Courses and Examinations
General information: Registering for and withdrawing from courses and examinations
In principle:
You must be registered in STiNE in order to participate in courses and examinations.
When do I need to register for classes and examinations?
The general registration periods at University of Hamburg are announced well beforehand on the STiNE website: STiNE registration periods
Why are there different registration periods and which one should I use?
- We strongly recommend using the (first) registration period. This is especially important when registering for courses with a restricted number of participants. Subsequent registration periods are intended primarily for making adjustments and allocating remaining places. Course places are allocated randomly after the registration period has ended. The exact time point at which you registered during the registration phase plays no role in the allocation of places.
- During the late registration phase, you can register for additional courses or withdraw from courses if you were granted more places than you need during the registration period. Course places are allocated randomly after the late registration period has ended.
In contrast, registration during the Direkt-Akzept late registration period is only possible when remaining places are still available. The places are allocated immediately during registration in this case. In the bachelor’s degree program in socioeconomics, the Direkt-Akzept late registration period is used as an alternative to the late registration phase particularly for modules in which you must select a limited number of classes from a group of courses with restricted numbers of participants. - During the changes and corrections period, however, the remaining available places are alloted directly during the registration procedure. The principle of “first come, first served” is in effect here, just as for the Direkt-Akzept late registration period. If you have been allocated a place in a course but no longer want to attend, you should withdraw during the changes and corrections phase. This will enable other students to participate in the course.
- The early registration period is not usually used in the Department of Socioeconomics. Exception: seminars in the third semester of the Master of Science in Health Economics and Health Care Management.
How and when can I tell if my registration was successful?
Course places are allocated one or two days after the respective registration period (general registration, late registration, registration for first semester students) has ended. During the Direkt-Akzept late registration period and the changes and corrections phase, places are allocated immediately with registration.
When registering for courses during either of these phases, you will receive a message in STiNE indicating whether your registration was successful or not. In addition, you can check under “Exams” in your personal STiNE account to see which examinations you are registered for. Be sure to check if your registration was successful before the end of the changes and corrections phase, as registration after this time is not possible.
Who can help if I have problems with registering for or withdrawing from courses? By when do these problems need to be solved?
- In case of technical problems: use the STiNE support form in your personal account
- Help with lost access details, iTAN lists, and/or blocked passwords: contact the Regional Computing Center
- Other registration problems: Socioeconomics Academic Office
Registration problems that you cannot solve beforehand should be clarified at the latest during the office hours of the Academic Office on the final day of the changes and corrections phase. It is important to use this option when necessary because it is not possible to register after the changes and corrections phase. In some cases, extended office hours are offered on what is known as “emergency registration day.” If this day is offered, it will be announced via a STiNE message where applicable.
Under what conditions is it worth submitting a hardship application for admission to courses with a limited number of participants?
If your registration for a class with a restricted number of places is unsuccessful or reasons beyond your control prevent you from registering during the registration periods, you may be able to submit a hardship application.
You must explain why a rejection of your application would extend your study time. Selecting alternative classes or a subsequent semester is considered reasonable if this means that you can complete the respective module and your study time is not extended. You are expected to complete this registration independently.
Given that class size restrictions are sometimes lifted at the start of the changes and corrections phase, and that places sometimes become available, you should not submit your hardship application before the second week of the changes and corrections phase. Until then, check closely to see if you can register on your own. You should prepare and justify your application independently and submit a signed copy together with the required proof to the Socioeconomics Academic Office. To better assess the likelihood of your application being successful, we recommend you submit your application during a subject advising session or on the emergency registration day. A decision will be reached in a timely manner after the end of the changes and correction phase.
Courses: Course Catalogue
Course Catalog
You will find the details of which courses are being offered when and where during a semester in the STiNE Course Catalog. This information (room, time, course title, etc.) is often subject to change. Updates are continuously being made in STiNE. We therefore recommend you check the information published in STiNE at regular intervals.
The Course Catalog is published on 1 February for the summer semester and on 1 August for the winter semester.
Please note the course registration deadlines indicated in your personal account.
An overview of the most important semester dates is available here.
Courses: An- und Abmeldung zu teilnehmerbeschränkten Seminaren im B.A. Sozialökonomie (in German only)
Die Vergabe von Lehrveranstaltungsplätzen in teilnehmerbeschränkten Seminaren des Bachelorstudiengangs Sozialökonomie erfolgt mithilfe von Anmeldegruppen unter Berücksichtigung von Prioritätskriterien. Das bedeutet, dass Sie in der Anmeldephase bei der Anmeldung zu einem teilnehmerbeschränkten Seminar durch STiNE aufgefordert werden, alle in der jeweiligen Anmeldegruppe zusammengefassten Seminare zu ranken oder einzelne Seminare auszuschließen. Die Platzvergabe erfolgt am Ende der o.g. Anmeldephase unabhängig vom Zeitpunkt der Anmeldung. Zusätzlich zu dem von Ihnen angegebenen Ranking wird dabei auch berücksichtigt, wie dringend Sie entsprechend der für Sie geltenden Prüfungsordnung sowie Schwerpunkt- und Vertiefungswahl auf einen Platz in dem jeweiligen Seminar angewiesen sind. Ziel ist dabei, vorrangig den Studierenden die Teilnahme an Seminaren zu ermöglichen, die für den Abschluss Ihres Studiums darauf angewiesen sind. Aufgrund der limitierten Plätze erhalten Studierende je nach Anmeldegruppe maximal so viele Veranstaltungsplätze, wie zum Abschluss des Moduls in der jeweiligen Vertiefung bzw. dem jeweiligen Schwerpunkt zum Studienabschluss erforderlich sind. Die Anmeldung zu Restplätzen in weiteren Seminaren ist in der Ummelde- und Korrekturphase möglich. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie Seminare nicht ohne gewichtige Gründe vom Ranking ausschließen sollten, wenn Sie zum Beispiel auf einen Seminarplatz angewiesen sein sollten, um das Studium im jeweiligen Semester abschließen zu können.
Die Anmeldegruppe "SP BWL-FiRe" enthält bspw. alle Seminare des Vertiefungsmoduls Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (FiRe). Bei der Anmeldung zu einem Seminar werden Sie aufgefordert, für alle in der Anmeldegruppe enthaltenen Seminare eine Rangfolge festzulegen. Sie können selbst entscheiden, wie vielen Seminaren Sie einen Rang zuweisen bzw. ob Sie einzelne Seminare vollständig ausschließen. Bei der Platzvergabe nach der ersten Anmeldephase erfolgt die Platzvergabe in STiNE die Anmeldewünsche der Studierenden in folgender Reihenfolge:
- Studierende im Lehramt M.Ed. Unterrichtsfach BWL mit Zulassung bis einschl. WiSe 2015/16 (1 Seminar Pflicht, angewiesen auf Zeitfenster)
- Studierende im B.A. Sozialökonomie mit Zulassung ab WiSe 2016/17 im Schwerpunkt BWL mit Vertiefungsmodul Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (2 FiRe-Seminare Pflicht)
- Studierende im B.A. Sozialökonomie mit Zulassung bis einschl. SoSe 2016 im Schwerpunkt BWL mit Vertiefungsmodul Finanz- und Rechnugnswesen (18 LP Pflicht, FiRe-Vorlesung anstelle von FiRe-Seminaren möglich)
- Studierende im Nebenfach Betriebswirtschaft mit Zulassung bis einschl. WiSe 2015/16 (1 Seminar eines beliebigen Vertiefungsmoduls BWL Pflicht)
- Studierende im B.A. Sozialökonomie im Schwerpunkt BWL im im Ergänzungsmodul BWL (2 Lehrveranstaltungen der nicht gewählten Vertiefungsmodule BWL Pflicht, Vorlesungen anstelle von Seminaren möglich)
- Studierende im B.A. Sozialökonomie in den Schwerpunkten Soziologie, VWL oder Recht im interdisziplinären Aufbau- oder Vertiefungsmodul BWL (2 BWL-Lehrveranstaltungen Pflicht, Vorlesungen anstelle von Seminaren möglich).
Die Platzvergabe erfolgt in allen Anmeldegruppen analog nach diesem Muster.
Courses: Master’s degree elective areas
The electives you may take during your master’s degree vary from program to program.
Within the free elective areas for the Master of Arts in Human Resource Management (HRM), Master of Arts in Labor, Economics and Society (AWG-SozÖk), and the elective area of the Master of Arts in International Business and Sustainability (MIBAS), you are able to select:
- courses from your own degree program curriculum.
- open courses from other master’s programs offered by the Faculty announced in STiNE.
- It is also possible to select closed courses. Please speak with your degree program coordinator first to ensure that these will also be recognized. The condition for recognition is that courses are at a master’s degree level, i.e., are offered as part of a master’s program.
- Please check with the responsible degree program coordinator as to whether you may participate in closed courses in their program as an external student.
In the MSc in Health Economics and Health Care Management (HEHCM), you must complete elective courses in the module Management und Ökonomie. Every semester, the examinations board sets which courses must be taken within the required elective area. Upon approval by the examinations board, other courses may also be recognized within the required elective area. Please check with the responsible degree program coordinator as to whether you may participate in closed courses in their program as an external student.
There is no free elective area for the MSc Interdisciplinary Public and Nonprofit Studies (PUNO). If you wish to take courses in other master’s programs as part of your PUNO studies, consult your degree program coordinator.
For information on the recognition of language courses taken as part of a master’s program, please see the section on the recognition of external examinations.
Courses: An- und Abmeldung: Studierende anderer Fachbereiche/Fakultäten (in German only)
An- und Abmeldung: Studierende anderer Fachbereiche
Bachelor Nebenfach
Ab dem WiSe 2014/15 bietet der Fachbereich Sozialökonomie für Studiengänge mit dem Nebenfach "Betriebswirtschaftslehre" (BWL) Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen an. Auch im Nebenfach "Volkswirtschaftslehre" (VWL), im Bachelorstudiengang "Wirtschaft und Kultur Chinas" und im Bachelorstudiengang "Holzwirtschaft" werden Module bzw. Lehrveranstaltungen und Prüfungen angeboten.
Die Anmeldung erfolgt über STiNE.
Bei der An- & Abmeldung gelten allgemein die Regeln des anbietenden Faches.
Bachelor Freier Wahlbereich
Derzeit gibt es leider kein Lehrangebot für Studierende anderer Fachbereiche /Fakultäten im "Freien Wahlbereich".
Master Freier Wahlbereich
Studierende anderer Masterstudiengänge der Universität Hamburg, die Veranstaltungen des Fachbereichs Sozialökonomie im Rahmen des Freien Wahlbereichs besuchen möchten, können sich in der Regel über STiNE für diese anmelden.
Es sind nicht alle Lehrveranstaltungen im Freien Wahlbereich wählbar. Die geöffneten Veranstaltungen werden entsprechend zur Anmeldung freigegeben.
Bei Interesse an nicht-geöffneten Veranstaltungen wenden Sie sich bitte an die Studienkoordinatorin bzw. Studienkoordinator des anbietenden Studiengangs, zu finden unter Kontakt.
Examinations: the different types of examinations
Written examinations
Before the written examination: terms of participation
- registration for courses and examinations via STiNE
- no exceeding of the maximum examination attempts
- where applicable, selection of examination date
During the written examination
- presentation of your student ID and identity card at admission
- compliance with the Examination Regulations (PDF)
After the examination: notification of results
- Takes place in STiNE. The examiners are required to release the results in a timely manner. For bachelor’s degrees, the examinations board sets a final examination correction deadline for each semester. For master’s degrees, maximum correction deadlines of four weeks or six weeks have applied respectively for admissions from the winter semester 2013/14 pursuant to the examination regulations for MA and MSc programs in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.
- Viewing of exam papers: you can collect your exam papers from the Service Point in the Academic Office. Exception: for the Master of Science in Health Economics and Health Care Management, only the exam papers completed for socioeconomics tutors can be collected at the Service Point (e.g., Prof. Dr. Kifmann, Prof. Dr. Perino). The exam papers completed for tutors of the Department of Economics or Faculty of Business Administration can be viewed directly in the tutors’ offices.
Term papers
Before the written examination: terms of participation
- registration for courses and examinations via STiNE
- no exceeding of the maximum examination attempts
- discussion of topics with the examiner
- group work possible
Submission of term papers
- The examiner will set dates for the start of the completion period and the latest submission deadline. The submission deadline will be published in STiNE.
- Extension of the completion period is only possible under certain circumstances and you must submit a formal application (see the information on extensions).
- Term papers must be submitted on time! Location: Service Point in the Academic Office, mailbox in front of the Academic Office (accessible during building opening hours or at latest until 10.00 am on the day following the submission date published in STiNE), or by post (postmark is decisive). The submission date will be registered in STiNE. If the submission date is on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday (in the state of Hamburg), the term paper can be submitted on the first working day immediately thereafter.
- Scope: 10–15 pages; major term papers in bachelor’s degree programs (only applies to students enrolled before winter term 2013/14), approx. 20–25 pages
- Format:
- 1 printed copy (no loose sheets, please! Clipped, stapled, or bound together)
- 1 electronic data carrier (electronic file for example via small-sized USB stick)
- 1 course certificate (Leistungsschein)
- No sworn declaration—this is only necessary for the final thesis.
- If you submit your coursework in person at the Academic Office’s Service Point during office hours, an envelope is not required. An envelope is only required if you put your coursework in the mailbox in front of the Academic Office.
Exception: in the Master of in Health Economics and Health Care Management, coursework completed for courses offered by the Department of Economics or Faculty of Business Administration must be submitted according to the regulations of the specific department. However, please note that you must still apply for extensions via the Socioeconomics Academic Office.
Notification of results
- Takes place in STiNE. The examiners are required to release the results in a timely manner. For bachelor’s degree programs, the examinations board sets a final examination correction deadline for each semester. For master’s degrees, maximum correction deadlines of four weeks or six weeks have applied respectively for admissions from the winter semester 2013/14 pursuant to the examination regulations for MA and MSc programs in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.
- Following notification of results, you are able to collect your course certificates, and generally also the examination notes, from the Service Point of the Academic Office. Exception: for the Master of Science in Health Economics and Health Care Management, only the exam papers completed for socioeconomics tutors can be collected at the Service Point (e.g., Prof. Dr. Kifmann, Prof. Dr. Perino). The exam papers completed for tutors of the Department of Economics or Faculty of Business Administration can be viewed directly in the tutors’ offices.
Before the presentation: terms of participation
- registration for courses and examinations via STiNE
- no exceeding of the maximum examination attempts
- discussion of topics with the examiner
- group work possible
A presentation as part of an examination
- The presentation date will be set in consultation with the examiner. As a rule, presentations are combined with another type of examination:
presentation + written coursework (for information on course submission, please see the information on term papers)
presentation + oral examination
Notification of results
- Takes place in STiNE. The examiners are required to release the results in a timely manner. For bachelor’s degree programs, the examinations board sets final examination correction deadlines. For master’s degrees, maximum correction deadlines of four weeks or six weeks have applied respectively for admissions from the winter semester 2013/14 pursuant to the examination regulations for MA and MSc programs of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences.
- Following notification of results, you are able to collect your course certificates, and generally also the examination notes, from the Service Point of the Academic Office. Exception: for the Master of Science in Health Economics and Health Care Management, only the exam papers completed for socioeconomics tutors can be collected at the Service Point (e.g., Prof. Dr. Kifmann, Prof. Dr. Perino). The exam papers completed for tutors of the Department of Economics or Faculty of Business Administration can be viewed directly in the tutors’ offices.
Oral examinations
Before the oral examination: terms of participation
- registration for courses and examinations via STiNE
- no exceeding of the maximum examination attempts
- discussion of topics with the examiner
- group work possible
Oral examinations: particularities
- Oral examinations always take place in the presence of two examiners or one examiner and one invigilator.
- Duration: 20–30 minutes for bachelor’s degrees; 15–25 minutes for master’s degrees.
- Oral examinations are recorded.
Notification of results
- immediately after the examination, then officially in STiNE
Take Home exams
What is a Take Home Exam?
In a Take-Home Exam (THE), students complete one or more given assignments/tasks in writing, independently and without supervision.
The examiners usually specify aids that you may use for processing.
The processing takes place within a specified processing time and within a specified processing time frame, which are also determined by the examiners.
A THE can be performed as a continuous online test, but also offline through a downloaded task, the solution of which must then be uploaded again.
Generally, a time buffer is granted so that technical disruptions do not lead to unnecessary stress. Depending on the testing concept, the buffer can be a few minutes, but also several days. Check when and how the solution is due at the latest and expect that uploading files may take a little longer than you are used to.
Will there be take-home exams only instead of written exams in the fall semester of 20/21?
Due to the pandemic, no onsite exams can be offered in the winter term 2020/21. Instead, digital exam formats such as Take-Home Exams or digital oral examinations will be offered. This also applies to the second exam dates until further notice. Please note the changed registration and de-registration deadlines for exams in the winter term 2020/21 in the next column:
Are the registration and deregistration deadlines for exams changing?
Yes. Until further notice, cancellation (but also registration) is ONLY possible in STiNE up to 72 hours before the start of the respective exam date (previously 7 days). Participation in the exam without STiNE registration is excluded.
Where can I find the specific regulations and technical requirements of a THE?
As usual, the exam date is published in the exam in STiNE. In addition, the processing time frame is published in the course offering details, which usually includes a time buffer in addition to the processing time, e.g. for solving technical problems.
Further detailed information on how the examination is conducted, which aids may be used, or whether and which citation guidelines apply, can be obtained from the examiners of the courses. The examiners will also specify how they can be reached by you during the exam and, conversely, how you must be available to the examiners during the exam if clarifications are needed.
In many cases, teachers will conduct mock exams with you to test the process with you and familiarize you with the rules of the game.
What technical requirements do I need?
You need an internet-enabled computer on which standard office programs, a PDF reader and a modern web browser are installed and you need to be able to create PDF files. If, for example, uploading multi-page scanned files usually works reliably, the bandwidth of your Internet connection should be sufficient. You will find out from the examiner whether handwriting editing and thus scanning, for example using a free smartphone app such as Adobe Scan or Microsoft Office Lense, will be required. Please be sure to learn how to create PDF files in advance.
If you participate in THE via OpenOLAT, you are expected to have registered on the OpenOLAT learning platform for the first time at least 72 hours before the start of your THE. For this, you need your log in ID and password that you use for STiNE.
Please set in the personal settings in OpenOLAT that you get emails delivered to the internal OpenOLAT mailbox and your university mail address. Then you will receive, for example, the notification when you have been registered for an exam in OpenOLAT.
What if I get technical problems during the exam and can't process it as intended?
Since the processing time frame is usually longer than the duration estimated for the test, in most cases you have a time buffer so that you do not normally have to report technical faults to the examiners. If the time buffer is no longer available to you because you have started processing later, this is your responsibility.
Only in the event that long-term technical problems occur do you need to contact the examiners during the exam. They will then decide whether the exam must be cancelled or whether another remedy is justifiable despite the time buffer.
The prerequisite is that you can provide suitable evidence that you were not responsible for the fault to the examiners immediately after the test. Create evidence of your technical problems with e.g. screenshots, photos, videos, etc. to make it credible that you were not responsible for the fault and keep these ready after the exam.
Before the exam, find out by which means the examiners can be reached during the exam in case of disruptions.
Are there technical support services available?
If, after consultation with the lecturers, you find that your own technical devices do not meet these requirements and you are also unable to obtain devices with the appropriate requirements, you can contact the WiSo research laboratory - if necessary with the support of the lexaminers. There you can inquire whether you can be provided with a laptop for the period of the examination.
Please only resort to this option in an absolute emergency and be in solidarity with students who absolutely need it.
Does the university provide workstations?
Unfortunately, it is currently assumed that the university will not be able to provide workstations with WLAN connections on campus until further notice due to the pandemic-related restrictions. If you are concerned that your internet connection will not meet the requirements, we recommend that you seek alternative options (surf sticks, mobile hotspots, etc.) at an early stage. As soon as circumstances allow us to offer you spatial support, we will inform you immediately.
What do I have to do if I want to cancel the exam?
If you cancel an online test or, in the case of offline tests, do not want to or cannot upload the solution by the deadline, inform your examiner immediately during the examination. The exam will then be graded as failed and you can take another exam attempt later if you have not exhausted the exam attempts. If you do not inform your examiner of your withdrawal, interim solutions that have already been saved will be assessed. If you pass the exam, it cannot be repeated.
Background: In many technical systems in which an exam is taken online, the intermediate solutions entered are saved as processing progresses (e.g. in OpenOLAT). In some cases, depending on the examiner's conception of the exam, the entries can no longer be revised or deleted afterwards.
What if I turn in a Take-Home Exam too late?
If Take-Home Exams are not handed in within the specified processing time frame, the respective exam attempt will be assessed as failed. Please note the information above under the point cancellation of an exam.
What if I have not submitted/uploaded the declaration of originality?
The examiner will provide you with the template for the declaration of originality, usually together with the examination task (e.g. in OpenOLAT). You must upload it with the solution before the end of the processing time.
If the declaration of self-sufficiency is not uploaded before the end of the processing time, the examination is considered incomplete and thus missed/failed. It is left to the discretion of the examiners whether the lecturers grant you the possibility of submitting the declaration of originality at short notice.
What if I get sick and cannot attend THE?
Sick notes for THE examination works as usual: Submit the request for inability to take the examination with proof of illness immediately to the academic office by e-mail. See Sick note.
Examinations: Registering and withdrawing from exams
Written examinations
Registering for written examinations for the BA in Socioeconomics (first year) and the master´s degree programs
- Students register for their examinations when they sign up for classes via STiNE.
- There are 2 examination dates each semester.
- If you cannot attend the first examination date or pass the examination on your first attempt, you will need to register separately for the second (repeat) date. You will not be registered automatically.
- First examination date: at the start of the semester break; second examination date: at the end of the semester break.
Registering for written examinations for the BA in Socioeconomics (second and third year)
- Students register for their examinations when they sign up for classes in STiNE.
- There is only 1 examination date each semester if the class is being offered again the next semester. Otherwise, there will be 2 examination dates.
- Due to the large number of electives, examination dates may clash. Please take note of the examination dates when registering for your classes.
Withdrawing from written examinations
- You can use STiNE to withdraw from an examination up to 72 hours before the examination date without providing a reason.
- There are special application deadlines for withdrawals from the written examinations in the MSc in Health Ecomomics and Health Care Management offered by the Faculty of Business Administration (see semester dates and deadlines).
- If you cannot attend an examination at short notice with good reason, such as illness, you can apply to withdraw. You must submit a withdrawal application as soon as possible (see also: Withdrawal from an examination).
- Failed exam attempts are not listed in the certificate. However, registration for the course is shown in the final transcript in some degree programmes. The fail grade (5.0) is not listed in the final transcript.
Term papers
Registering for term papers
- Students register for their examinations when they sign up for classes in STiNE.
- They are usually given an examination date.
Registering for the extended term paper for the BA in Socioeconomics
- All students who commenced their studies before or during the 2013 Summer Semester must complete their extended term paper in 1 third-year course of their major subject. Only 1 extended term paper can contribute to the final result. In the sociology specialization only, the extended term paper must be completed within the scope of the empirical internship.
- As of the 2018 Summer Semester, students who commenced their studies during or after the 2013/14 Winter Semester no longer complete an extended term paper.
- To register for the extended term paper, you first need to register for the corresponding course and the examination set for that course.
- Any extended term papers will be assigned during the course. The lecturer will submit your registration to the Academic Office. You no longer need to register via STiNE.
Withdrawing from term papers
- If the examiner has specified a withdrawal deadline, you will be able to withdraw via STiNE up until that date. Withdrawals are binding. Once the deadline has passed, you can no longer withdraw from the examination. Re-registering or registering for another type of examination is only possible during the changes and corrections period.
- If the examiner has not set a general withdrawal deadline, you will only be able to withdraw up until the end of the second STiNE registration period, i.e., the changes and corrections period. You can no longer withdraw after the changes and corrections period has passed.
- The Academic Office no longer processes individual withdrawals (even with consent from the examiner).
- It is no longer possible to withdraw from the term paper for the Master of Science in Health Economics and Health Care Management (HEHCM) during the advanced seminar once a place has been allocated. The course and examination registration is binding.
- Failed exam attempts are not listed in the certificate. However, registration for the course is shown in the final transcript in some degree programmes. The fail grade (5.0) is not listed in the final transcript.
Other examinations
Registering for presentations with a written paper, oral examinations etc.
- Students register for their examinations when they sign up for classes via STiNE.
- Normally, examiners set the dates for oral examinations and announce them during the corresponding class.
- Submission deadlines for written examinations are usually published in STiNE.
Withdrawing from presentations etc.
- If the examiner has specified a withdrawal deadline, you will be able to withdraw via STiNE up until that date. Withdrawals are binding. Once the deadline has passed, you can no longer withdraw from the examination. Re-registering or registering for another type of examination is only possible during the changes and corrections period.
- If the examiner has not specified a withdrawal deadline, you will only be able to withdraw up until the end of the second STiNE registration period, i.e., the changes and corrections period. You can no longer withdraw after the changes and corrections period has passed.
- The Academic Office no longer processes individual withdrawals (even with consent from the examiner).
- Failed exam attempts are not listed in the certificate. However, registration for the course is shown in the final transcript in some degree programmes. The fail grade (5.0) is not listed in the final transcript.
Choice of examination types
Bachelor of Arts in Socioeconomics: Registering when multiple examinations are available
- The available examination types are announced in STiNE.
- Students register for their examinations when they sign up for classes in STiNE. They can choose their preferred type of examination.
Withdrawing when multiple examinations are available
- See the information about withdrawing from written examinations, term papers etc.
Master´s programs: Registering when multiple examinations are available
- Students register for their examinations when they sign up for classes in STiNE.
- The different examination types available are listed in STiNE under the general heading Exams.
- Discuss your choice of examination with the examiner. The academic office will register you in STiNE in your choosen type of examination.
Withdrawing when multiple examinations are available
- See the information about withdrawing from written examinations, term papers etc.
Examinations: Number of examination attempts
The Number of examination attempts depends on the degree program.
Students from the following degree programs can make 4 attempts to pass the examination for each course (3 retry attempts)
- B.A. Socioeconomics (exceptions see below)
- B.A. Business Administration as a minor (beginning Wintersemester 2017/2018)
Students from the following degree programs can make 3 attempts to pass the examination for each course (2 retry attempts)
- M.A. AWG
- M.A. HRM
- M.A./M.Sc. MIBAS
- M.Sc. PUNO
- B.Ed. Business Administration (teacher training degree program)
- B.A. Business Administration as a minor (beginning before Wintersemester 2017/2018)
B.A. Socioeconomics students have unlimited exam attempts in the following modules:
- Grundlagen der Statistik
- Grundlagen der Mathematrik
- Buchführung
- Wirtschaft- und Sozialgeschichte
- English for Students of Socioeconomics
Failed exam attempts are not listed in the transcript of records or in the transcript.
If you do not deregister from an exam in time, your exam attempt will be graded with a 5.0 and you will lose an exam attempt. As such, please pay close attention to the deregistration deadlines for your EXAMINATIONS (see section Examinations (registrations and deregistrations).
It is up to the examiners to decide when to offer reexamination opportunities.
Examinations: Compensation for disadvantages
What is a compensation for disadvantages for students with a disability or chronic illness?
If you have a disability or chronic illness, which affects your ability to study, you can apply for a compensation for disadvantages.
Depending on the individual impairments, you can make use of compensations for disadvantages. Typically, the organisation of examinations or courses is adjusted and tailored to your needs. The compensations may not include the grading of your examinations.
The university’s Office for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses has many experiences and can provide guidance and advice regarding suitable and legally permissible measures. Your program coordinator can give you initial information as well.
How can I apply for compensation for disadvantages?
If you want to make use of a compensation for disadvantages for the upcoming examinations, please follow these steps:
1. The first step is to make an appointment with the university’s Office for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses as early as possible, preferably at the start of the semester. You will receive a written statement including individual compensation measures.
2. After that, you should submit your Application for Compensation for Disadvantages (web form) as soon as possible including the written statement from the Office for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses.
We recommend to submit your application by the following dates:
• for examinations in the summer semester: 31 May
• for examinations in the winter semester: 15 December
If necessary, your program coordinator in the Academic Office can give you information about how the recommendations in the written statement will be put into practice in your study program. In general, you should apply for the approval of the recommended measures according to the statement.
We ask for your understanding that an application cannot be approved without the written statement from the Office for Students with Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses. If you apply later than the dates mentioned above, we cannot ensure that your application will be approved in good time to put them into practice for the respective examination period of the semester.
How can I make use of compensations?
If the Chair of the Examinations Board has approved your application, you should get in touch with the examiner directly to make use of the compensations. In some cases, you have to get in touch with the Academic Office instead. You will find the information about whom to contact in the letter of notification you received.
Written examinations: Please inform the respective examiner approx. 4 weeks, at the latest 3 weeks before the examination date, about the compensation for disadvantages, in order to ensure, that all organisational measures can be taken in good time.
If the compensations include an extension of the completion for written work (e.g. presentation with paper, paper, final thesis, etc.), please get in touch with your examinations manager before the submission date of your examination. Please use the form Application to extend the completion for written work (web form), referring to the compensations for disadvantages. All required information is part of your file. Thus, it is not necessary to indicate details.
If the compensation for disadvantages includes changing the type of examination (which is granted only in very rare occasions), please get in touch with the responsible examiner as early as possible. The Academic Office needs to be informed about the change of the examination type and the new examination date before the alternative examination takes place, at the latest before the initial date of the examination.
Examinations: Extending the Completion Period
If you are unable to submit one or several pieces of coursework (term paper, presentation notes, final thesis) on time due to illness or another reason beyond your control, you may submit an Application to extend the completion for written work (web form).
IMPORTANT: you must submit the completed and signed application to the Socioeconomics Academic Office before the coursework submission deadline! In any case of problems, please contact Socioeconomics Academic Office before end of submission deadline.
Important information
- You can request an extension of the completion period for a compelling reason
- several times during the BA in Socioeconomics and master’s programs that commenced at the latest in the 2013 summer semester, though only for a maximum of 14 days.
- For master’s programs that commenced from the 2013/14 winter semester, students may apply for an extension to the completion period of more than 14 days.
In the case of master’s theses: an extension of a maximum of one week is possible, or three weeks for the MSc in Health Economics and Health Care Management.
- Part-time students completing a bachelor’s degree in socioeconomics will be granted a general extension of 14 days upon timely submission of the extension application. This does not aplly to bachelor's thesis. Further extensions are not possible.
From the winter semester 2016/17 onwards, part-time students completing a bachelor’s degree in socioeconomics will be granted a general extension of 7 days upon timely submission of the extension application pursuant to the examinations board resolution of 27 January 2016.
- If you submit an application due to illness, a certificate of incapacity will generally suffice as proof. You will only need to submit an official certificate when requested.
- The completion period can only be extended for the number of proven days of illness. If the new submission deadline falls on a Sunday or public holiday, the deadline will be extended to the next working day.
- In the case of group work, the completion period will only be extended for the student submitting an application for an extension and who is able to provide adequate proof. The completion period will not be extended for the other group members.
Examinations: Withdrawal / Failure to Submit
Failure to submit: written examinations
After the submission deadline (three days before an examination, or for courses within the Faculty of Business Administration for the MSc in Health Economics and Health Care Management, after the submission deadline—see the dates and deadlines), it is only possible to withdraw from an examination for a good reason. If you are unable to complete one or several examinations due to illness or another reason beyond your control, you must:
- provide notice of this in writing without delay and
- provide plausible evidence (e.g., a medical certificate).
Please submit the completed and signed application with the corresponding proof to the Academic Office without delay: Withdrawal from a written examination for a compelling reason (web form).
Failure to submit: other examination types
- Please speak with the examiner if you cannot complete a presentation for a good reason. An alternative date will generally then be arranged.
- For written coursework, e.g., term papers, you can apply for an extension before the completion period ends (see extending the completion period).
- If you are unable to complete an examination with good reason, you must provide notification of this in writing without delay and provide plausible evidence.
Please note: prompt action is essential!
If you do not inform us of your withdrawal from an examination immediately or provide sufficient evidence, a “fail” will be recorded for the examination and you will have lost an examination opportunity.
Students of the BSc and MEd in Teacher Training in Vocational Education: Business Administration
In case of illness, trainee teachers must download Form 5—Sick Note (PDF) from the website of the Central Examination Office for Teacher Training (ZPLA) and submit this in a timely manner according to the ZPLA regulations.
Students of Health Economics and Health Care Management
It is not possible to withdraw from examinations for advanced seminars. Registration is binding.
Examinations: Written examination dates
At the start of the examination period, an up-to-date examination plan including the room information will be posted outside the porter’s lodge at Von-Melle-Park 9.
As a rule, the examination dates listed in STiNE correspond with the planned completion time (examination time) and do not include any admission times, etc.
To ensure the admission to examinations goes smoothly and examinations can start on time, please arrive in good time (before the examination start time listed in STiNE).
For more information about the lecture halls, please see the guide to lecture halls.
Examinations: Submission and Return of Examination Coursework
- Information about the submission and deadlines
- Information about the return of coursework
Courses: Compulsory attendance (in German only)
Es gibt in den Studiengängen am Fachbereich Sozialökonomie keine allgemeine Anwesenheitspflicht.
- B.A. Sozialökonomie: Interdisziplinäres Einführungsmodul und alle Sprachlehrveranstaltungen
- B.A. + M.Ed. Lehramtsteilstudiengänge Betriebswirtschaftslehre: Aktuelle Themen der Betriebswirtschaftslehre aus der Perspektive der beruflichen Bildung
- M.A. AWG: Interdiszipliänre Perspektiven auf Arbeit, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft für Studierende mit Studienbeginn vor WiSe 2023/2024 und im Colloquim für Studierende bis einschließlich WiSe 2017/2018
- M.Sc. HEHCM: Aktuelle Themen der Forschung, Advanced Health Economics, Economics of the Welfare State und in dem Seminar Management im Gesundheitswesen
- M.A. HRM: Studienprojekt zur Personal- und Organisationsforschung, HRM Colloquium, Masterwerkstatt, Praxis der Personalarbeit für Studierende mit Studienbeginn vor dem WiSe 2023/2024
Eine Anwesenheitspflicht muss in den Modulbeschreibungen der Fachspezifischen Bestimmungen der einzelnen Studiengänge definiert sein und ist dann Zulassungsvoraussetzung für die Teilnahme an der Prüfung.
Unentschuldigtes Fehlen bei Anwesenheitspflicht:
Sie dürfen bis zu 15 % einer Lehrveranstaltung unentschuldigt fehlen und haben dennoch die Anwesenheitspflicht erfüllt.
Beispiel: Bei einer wöchentlich stattfindenden Veranstaltung haben Sie 14 Termine, (Vorlesungszeit pro Semester = 14 Wochen) und dürfen an maximal zwei Terminen fehlen.
Fehlen Sie unentschuldigt an mehr als 15 % der Veranstaltungstermine, können die Lehrenden Ihre Zulassung zur Prüfung zurücknehmen. Sie können dann die Prüfung nicht ablegen.
Entschuldigtes Fehlen (z.B. wegen Krankheit):
Wenn Sie z.B. wegen Krankheit oder anderen wichtigen Gründen Termine der Lehrveranstaltung versäumen, wenden Sie sich bitte an die jeweiligen Lehrenden und besprechen Ihre Situation. In der Regel werden die Lehrenden von Ihnen Studien- oder Ersatzleistungen verlangen, um den versäumten Lehrstoff nachzuholen. Damit können Sie dann zur Prüfung zugelassen werden. Ersatzleistungen können z.B. sein: Lesen umfangreicher Literatur oder das Halten von Kurzreferaten, Präsentieren wissenschaftlicher Poster oder Verfassen von Essays über den nachzuholenden Lehrstoff