Dr. Iris Seidemann
Foto: RRZ-MCC_Mentz
Senior Research Fellow
REBUMAA Project Funded Under CLARE Initiative'
Consultation hours: Please make an appointment (via email: iris.seidemann@uni-hamburg.de(iris.seidemann"AT"uni-hamburg.de)).
Curriculum Vitae
Iris Seidemann joined the Chair for Organization Studies as a doctoral researcher in October 2019. She accomplished a bachelor’s degree in 'Governance and Public Policy’ from University of Passau, concentrating on political theories and research on populist parties. During her studies, she worked at the Jean Monnet Chair of European Politics . After her bachelor, she completed a trainee program in fashion management and worked as a department manager at Peek & Cloppenburg KG as well as at the tech-startup Fashion Cloud in Hamburg.
Iris attained her master’s degree in ‘Interdisciplinary Public and Nonprofit Studies’ (PUNO) at University of Hamburg where her scientific interests focused on philanthrocapitalism and organizational legitimacy. Currently, her research interests include legitimacy repair and phenomena of organizational tensions and paradoxes within the context of grand challenges.
Peer reviewed journal papers:
- Seidemann, I., Geiger, D., & Harborth, L. (2023). System level dynamics in the emergence and navigation of multi-actor paradoxes. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023.
- Seidemann, I., & Weißmüller, K. S. (2024). Conceptual foundations of workforce homogeneity in the public sector. Insights from a systematic review on causes, consequences, and blind spots. Public Management Review, 26(2), 334–356.
Peer reviewed conference proceedings and presentations:
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D.: “Caught in a Trap: The Co-Creation of Paradoxes in Processes of Legitimacy Repair", 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago 2024.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D.: “Nobody said it was easy: From collaboration practices to system dynamics in tackling grand challenges”, 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan 2024.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D.: “From Periphery to Center Stage: The Emergence of Unintended Dynamics in Addressing Climate-Induced Disasters”, 15th PROS, Cyprus 2024.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D., & Harborth, L.: “System Level Dynamics in the Emergence and Navigation of Multi-Actor Paradoxes”, 83rd Academy of Management Conference, Boston 2023.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D., & Harborth, L.: “System Level Dynamics in the Emergence and Navigation of Multi-Actor Paradoxes”, 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari 2023.
- Seidemann, I.: “Caught in a Trap: Media’s Role in the Creation of a Paradox of Legitimacy Repair”, 82nd Academy of Management Conference 2022.
- Seidemann, I.: "A journey to the upside down: Challenging the paradox debate in organization studies through problematization", 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam 2021 (Virtual Colloquium).
- Seidemann, I.:“A journey to the upside down: Challenging the paradox debate in organization studies through problematization”, 81st Academy of Management Conference, 2021 (Virtual Colloquium).
- Seidemann, I./Weißmüller, K.: “Flipping the Coin: A SLR on Causes and Consequences of Workforce Homogeneity in the Public Sector”, 81st Academy of Management Conference, 2021 (Virtual Colloquium).
- Seidemann, I.: "Taking a Step Back to Move Forward: Challenging the Paradox Debate in Organization Studies through Problematization", AMOR Colloquium at Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg 2020.
- Seidemann, I.:“The Process of Repairing Organizational Legitimacy: Toward an Understanding of the Paradoxical Nature of Legitimacy Repair”, 80th Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver 2020.
- Seidemann, I.:“The Process of Repairing Organizational Legitimacy: Toward an Understanding of the Paradoxical Nature of Legitimacy Repair”, 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg 2020.
Awards and Nominations
- Best Paper in the 83rd AOM Proceedings: Seidemann, I., Geiger, D., & Harborth, L.: “Nobody Said It was Easy: System Level Dynamics in the Emergence and Navigation of Multi-Actor Paradoxes, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2023.
- Nomination OMT Responsible Research Award: Seidemann, I., Geiger, D., & Harborth, L.: “Nobody Said It was Easy: System Level Dynamics in the Emergence and Navigation of Multi-Actor Paradoxes”, 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2023.
- Seidemann, I.:“The Process of Repairing Organizational Legitimacy: Toward an Understanding of the Paradoxical Nature of Legitimacy Repair”, 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg 2020 [Nomination for EGOS Best Student Paper Award].
Summer term 2023
- Grundkurs Organisation, B.A.
- Qualitative Methods of Empirical Research, M.A.
- Organisationstheorie und -entwicklung, M.A.
Winter term 2022/23
- Grundkurs Betriebswirtschaftslehre, B.A.
- International Organizations, M.A.
- Introduction into Philosophy of Science: Truth and Methods in a World of „Fake News“, M.A.
Summer term 2022
- Grundkurs Organisation, B.A.
- Qualitative Methods of Empirical Research, M.A.
Winter term 2021/22
- Grundkurs Betriebswirtschaftslehre, B.A.
- International Organizations, M.A.
- Introduction into Philosophy of Science: Truth and Methods in a World of „Fake News“, M.A.
Summer term 2021
- Grundkurs Organisation, B.A.
- Organisationstheorie und -entwicklung, M.A.
Winter term 2020/21
- International Organizations: Organizing in Times of Crisis, M.A.
Summer term 2020
- Grundkurs Organisation, B.A.
- Organisationstheorie und -entwicklung, M.A.
Winter term 2019/2020
- Grundkurs BWL, B.A.
- International Organizations: Structures, Processes and Culture, M.A.