Financial support for your studies
Organizations and initiatives with close ties to the Department of Socioeconomics are listed here. The respective organizations and initiatives are responsible for their own content.
Emergency fund: The Department of Socioeconomics has an association to provide students in dire straits with interest-free micro-loans (max. € 300 per semester). Details in German.
For over 40 years the Rudolph Lohff Foundation has been awarding scholarships to university and school students in need who do not have an Abitur. In accordance with the benefactor’s wishes, the scholarships are awarded exclusively to students of the Department of Socioeconomics in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences at University of Hamburg, students in comparable programs at the Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), and students attending Hamburg’s state evening Gymnasien. Details in German.
The friends and supporters society of the Department of Socioeconomics is known by its acronym GdFF. It has served as a network for alumni (both students and teaching staff) since 1952. The society advocates a model of study, which has proven immensely beneficial: interdisciplinary and praxis-oriented, with an admission test for applicants who have professional experience but no Abitur. It wishes to give young people the same opportunity to pursue academic study and climb the career ladder. Details in German: GdFF (external link).