News28 November 2024|CSS New Research ResultsDocumentation for the dataset of the research project „Policymakers‘ perceptions of Climate Policy Instruments“Photo: CSS/unsplashThe eleventh Working Paper in the CSS Working Paper Series has been published. Documentation for the dataset of the research project „Policymakers‘...26 November 2024|CSS NewsGratulation! Förderung des Projekts "Just Profit"Photo: Just ProfitWas sind die CO2-Kosten unternehmerischer Wirtschaftsaktivitäten für „People and Planet“? Welche Auswirkungen haben CO2-Emissionen auf die...Contribution from the news channel Sozialökonomie25 November 2024|CSS NewsInterview in Le Monde zu COP 29 mit Prof. Dr. Stefan AykutPhoto: Le MondeProf. Dr. Stefan Aykut hat der Le Monde am 25.11.2024 ein Interview zur COP 29 gegeben: Der Soziologe Stefan Aykut zieht in einem Interview mit der...Contribution from the news channel aktuelle Meldungen21 November 2024|CSS New Research ResultsInterim Report of the CSS Working Group "The EUropean Dimension of Green Transformations"Photo: Sebastian Pichler via unsplashThe working group aims to address the economic, political and social dimensions of the European EGD from an economic, sociological and political...12 November 2024|CSS NewsGratulation! Förderung des Projekts "Welfare State Responses to Social Risks in Times of Climate Change"Photo: NORFACE/CHANSE„Welfare State Responses to Social Risks in Times of Climate Change” lautet der Titel eines kooperativen Projektes, für das Katharina Zimmermann...Contribution from the news channel Sozialökonomie7 November 2024|CSS NewsNew book out now: “Climate Agendas and Instability”Photo: RoutledgeHow does climate policy-making evolve under conditions of disruption by exogenous shocks and political contestation in relation to factors of policy...7 November 2024|CSS News"Soziologie des Meeres" - Tanja Bogusz mit Heisenberg-Antrag erfolgreichPhoto: Bogusz (privat)Dr. habil. Tanja Bogusz war mit ihrem Projekt „Soziologie des Meeres. Eine Untersuchung europäischer Küstendynamiken im Anthropozän“ im Rahmen des...Contribution from the news channel Sozialökonomie14 October 2024|CSS NewsBarcamp und Offenes Plenum zum Thema NachhaltigkeitPhoto: UHH/EsfandiariAm 18. Oktober 2024 werden gleich zwei Veranstaltungen der Universität Hamburg rund um Nachhaltigkeit im Lichthof der Staats- und...Contribution from the university's newsroom19 September 2024|CSS NewsHow to make climate adaptation a successPhoto: CLICCS/University of HamburgClimate change is forcing people to adapt to changing environmental conditions. But what really makes the difference is how they do it. The recently...Contribution from the news channel CLICCS News4 September 2024|CSS NewsCSS welcomes senior research fellow Metehan CömertPhoto: privateThe CSS is very proud to welcome Ass. Prof. Metehan Cömert as a senior research fellow for the next six months. Metehan Cömert is an assistant...14 August 2024|CSS NewsVom Kiez in die Wissenschaft: Soziologin Tanja Bogusz über ihren ungewöhnlichen LebenswegPhoto: Bogusz (privat)Ihre Großmutter war Damenringkämpferin, ihre Mutter arbeitete als Barfrau – Dr. habil. Tanja Bogusz verbrachte ihre Kindheit auf St. Pauli. Wie sie...Contribution from the news channel Sozialökonomie17 July 2024|CSS New Research ResultsPolitical Spaces of Climate Governance. Theoretical Framework and Research ProgramPhoto: CSS/unsplashThe tenth Working Paper in the CSS Working Paper Series has been published.. Political Spaces of Climate Governance. Theoretical Framework and...12 July 2024|CSS News„Earth and Society Research Hub” (ESRAH): Ideenschmiede für Klima- und NachhaltigkeitsforschungPhoto: UHH/FeuerbötherWie sich Klima, Umwelt und globale Ressourcen entwickeln, hängt nicht nur von physikalischen Faktoren ab – entscheidend ist auch, wie wir künftig...Contribution from the university's newsroom11 July 2024|CSS NewsNew CSS Working Group "A moral Compass? Enquiring into the Potential of Feminist Theory and Practice to shape a Sustainable International Society" launchedPhoto: PixabayThe Center for Sustainable Society Research is pleased to announce the launch of a new working group! The working group titled "A Moral Compass...3 June 2024|CSS New Research ResultsWer profitiert von Grün in kompakten Städten? Grüner Fensterblick und Wohnzufriedenheit in verschiedenen sozialen SchichtenPhoto: CSS/unsplashDas neunte Working Paper der CSS Working Paper Series ist veröffentlicht. Wer profitiert von Grün in kompakten Städten?Grüner Fensterblick und...24 May 2024|CSS NewsNew publication: Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep DecarbonisationPhoto: dpa/Christian CharisiusProf. Dr. Stefan Aykut has co-published two new papers: Stefan C. Aykut, Antje Wiener, Cathrin Zengerling, Jill BähringClimate Litigation as a Social...Contribution from the news channel aktuelle Meldungen15 May 2024|CSS NewsCSS Director Frank Adloff guest on "Netzwerk Rechte der Natur"On April 25th 2024, CSS director Frank Adloff was guest at "Netzwerk für die Rechte der Natur" (Network for the Rights of Nature) for a lecture...13 May 2024|CSS NewsStellenausschreibung für Studentische HilfskraftPhoto: UHH/EsfandiariFür das soziologische Forschungsprojekt „Solo-Selbstständige und Altersabsicherung“ der Fakultät WISO, Forschungszentrum Center for Sustainable...Contribution from the news channel Sozialökonomie7 May 2024|CSS NewsPolitical Risks Endanger German Climate TransformationPhoto: pixabay/dmncwndrlchTo limit global warming, Germany is set to become climate-neutral in 2045. While technologically and economically feasible, political and societal...Contribution from the university's newsroom2 May 2024|CSS NewsNew Project launched at CSS: “Solo-Self-Employed and Old-Age-Pension”Photo: unsplash.comThe research project "Solo-Self-Employed and Old-Age-Pension", led by Senior Researcher Dr. habil. Alexandra Manske, has started on 1st May at the...Show all news