Program Regulations
Examination regulations
For all MIBAS students following examination regulations apply: Prüfungsordnung für die Fakultät für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften mit dem Abschluss Master of Arts vom 15. Juni 2016 (PDF, German) and the Änderung der Prüfungsordnung vom 24.01.2018 (PDF, German) / Examination Regulations for the Master of Arts (MA) Degree Programs in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences dated 15 June 2016 (PDF, English).
For students who began their studies in winter semester 2016-17 or later, the Prüfungsordnung is completed by the revised Fachspezifische Bestimmungen (PDF, German) / Subject-Specific Provisions for the Master's Degree Program International Business and Sustainability dated 15 June 2016 (PDF, English) and the correction of the Fachspezifische Bestimmungen (PDF, German).
For students who began their studies in winter semester 2014-15 or winter semester 2015-16, the Prüfungsordnung is completed by the revised Fachspezifische Bestimmungen (PDF) and the revised Modulhandbuch (PDF).
For all students who began their studies in winter semester 2013-14, the Prüfungsordnung is supplemented by the Fachspezifischen Bestimmungen (PDF) and the Modulhandbuch (PDF).
The point of time of the start of study is always decisive for the treatment of the students. This means that students who began to study in winter semester 2013-14, have to fulfill the criteria required by the Fachspezifische Bestimmungen and the Modulhandbuch, which was in force at the time they took up their study.