AYB Application: First Steps
Dear study participant,
participating in AYB studies is easy. Within a few steps, you are part of a vivid research community.
For our current study (by invitation only), please proceed as follows:
- 1st step: Please install the "ask your brain" app via the app-store.
Please note that the app is currently in open beta.
- 2nd step: Set up the app for your personal use:
Sign in using the access information provided to you & allow GPS locational data all the time in order to receive invitations for study parts via time- and location-based notifications. Please also de-activate the energy saving mode (at least for this app), as the app won´t be able to communicate with you otherwise.
- 3rd step: Open up the app & register for each of "My studies":
Register for each of the four survey parts. The information sign "i" disappears once you have successfully registered to each study part.
Please note that you need to register before starting a survey part. Thus, please make sure that no survey part is still marked by an "i" .
- 4th step: Set (or change) study location(s)
You can either set the study location in the main screen or you can provide your home location when registering for one of your studies (see video "Set (or change) your home location " )
Now and in the following two-three weeks, you will get access to single survey snippets:
- If you like, you can already start filling out survey elements which are immediately open for you.
-For the other study parts, please wait until you receive notifications when entering or leaving home at different days in the week. Once you receive a notification, you will be able to fill out another study part. Please react quickly as each study part will be open only for a limited time period. But do not worry - you will be able to re-access study parts once location and time conditions are fulfilled again.
Have fun:)
Please note the studies in the videos are only examples. They might be different from the studies you see on your app.
2nd step: Set up the app for your personal use:
3rd step: Open up the app & register for each of "My studies"
What do you see after having completed the AYB setting
Set (or change) your home location
Finally: What do you see after you completed a study part