International Visiting Scholars
International visiting scholars are frequently joining the Department of Socioeconomics for longer periods. On the following pages, you will find information about the current and former international visiting scholars at the Department. The Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty provides information on support when applying for international visiting scholars on its website.
International Visiting Scholars 2024
- Hanna Kaitandzhian
Hanna Kaitandzhian is a guest researcher at the Chair of Public Management. Hanna is continuing her doctoral studies, which she is pursuing in collaboration between Odesa Mechnikov National University (Ukraine) and the University of Granada (Spain). Her research focuses on topics such as motivation and commitment in healthcare systems under the influence of military conflicts.
- Dr. Ufuk Pala
Ufuk Pala received his Ph.D. degree in Marketing from Anadolu University, Turkey, after having completed his thesis on “Comparison of the effects of market and relationship orientation on customer loyalty and business performance by meta-analysis”. He studied Business Administration (BA) and Business Information Management (Master’s Degree). Ufuk Pala is an academic member of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Giresun University, Turkey. He has various publications in academic journals and conference papers in the area of marketing.
Ufuk Pala’s research interests include digital marketing, marketing strategies, consumer behavior, and marketing research methods.
Ufuk Pala will again join the professorship of Management & Digital Markets (Prof. Dr. Sebastian Späth) as visiting scholar from February 2024 until the end of January 2025.
Prof. Dr. Lucia Bellora-BienengräberProf. Dr. Lucia Bellora-Bienengräber has been an assistant professor in the Department of Accounting at University of Groningen (Netherlands) since 2020. Her research focuses on the investigation of controlling systems, in particular their design and use by management and their perception by employees. She also conducts research at the interface between internal and external accounting. Finally, she investigates the validity of measuring approaches in these research areas. She has been a visiting scholar with us since April 2020, initially at the invitation of Prof. Schiemann, and since 2022 at the invitation of Prof. Dr. Dominik Vogel, with the aim of further developing the joint research project "Measuring and Managing Performance and Risk in the Public Sector".
- Prof. Dr. Kim Schumacher
Prof. Dr. Kim Schumacher from Kyushu University will again be at the Department of Socioeconomics from June 2024 until the end of May 2025 to work on joint projects with Prof. Dr. Alexander Bassen. His research area is Sustainable Finance and ESG.
- Neeharika Kakunuri
Neeharika Kakanuri will be staying as a guest researcher at the Department of Socioeconomics from April - September 2024. She is currently in the second year of the Ph.D. program in Economics at the University College Dublin and has been invited to the Universität Hamburg by Prof. Miriam Beblo.
Neeharika’s research interest is development with a focus on gender-related issues, especially gender-based violence, stereotypes, norms, and fertility.
- Dr. Senan Abid
Dr. Senan Abid from the Damaskus University, Syria, will be working as a guest researcher at the Center for Economic and Sociological Studies (ZÖSS) in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Arne Heise from July 2024 - July 2025. During this period, he will address the question of how military expenditures affect the economic and political stability of Syria.