Sustainable Transformation & Cross Sector Collaboration
The research seminar builds on the research group on Sustainable Transformation & Cross Sector Collaboration and is intended to provide an opportunity to invite national and international researchers in this field. In terms of content, this focus is on the question of what contribution public organizations make as central instances in the management of these crises in the face of multiple, intensifying crisis situations ('polycrises'). As actors acting alone, however, this role increasingly exceeds their problem-solving potential in the social, economic and ecological transformation. Public organizations are therefore increasingly entering into collaborative arrangements with civil society actors to mobilize resources for crisis management across sectoral boundaries. This focus will discuss how these collaborations are designed and managed.
The first guest lecture of the summer semester 2023 was held on June 26 by Prof. Dr. Paula Jarzabkowski on "Disaster Unsurance Reimagined: Protection in a Time of Increasing Risk". Further information can be found here [Link].