Prof. Dr. Daniel Geiger
Foto: UHH_RRZ-MCC_Mentz
Chair for Organization Studies
Consultation hours: Please make an appointment (via email: carolin.wagener"AT"
Curriculum Vitae
Since April 2013 Daniel Geiger is a Professor and Holder of the Chair for Organization Studies at the University of Hamburg (Germany). Prior to this, from April 2010 until March 2013, he has been Professor and Chairholder for International Management at the University of Kaiserslautern (Germany).
He has a degree in Business Administration (Dipl.-Kfm.) from Freie Universität Berlin and studied business administration in Berlin, New York (USA) and Paris (France) (1994-2000).
He also received his PhD from Freie Universität Berlin at the Institute for Management (Prof. Georg Schreyögg) with a work on the epistemological foundations of knowledge management (2005).
After completing his PhD he worked as a Research Fellow of the Advanced Institute of Management Research (AIM) at the University of Liverpool Management School (UK) where he was co-leading an international research project interested in the evolution and change of organizational practices (2005-2007).
Following this he worked as Assistant/Associate Professor for Organization Studies at the University of Linz (Austria) where he also received his habilitation in November 2009.
Research Interests
Prof. Geiger’s research interests culminate around practice-based approaches for studying organizational change processes. He is particularly interested in the dynamics of organizational routines and the way routines are enacted in situations of crises and emergencies. Most of his studies are based on ethnographic methods of data collection and he has collaborated with the Technisches Hilfswerk (THW), the Feuerwehr Hamburg, and the Uganda Red Cross Society. Most recently he is studying coordination in the refugee crisis in Northern Uganda and the emergency coordination in the Ebola epidemic in East Africa. His research has been presented on all major national and international management conference and it is published in leading national and international journals such as Administrative Science Quarterly, Organization Science, Organization, Organization Studies, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Management Learning, sbr, zfbf, zfb, DBW, zfo.
(Follow these links for details on Research and Publications)
Memberships and Visiting appointments
He is member of the Editorial Board of Organization Studies, Management Learning and European Management Journal. He also regularly serves as Reviewer for numerous international and national management journals.
Member Executive Board European Group for Organization Studies (EGOS).
Member International Advisory Group “Routines in Incident Command Centers”, University of Umea, Sweden.
Member of the Standing Working Group “Managing in Extreme Contexts”, European Group for Organizational Studies.
Visiting Research Fellow, Center for Organizational Research (COR), University of California, Irvine (USA) (2017).
Visiting Professor for Organization Studies, Uganda Management Institute , Kampala (Uganda).
Prices and Awards
2010: Douglas McGregor Memorial Award (together with Elena Antonacopoulou) for the best paper published in the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science in 2009.
2009: Best Paper Award for Young Scholars “Kommission Organisation” for a paper on virtual knowledge sharing
2009: Handelsblattranking: Place 122 out of the 200 most published Professors for Business Administration in German speaking countries (Place 64 among scholars below 40)
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: Organisation. Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung, 7. Auflage, Gabler Verlag Wiesbaden 2024.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: Organisation. Grundlagen moderner Organisationsgestaltung, 6. Auflage, Gabler Verlag Wiesbaden 2016.
- Geiger, D.: “Wissen und Narration: Der Kern des Wissensmanagements“, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin 2005. (pp. 338).
- Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Koch, J. (Hrsg.): „Komplexität und Handlungsspielraum: Unternehmenssteuerung zwischen Ordnung und Chaos“, Erich Schmidt Verlag Berlin 2012.
Peer reviewed journal papers:
- Räcker, T./Geiger,D./Seidl, D.: From coordinating in space to coordinating through space: A spatial perspective on coordinating” in Organization Theory Volume 5: 1–18, 2024.
- Kremser, W./Geiger, D.: "Granularity Matters! Towards a Methodological Framework for Understanding Routine Dynamics" in: Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 88, 2024.
- Seidemann, I., Geiger, D., & Harborth, L. (2023). System level dynamics in the emergence and navigation of multi-actor paradoxes. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023.
- Geiger, D.: "Routine dynamics and paradox: A revised research agenda" in: Scandinavian Journal of Management, Vol. 88, 2022.
- Hoellerer, M./Geiger, D.: „Academia in the Post-Pandemic World: Leapfrogging into the Unknown –Tales from Organizing EGOS 2020” in: Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 95 No. 3, 2022, p. 843-850.
- Danner-Schröder, A./Geiger, D./Kremser, W.: "Getting Ahead of Time—Performing Temporal Boundaries to Coordinate Routines under Temporal Uncertainty" in Administrative Science Quarterly (ASQ), 2020.
- Geiger, D./Harborth, L./Mugyisha, A.: "Managing enduring public health emergencies such as COVID-19: lessons from Uganda Red Cross Society’s Ebola virus disease response operation", in: BMJ Leader, 2020.
- Danner-Schröder, A./Geiger, D.: “Unravelling the motor of patterning work. Toward an understanding of the microlevel dynamics of enacting standard and flexible patterns, in: Organization Science, Vol. 27 No. 3, 2016, pp. 633-658.
- Danner-Schröder A./Geiger, D.: “Organisationale Resilienz als Fähigkeit: Wie Unternehmen Krisen erfolgreich bewältigen können“, in: Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation (zfo), No. 3, 2016, pp. 201-208.
- Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Aßländer, M.: “Repairing Trust in an Organization after Integrity Violations: The Ambivalence of Organizational Rule Adjustments”, in: Organization Studies, Vol. 36 No. 9, 2015, pp. 1205-1235.
- Geiger, D./Schröder, A.: “Ever-Changing Routines? Toward a Revised Understanding of Organizational Routines between Rule-Following and Rule-Breaking, in: Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr), Vol. 66, 2014, pp. 170-190.
- Geiger, D: “Book review: How to Conduct Practice-Based Studies by Silvia Gherardi, in: M@n@gement, Vol. 16 No. 1, 2013, pp. 88-94.
- Geiger, D./Schreyögg, G.: “Narratives in Knowledge Management: Challenging validity, in: Journal of Knowledge Management Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 97-113, 2012.
- Gabriel, Y./Geiger, D./Letiche, H.: “The marriage of story and metaphor in organization studies”, in: Culture and Organization Vol. 17 No. 5, pp. 367-371. 2011.
- Geiger, D: „Argument and Narration in Knowledge Sharing“, in: Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr) Vol. 62, 2010, pp. 102-125. (Wurde mit dem Nachwuchspreis der Kommission Organisation für das beste Paper im Jahr 2009 ausgezeichnet)
- Geiger, D.: “Wissenstransfer in multinationalen Unternehmen: Probleme und Grenzen des Geschichtenerzählens”, in Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation (zfo) Vol. 78 No.4, 2009, pp. 233-239.
- Geiger, D./Antonacopoulou, E.: “Narratives and organizational dynamics: Narratives as a source of blind spots and organizational inertia”, in: Journal of Applied Behavioral Science Vol. 45 No. 3, 2009, pp. 411-436. (Wurde mit dem Douglas McGregor Memorial Award für das Best Paper im Jahre 2009 ausgezeichnet).
- Geiger, D./Schreyögg, G.: “Coping with the Concept of Knowledge: Toward a Discursive Understanding of Knowledge”, in: Management Learning 2009 Vol. 40 No. 4, 2009, pp. 475-480.
- Geiger, D.: “Revisiting the Concept of Practice: Toward an argumentative understanding of practicing”, in: Management Learning Vol. 40 No. 2, 2009, pp. 129-144.
- Geiger, D./Koch, J.: “Von der individuellen Routine zur organisationalen Praktik – Ein neues Paradigma für die Organisationsforschung?, in: Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (zfbf) Vol. 60, 2008, pp. 693-712.
- Geiger, D.: “The Dark Side of Narratives: Challenging the Epistemological Nature of Narrative Knowledge”, in: International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy Vol. 3 No. 1, 2008, pp. 66-81.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Zur Notwendigkeit von Prüfverfahren im Wissensmanagement“, in: Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW) Vol. 67 No. 5, 2007, p. 603-608.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Zum Verständnis von implizitem Wissen – Wege und Irrwege im Wissensmanagement”, in: Zeitschrift für Personalführung Vol. 4, 2007, pp. 58-71.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “The significance of distinctiveness: A proposal for rethinking organizational knowledge”, in: Organization Vol. 14 No. 1, 2007, pp. 77-100.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Knowledge, narrations and connoisseurship: revisiting the foundations of knowledge management”, in: International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy Vol. 1 No.4, 2005, pp. 316-333.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Zur Konvertierbarkeit von Wissen: Wege und Irrwege im Wissensmanagement”, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) Vol. 75 No. 5, 2005, pp. 433-453.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Wenn alles Wissen ist, ist Wissen am Ende nichts?!", in: Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW) Vol. 63. No.1, 2003, pp. 7-22.
- Geiger, D./Kliesch, M.: Book review on: Tsoukas, H./Mylonopoulos, M. (eds.): “Organizations as knowledge systems: Knowledge, learning and dynamic capabilities”, in: Organization Studies Vol. 25 No. 1, 2005, pp. 143-150.
Book sections:
- Geiger, D./Danner-Schröder, A.: „Unexpected events and routine dynamics“, in: Cambridge Handbook of Routine Dynamics, edited by: Feldman, M./Pentland, B./D’Adderio, L./Dittrich, D./Rerup, C./Seidl, D., 2021, p. 433-442.
- Geiger, D.: "Wissensmanagement in Dienstleistungsunternehmen – Von Datenfriedhöfen zu lebendigen Wissensgemeinschaften“, in: Corsten, H./Roth, S. (eds.) : Handbuch Dienstleistungsmanagement, Vahlen Verlag 2017, pp. 335-347.
- Geiger, D./Danner-Schröder, A.: „Organization as Communication and Routines: Text, Interpretation and Performance of Rules”, in: Schoeneborn, D./Blaschke, S.: "Organization as Communication", Routledge 2017.
- Geiger, D./Kazakova, T. V.: "The Complexity of Simple Rules in Strategic Decision Making: Toward an Understanding of Organizational Heuristics", in: "Uncertainty and Strategic Decision Making. New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition", Emerald 2016.
- Schröder, A./Geiger, D.: "Routine versus Improvisation im Katastrophenfall – Zur Bedeutung von Routinen in turbulenten Situation“, in: Grün, O./Schenker-Wicki, A. (eds.): „Katastrophenmanagement“, Springer Verlag, Berlin 2014, pp. 153-175.
- Geiger, D.: “Neuere qualitative Forschungsansätze für eine zukunftsorientierte Arbeitswissenschaft”, in: Bruder, R./von Hauff, M. (eds.): Arbeit im Wandel – Aufgaben der Arbeitswissenschaft im 21. Jahrhundert, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2012, pp. 157-171.
- Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Koch, J.: "Komplexität und Handlungsspielraum – Eine Rahmung“ in: Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Koch, J. (eds.): Komplexität und Handlungsspielraum. Unternehmenssteuerung zwischen Ordnung und Chaos, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2012, pp. 3-15.
- Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Koch, J.: "Potenzialitäten: Beobachtungen zweiter Ordnung, in: Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Koch, J. (eds.): Komplexität und Handlungsspielraum. Unternehmenssteuerung zwischen Ordnung und Chaos, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin 2012, pp. 287-305.
- Geiger, D.: “The Practice Turn in Organization Science: Some Conceptual and Methodological Clarifications”, in: Scherer, G./Patzer, M./Kaufmann, I. (eds.): Methoden der betriebswirtschaftlichen Forschung, Gabler 2009, pp. 187-205.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Wenn alles Wissen ist, ist Wissen am Ende nichts?!”, in: Zeuch, A. (ed.): Management von Nichtwissen in Unternehmen, Carl-Auer, Heidelberg 2007, pp. 69-89.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Developing Organizational Narrations: A New Dimension in Knowledge Management” in: Hinterhuber, H./Renzl, B./Matzler, K.(eds): “The Future in Knowledge Management”, Palgrave, London 2005, pp. 82-98.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Reconsidering Organizational Knowledge: Knowledge, Skills and Narration”, in: Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (eds.): Knowledge Management and Narratives, Berlin 2005, pp. 291-312.
- Geiger, D. "The dark side of narrations: narrations as paradox genres", in: Schreyögg, G./Koch, J. (eds.): Knowledge Management and Narratives, Berlin 2005, pp. 195-313.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Kann man implizites in explizites Wissen konvertieren? Die Wissensspirale auf dem Prüfstand", in: Frank, U. (ed.): Wissenschaftstheorie in Ökonomie und Wirtschaftsinformatik, Wiesbaden 2004, pp. 269-288.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Kann implizites Wissen Wissen sein? Vorschläge zu einer Neuorientierung im Wissensmanagement", in: Wyssusek, B. (ed.): Wissensmanagement komplex: Perspektiven und soziale Praxis, Berlin 2004, pp. 43-54.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Warum sich die Wissensspirale nicht dreht - Vorschläge zu einer Neuorientierung im Wissensmanagement", in: Hoffmann, W.H. (ed.): Die Gestaltung der Organisationsdynamik - Konfiguration und Evolution, Festschrift für Oskar Grün zum 65. Geburtstag, Stuttgart 2003, pp. 383-412.
Peer reviewed conference proceedings and presentations:
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D.: “Caught in a Trap: The Co-Creation of Paradoxes in Processes of Legitimacy Repair", 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago 2024.
- Geisemann, P./Geiger, D.: "Coming from different places: The experience of urgency in multi-actor crisis settings" 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan 2024.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D.: “Nobody said it was easy: From collaboration practices to system dynamics in tackling grand challenges” 40th EGOS Colloquium, Milan 2024.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D.: “From Periphery to Center Stage: The Emergence of Unintended Dynamics in Addressing Climate-Induced Disasters”, 15th PROS, Cyprus 2024.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D. & Harborth, L.: “System Level Dynamics in the Emergence and Navigation of Multi-Actor Paradoxes”, 39th EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, 2023
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D. & Harborth, L. (2023). System level dynamics in the emergence and navigation of multi-actor paradoxes. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2023.
- Seidemann, I./Geiger, D.: “Caught in a trap: The role of media in failing legitimacy repair processes”, Academy of Management Conference, Seattle 2022.
- Geiger, D./Harborth, L. “Coordinating routines in sustained crises”, 38th EGOS Colloquium, Vienna 2022.
- Harborth, L./Geiger, D.: “Towards a diachronic perspective on coordinating routines in crises: Enacting temporal elasticity”, 37th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam 2021.
- Harborth, L./Geiger, D.: „Towards a diachronic perspective on coordinating routines in crisis: Enacting temporal elasticity” Academy of Management Conference, Virtual Meeting, 2021.
- Hoekzema/Kremser/Geiger: "Granularity Matters! Towards a Methodological Framework for Routine Studies", Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, 2020.
- Hoekzema/Geiger: "Exploring Routine Interdependence: Fluid Boundaries and Adaptive Patterning", Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, 2020.
- Darkow/Geiger/Weinfurther/Seidl: "The designing of physical space as coordination mechanism in extreme contexts: The case of refugee camp", 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg, 2020.
- Hoekzema, J./Geiger, D.: “Disentangling routine interdependence: Blurry boundaries and dynamic patterning”, Academy of Management Conference, Boston, 2019.
- Darkow, P./Geiger, D.: “Crafting Space: The Role of Spatial Practices in Managing Refugee Camps”, Academy of Management Conference, Boston, 2019.
- Hoekzema, J./Kremser, W./Geiger, D.: „Granularity Matters! Towards a Methodological Framework for Routine Studies, 35th EGOS Colloquium, Edinburgh, 2019.
- Darkow, P./Geiger, D.: “Crafting Space: The Role of Spatial Practices in Managing Refugee Camps”, Collective Action in Crisis!?, Barcelona, 2019.
- Darkow, P./Geiger, D.: „Coordination saves life. The emergence of coordination practices in unstructured terrain”, Academy of Management Conference, Chicago 2018.
- Geiger, D./Danner-Schröder, A.: „Time in the Making: Towards a Relational Understanding of Time in Routine Performance“, Academy of Management Conference, Chicago 2018.
- Hoekzema, J./Geiger, D.: “Disentangling routine interdependence: Blurry boundaries and dynamic patterning”, 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn 2018.
- Darkow, P./Geiger, D.: „Coordination saves life. The emergence of coordination practices in unstructured terrain”, 3rd European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies, Amsterdam 2018.
- Geiger, D./Danner-Schröder, A.: „It’s about time: Toward a relational understanding of time in routine performance”, Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Hamburg 2018
- Geiger, D./Danner-Schröder, A.: „ It’s about time: Toward a relational understanding of time in routine performance“, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta 2017.
- Geiger, D./Danner-Schröder, A.: „Time in the Making: Connecting micro with macro changes in the construction of time“, Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta 2017.
- Darkow, P./Geiger, D.: „Managing for Resilience: The Emergence of Coordination Practices in Disaster Relief Operations“, 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen 2017.
- Geiger, D./Danner-Schröder, A.: " It’s All about Timing: Toward a relational understanding of time in routine performance ", 32nd EGOS Colloquium, Neaples 2016.
- Geiger, D./Darkow, P.: "Coordinating Crisis: A Practice Perspective on Organizational Resilience", 2nd Workshop: Doing Research in Extreme Environments, Umeå 2016.
- Kazakova, T./Geiger, D.: "The Complexity of Simple Rules in Strategic Decision Making", Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver 2015.
- Willems, M./Geiger, D.: "Opening the black box of replication: Exploring business model replication in practice", 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens 2015.
- Geiger, D.: "Creative rule Play?! The role of organizational rule following and rule breaking in fostering creative routine performance", 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens 2015.
- Kazakova, T./Geiger, D.: "The complexity of Simple Rules in Strategic Decision Making", Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Zürich 2015.
- Geiger, D.: “Break the Rule: A practice-perspective on Organizational Rule Following and Rule Breaking in Extreme Context”, Workshop on Managing in Extreme Contexts, Montreal 2014.
- Kazakova, T./Geiger, D.: "The Complexity of Simple Rules: A Concept of Organizational Heuristics in Strategic Decision Making", Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia 2014.
- Geiger, D./Schröder, A.: “Toward a Communicative Understanding of Routines between Rule-Text and Rule-Performance”, Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia 2014.
- Kazakova, T./Geiger, D.: "The Complexity of Simple Rules: The Micro Foundations of Organizational Heuristics in Strategic Decision Making", Strategic Management Society Conference, Copenhagen 2014.
- Geiger, D./Sutcliffe, K./Schreyögg, G.: “Managing the Unexpected: Coping, Striving, Repairing”, Convenor of Subtheme, 30th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam 2014.
- Schröder, A./Geiger, D.: “The Stability Paradox of Organizational Routines: Enacting Routines in Hot Situations”, Academy of Management Conference, Lake Buena Vista 2013.
- Schröder, A./Geiger, D.: “The Stability Paradox of Organizational Routines: Enacting Routines in Hot Situations”, 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal 2013.
- Kazakova, T./Geiger, D.: “Exploring strategic learning: Uncovering the essence of organizational heuristics”, 29th EGOS Colloquium, Montreal 2013.
- Schröder, A./Geiger, D.: “The Stability Paradox of Organizational Routines: Enacting Routines in Hot Situations”, ”, Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Jena 2013.
- Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Aßländer, M.: “Repairing Integrity Based Trust in Organizations: The Ambivalent Role of Organizational Rules”, Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Jena 2013.
- Schröder, A./Geiger, D.: “Routine Crisis?! Exploring the Nature and Role of Routines in Managing Catastrophes”, Academy of Management Conference, Boston 2012.
- Geiger, D./Schröder, A.: “Routines as Text and Conversation: Toward a Semantic Understanding of Organizational Routines”, 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki 2012.
- Schröder, A./Geiger, D.: “Organizing and Managing Risk: The Role of Routines in Hot Situations”, 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki 2012.
- Eberl, P./Geiger, D./Aßländer, M.: “Repairing Integrity Based Trust in Organizations: The Ambivalent Role of Organizational Rules”, 28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki 2012.
- Geiger, D.: “A communicative perspective on knowledge sharing: Exploring narrative and argumentative modes”, Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio 2011.
- Geiger, D./Koch, J./Antonacopoulou, E.: “Exploring the nature of strategic lock-in: The emergence and maintenance of a strategic core”, Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio 2011.
- Lehner, J./Geiger, D.: “Selecting radical projects or radical agents? The influence of status behavior on the selection of radical innovations”, 27th EGOS Colloquium, Gothenburg 2011.
- Geiger, D./Koch, J./Antonacopoulou, E.: “Exploring the nature of strategic lock-in: The emergence and maintenance of a strategic core”, VHB Tagung, Kaiserslautern 2011.
- Geiger, D.: “A Communicative Perspective on Virtual Knowledge Sharing – Between Argumentation and Narration” Academy of Management Conference, Montreal 2010.
- Geiger, D./Antonacopoulou, E.: “How Success Breeds Failure: The Power of Entrepreneurial Narratives – A Process Perspective”, Academy of Management Conference, Montreal 2010.
- Geiger, D.: “Reflexive versus Intuitive Collaboration: Exploring Communicative Strategies in Virtual Knowledge Sharing”, 26th EGOS Colloquium, Lisbon 2010.
- Geiger, D./Antonacopoulou, E.: “The power of entrepreneurial narratives in cultural entrepreneurship: A process perspective on the practice of legitimization”, Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Berlin 2010.
- Geiger, D.: “Lost in translation: The role of argument and narration in cross-boundary knowledge sharing”, Academy of Management Conference, Chicago 2009.
- Yiannis, G./Geiger, D./Letiche, H.: “The marriage of story and metaphor: Power couple or marriage of convenience”, Convenor of subtheme, 25th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona 2009.
- Geiger, D.: “Argument and Narration in Knowledge Sharing: Exploring the Relationship between narrative and reflexive modes of communication”, European Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, Amsterdam 2009.
- Koch, J./Geiger, D./Antonacopoulou, E.: “Exploring path dependency – The emergence and maintenance of a strategic core”, Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Berlin 2009.
- Geiger, D.:“Argument and Narration in Knowledge Sharing: Exploring the Relationship between narrative and reflexive modes of communication”, Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Berlin 2009.
- Geiger, D./Koch, J./Antonacoploulou, E.: “The Emergence and Maintenance of a Strategic Core: Exploring strategic path dependency”, 6. Jahrestagung Arbeitskreis empirische Personal- und Organisationsforschung, Gießen 2008.
- Geiger, D./Koch, J./Antonacopoulou, E.: “The Emergence and Maintenance of a Strategic Core: Exploring strategic path dependency”, Academy of Management Conference, Anaheim 2008.
- Geiger, D.: “Good or Bad Practice? A Habermasian Perspective on the Dark Side of Practices” 24th EGOS Colloquium, Amsterdam 2008.
- Geiger, D./Koch, J.: “Organisationale Routinen als soziale Praktik? Zum „Practice-Turn“ in der Organisationsforschung und seine Konsequenzen“, Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Berlin 2008.
- Geiger, D./Antonacopoulou, E.: “Organizational Narratives and Change: Narratives as a source of blind spots and organizational inertia”, Jahrestagung des Verbands der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft (VHB), Berlin 2008.
- Koch, J./Geiger, D.: “Der Practice Turn in der Organisationsforschung: Von der individuellen Routine zur organisationalen Praktik?“ Kommission Organisation im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, München 2008.
- Geiger, D.: “The Practice Turn in Organization Science: Some Conceptual and Methodological Clarifications”, Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, Zürich 2008.
- Geiger, D.: “Narrative and discursive knowledge in organizations: The paradoxical nature of organizational narratives”, Academy of Management Conference Philadelphia 2007.
- Geiger, D./Antonacopoulou, E./Patnaik, S.: “Narratives and Change: Grand narratives as a source of organizational inertia”, Academy of Management Conference Philadelphia 2007
- Geiger, D./Koch, J./Antonacopoulou, E.: The emergence and maintenance of a strategic core: Exploring strategic path-dependency – The case of a Biotech firm”, 23rd EGOS Colloquium Vienna 2007.
- Geiger, D./Schreyögg, G.: “Narrative variety in knowledge sharing: Coping with the complexity of narratives as a new dimension in knowledge management”, European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM) Paris 2007.
- Geiger, D.: “Opportunities and Pitfalls in Knowledge Management: Exploring the potential of Communities-of-practice for organizational capability development”, Conference on Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Loughborough 2007.
- Geiger, D./Schreyögg, G.: “Narratives as medium for global knowledge sharing. Exploring narrative variety in the oil exploration industry”: IFSAM Conference Berlin 2006.
- Geiger, D.: “The Dark Side of Narratives: Challenging the Epistemological Nature of Narrative Knowledge”: Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research (RNMR) Barcelona 2006.
- Geiger, D./Schreyögg, G.: “Exploring Narrative Variety: Narrative-Based Knowledge Sharing in the Oil Exploration Industry”: Academy of Management Conference Hawaii 2005.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Narratives in Knowledge Management: Bridging the Gap between Discursive and Narrative Knowledge”: Academy of Management Conference Hawaii 2005.
- Geiger, D.: “The Dark Side of Narrations: Challenging the Epistemological Nature of Narrative Knowledge”: Academy of Management Conference Hawaii 2005.
- Geiger, D.: “Reconsidering organizational knowledge: Towards a discursive understanding of organizational knowledge and its implications for knowledge management”: 21st EGOS Colloquium Berlin 2005.
- Geiger, D./Kliesch, M.: “Connecting Reflecting and Acting: A New Perspective on the Development of Organizational (core) capabilities”: 6th European Conference on Organization Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC), Boston 2005.
- Geiger, D./Koch, J.: “Power/Knowledge Structures in Organizations: Between Enabling and Suppression”: 6th European Conference on Organization Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC), Boston 2005.
- "Knowledge and Communication: The Constitutive Role of Evaluation in Knowledge Management": AOM Showcase Symposium sponsored by RM, OMT, ODC on "Philosophical Foundations of Knowledge Management - How is Knowledge Management Possible? (together with: Andreas Scherer, Bill McKelvey, Haridimous Tsoukas, JC Spender and Georg Schreyögg), Academy of Management Conference, New Orleans 2004.
- Kliesch, M./Geiger, D.: "Working on the Edge of Knowing and Competence: Why Reflection is still necessary": 20th EGOS Colloquium Ljubljana 2004.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Developing Organizational Narrations - A New Dimension in Knowledge Management": 5th European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC), Innsbruck 2004.
- Geiger, D.: "The Dark Side of Narrations: Narrations as paradox genres": EIASM Workshop on Narration and Knowledge Management, Brussels 2003.
- Geiger, D./Kliesch, M.: "Lifting the Haze - Reframing the Relationship between Knowledge, Competence, and Action": 19th EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen 2003.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Zur Konvertierbarkeit von Wissen - Wissenstheoretische Wege und Irrwege im Wissensmanagement": Tagung der Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Koblenz 2003.
(„Knowledge Conversion – Paths and Meanders in Knowledge Management“) - Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Reconsidering Organizational Knowledge": Strategic Management Society (SMS) Pre-conference workshop on "Managing Knowledge, Paris 2002.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Knowledge, Narrations, and Könnerschaft": 18th EGOS Colloquium, Barcelona 2002.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "If Knowledge is Everything, Maybe it is Nothing": 3rd European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC), Athens 2002.
- Geiger, D.: "Selection Processes in Knowledge Management": Conference on "The Future of Knowledge Management", Berlin 2002.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Kann implizites Wissen Wissen sein?": Tagung der Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie im Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Augsburg 2001.
Invited presentations:
- Geiger, D.: “It’s about time: Toward a relational understanding of time in routine performance”, Wharton School of Business Research Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, USA, 2019.
- Geiger, D.: „Coordinating the Unexpected“, Research Seminar, University of Umea, Umea 2018.
- Geiger, D.: “Managing for and In Challenging Times”, Casablanca 2018.
- Geiger, D.: „Managing Humanitarian Emergencies“, Research Seminar Uganda Management Institute, Kampala 2018.
- Geiger, D:“Krisenmanagement – strukturelle Vorkehrungen”, Seminar “Krisenmanagement”, HHLA Hamburg, 2015.
- Geiger, D: “Break the Rule?! A practice perspective on organizational rule following and rule breaking”, COR Research Seminar, University of Irvine (USA), 2014.
- Geiger, D.: ”Argument and narration in knowledge sharing”, Research Seminar at the University of Bristol (UK), 2012.
- Geiger, D.: “Reflexive versus intuitive modes of collaboration: Exploring communicative strategies in virtual knowledge sharing”, Distinguished Speaker Seminar at the Warwick Business School (UK) 2012.
- Geiger, D.: ”Unternehmensplanung in schnelllebigem Umfeld: Herausforderungen für das Management, Wipprecht Stiftung, Frankenstein 2011.
- Geiger, D.: “Knowledge sharing between argumentation and narration”, Research Seminar at the University of Reading (UK), 2010.
- Geiger, D.: „Qualitative Methods for practice-based studies: Ensuring validity and reliability”, Doctoral School “The future of practice-based studies”, Johannes Kepler University Linz 2009.
- Geiger, D.: “Wissenstransfer von Alt nach Jung: Das Beispiel BMW”, Impulsreferat an der Universität Innsbruck 2009.
- Geiger, D.: “Narratives as a methodology to study practices in organizations”. RUCOLA Doctoral School, Trento 2008
- Geiger, D.: “The Dark Side of Narratives: A Glimpse behind the Façade of Things”. RUCOLA Doctoral School, Trento 2007.
- Geiger, D.: “The Nature of Organizational Practices in the Bio-pharmaceutical Industry: Insights from an International Research Project”: International Conference on “Mastering Business Practices: Opportunities, Challenges, Future Prospects” London 2007.
- Geiger, D.: Invited panelist at the EURAM conference 2007, theme: “Practice and Practising: Insights from an international research project”
- Geiger, D.: "Developing Narrations - Examples from a research project at Shell": EUDOKMA Seminar at ESADE Barcelona 2004.
- Geiger, D.: "Wissen und Unterscheidung – Epistemologische Implikationen für das Wissensmanagement": Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Free University of Berlin, Berlin 2003.
- Geiger, D.: "Wissen und Unterscheidung - Wissenschaftstheoretische Implikationen für das Wissensmanagement", Universität Zürich 2003.
Working papers:
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: “Exploring narrative variety: Narrative-based knowledge sharing in the oil exploration industry”, in: Working Papers Institute for Management No. 27/05, 2005.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Kann die Wissensspirale Grundlage des Wissensmanagements sein?", in: Diskussionsbeiträge des Instituts für Management, Bresser/Krell/Schreyögg (Hrsg.), No. 20/03.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Knowledge, Narrations and Könnerschaft. Revisiting the Management of Knowledge", in: Working Paper Institute for Management, Bresser/Krell/Schreyögg (eds.), No. 18/02.
- Schreyögg, G./Geiger, D.: "Kann implizites Wissen Wissen sein?", in: Diskussionsbeiträge des Instituts für Management, Bresser/Krell/Schreyögg (Hrsg.), No. 14/02.