How to become a CSS member
Requirements for membership
Who can apply for a regular CSS membership?
Anyone who holds a (junior) professorship, a postdoc position, a doctoral position or a second membership ("Zweitmitgliedschaft") at the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences (WISO) at Universität Hamburg or who is doing a doctorate at WISO within the framework of a doctoral scholarship. (Junior) professors, postdocs, and second members also need to have aquired third party funding relevant to the research fields of the CSS or plan to participate in a temporary working group at the CSS with the intention to acquire such third-party funded projects.
Regular members of the CSS are entitled to vote on decisions to be taken by the general meeting. They are also eligible to vote the members of the board of directos and if they hold a (junior) professorship they can be elected as a member of the board of directors. Regular members can furthermore apply for the establishment of temporary working groups.
Who can apply for an associated CSS membership?
Anyone who holds a (junior) professorship, a postdoctoral position or a doctoral position at the Universität Hamburg outside WISO faculty, at another university or at a non-university research institution, or who is a professor emeritus, can apply for associate membership. (Junior) professors and postdocs also need to have aquired third party funding relevant to the research fields of the CSS or plan to participate in a temporary working group at the CSS with the intention to acquire such third-party funded projects.
Associated members of the CSS have the right to participate in the general meetings in an advisory capacity and can participate in temporary working groups of the CSS.
How to apply for membership
Please address a letter to the board of directors detailing why you want to join the CSS and how your research interconnects with the research foci of the center. Please also indicate how you plan to involve yourself in the CSS and whether you have aquired third party-funding relevant to the topics of the CSS or whether you plan to do so. You can skip the second step if you are doing your doctorate or are a professor emeritus.
Additionally, please add brief letters of support of two regular CSS members supporting your membership in the CSS and attach a recent CV.
What is the duration of the CSS membership?
Once the conditions for the membership no longer apply, the membership will automatically be terminated. It is possible for the members to terminate their membership at any time.
Please feel free to direct your questions concerning CSS membership to css.wiso"AT" at any time. |