. Vol.31, No.3, pp.1719-1735.
[4] Shah Adnan, Amir Abbasi, Xiangbin Yan (2023). Do online peer reviews stimulate diners’ continued log-in behavior: Investigating the role of emotions in the O2O meal delivery apps context, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Volume 72, 103234.
[5] Shah, Adnan, Qayyum, A. and Lee, K. (2022). Customers' dining choice using meal ordering apps: insights from China and Indonesia, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. Vol. 35 No. 6, pp. 1443-1473.
[1] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al. (2021) What Patients Like or Dislike in Physicians: Analyzing Drivers of Patient Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction Using A Digital Topic Modeling Approach, Information Processing & Management, 58(3) 102516.
[2] Shah Adnan, Rizwan A. Naqvi, Ok-Ran Jeong (2021) Detecting Topic and Sentiment Trends in Physician Rating Websites: Analysis of Online Reviews Using 3-Wave Datasets, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(9), 4743.
[3] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al. (2021) Mining topic and sentiment dynamics in physician rating websites during the early wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: Machine learning approach, International Journal of Medical Informatics, 149, 104434.
[4] Shah Adnan, Rizwan A. Naqvi, Ok-Ran Jeong (2021) The Impact of Signals Transmission on Patients’ Choice Through E-Consultation Websites: An Econometric Analysis of Secondary Datasets, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5192.
[5] Shah Adnan, Muhammad W., et al. (2021) Examining Different Factors in Web-Based Patients’ Decision-Making Process: Systematic Review on Digital Platforms for Clinical Decision Support System, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(21), 11226
[6] Shah Adnan, Han Heesup, et al. (2021) Exploring the Impact of Linguistic Signals Transmission on Patients’ Health Consultation Choice: Web Mining of Online Reviews, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(19), 9969
[7] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al. (2021) Adoption of Mobile Food Ordering Apps for O2O Food Delivery Services During the COVID-19 Outbreak, British Food Journal.
[8] Salim Khan, Shah Adnan, et al, (2021), Impact of employees’ perceived threat of market competition on unethical marketing and selling practices: Moral disengagement and ethical leadership, Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility.
[9] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2021) Tracking Patients Healthcare Experiences During the COVID-19 Outbreak: Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis of Doctor Reviews, Journal of Engineering Research.
[10] Ali Mudassar, Shah Adnan, et al., (2021) Goal Clarity as A Link Between Humble Leadership and Project Success: The Interactive Effects of Organizational Culture. Baltic Journal of Management.
[11] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al. (2021), Social Network Analysis of an Online Smoking Cessation Community to Identify Users’ Smoking Status, Health Informatics Research, 27(2), 1-11.
[12] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al. (2021) Exploring Important Aspects of Service Quality While Choosing a Good Doctor: A Mixed-Methods Approach. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics, IJHISI: Forthcoming Volume 17, Issue 2, Article 6.
[1] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2020) Customers' perceived value and dining choice through mobile apps in Indonesia. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 33(1), pp. 1-28.
[2] Shah Adnan, Lee KangYoon, et al. (2021) Exploring Readiness for Birth Control in Improving Women Health Status: Factors Influencing the Adoption of Modern Contraceptives Methods for Family Planning Practices, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 11892.
[3] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2020) Listening to the Patient Voice: Using Sentic Computing Model to Evaluate the Physicians’ Healthcare Service Quality for Strategic Planning in Hospitals. Quality & Quantity, 55, 173–201.
[4] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2020) A Multi-Modal Approach to Predict the Doctor-Patients Relationship Strength. Multimedia Tools and Applications.
[5] Shah Asad, Shah Adnan, et al., (2020) The Effectiveness of Emotional Intelligence in the Face of Terrorism Fear and Employees’ Mental Health Strain. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MENTAL HEALTH AND ADDICTION (IJMA).
[6] Shah Jamal, Shah Adnan, et al., (2020) Deviance due to fear of victimization: “emotional intelligence” a game-changer. International Journal of Conflict Management, 31(5): pp. 687-707.
[7] Ali Mudassar, Shah Adnan, et al., (2020) Impact of humble leadership on project success: The mediation role of psychological empowerment and innovative work behavior. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, Vol. 41 No. 3, pp. 349-367.
[1] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2019), Exploring the impact of online information signals in leveraging the economic returns of physicians. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 98: 103272.
[2] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2019) Mining patient opinion to evaluate the service quality in healthcare: a deep-learning approach. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 11, 2925–2942.
[1] Ali Shah, Shah Adnan, et al., (2018) Fear of Terror and Psychological Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Emotional Intelligence. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(11): p. 2554.
[2] Shah Jamal, Shah Adnan, et al., (2018) Face ID: an innovative biometric approach to control sales personnel production deviance. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 10(3): pp. 227 – 247.
Conference Papers
[1] Shah Adnan, W. Muhammad (2022) Designing an IT-Based System for Optimizing Lung Cancer Patients Treatment Decisions, Upcoming Proceedings of American Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
[2] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2020) Exploring the Impact of Review and Service- related Signals on Online Physician Review Helpfulness: A Multi-Methods Approach. Twenty-Third Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), Dubai, UAE, 2020.
[3] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2018) Use of sentiment mining and online NMF for topic modeling through the analysis of patients online-unstructured comments. International Conference on Smart Health (ICSH) 2018, Wuhan, China.
[4] Shah Adnan, Yan Xiangbin, et al., (2018) Predicting the Factors that Influence Helpfulness of Online Physician Reviews. 2018 China Summer Workshop on Information Management (CSWIM), Qingdao, China.
[5] Yan Xiangbin., Shah Adnan, et al., (2018) Impact of Mobile Electronic Word of Mouth (EWOM) on Consumers Purchase Intentions in the Fast-Causal Restaurant Industry in Indonesia. 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Hawaii, USA.
[1] Won the Harbin Institute of Technology, “Outstanding International Student Scientific Award 2019”, Awarded by Ministry of Education, China and Chinese Scholarship Council.
[2] “Best Business Plan of the Year Award 2009”, Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Pakistan awarded the “Best Business Plan of the Year Award” in 2009.
PhD Thesis
Research on the Impact of Online and Offline Signals Transmission in Leveraging Physicians’ Economic Returns.
2016-2020 Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Ph.D. (Management Science and Engineering)
2011-2014 Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology, Pakistan
M.S. (Management Sciences)
2008-2010 COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
2004-2008 COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan
BS (Computer Engineering)