Library for the Faculties Business, Economics and Social Sciences and Business Administration
Libraryfor the Faculties Business, Economics and Social Sciences and Business Administration
1 January 2022
Beginning 1 Jan. 2022, fees for a library card increased. Students at German state universities are not affected unless a replacement card is needed. More information ...
A new fee schedule for the State and University Library went into effect on January 1, 2022. The fees for library cards for individuals and legal entities as well as the issuance for replacement cards in case of loss were increased.
A short version of the fee schedule can be found here on the page of the Hamburg State and University Library Carl von Ossietzky and on page 886 of the Hamburg Law and Ordinance Gazette (HmbGVBl. No. 81, December 21, 2021).
Here is an excerpt from the executive summary: