ToR Application EconomicsFelder mit einem * sind Pflichtfelder und müssen ausgefüllt werden.Input fields marked with a * have to be filled in.Please fill in this form to obtain a Transcript of Records with your final grades before you finally leave! Please attach all grade certificates for courses taken outside of the Faculty of Business, Economics, and Social Sciences (WiSo) and the Faculty of Business Administration (BWL). Such as courses at the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Humanities and language courses at the “Volkshochschule” etc. Any of those grade certificates must show at least: institute, course title, ECTS, final grade, name of participant, signature of lecturer, date of exam. In case information is lacking or certificates are missing, it is not possible to include respective exam results in your transcript. Please contact our International Office in this case. You can check/ pick up your rated examinations at the Service Desk of your office of the students' affairsSurname*First Name*Matriculation Number*Email Address*Study Program (University of Hamburg)*Upload Grade Certificate ("Leistungsschein")Course Title ISTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title IISTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title IIISTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title IVSTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title VSTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title VISTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title VIISTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title VIIISTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title IXSTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCourse Title XSTiNE Course NumberLecturerNumber of ECTSCommentsComments I am not a Robot6 + 11 = *BelegkopieIch willige ein, dass ich die folgenden Informationen per Mail als Antwort auf meine Anfrage per Kontaktformular erhalte:Kopie meiner AnfrageDear student, thank you for your succesful application for the Transcript of Records. I kindly ask you to give me a short notice via e-mail to after all your grades will be visible in STiNE. You will receive your ToR from me immediately after. If you need the grades urgently, please let me know, so I could contact the lecturers to rush the grading process.ja neinDatenschutz*Ich bin damit einverstanden, dass die Universität Hamburg, hier: WISO-Studienmanagement, meine Daten zu folgendem Zweck bzw. folgenden Zwecken verarbeitet: ToR Application. Die Daten werden 28 Tage nach Abschluss der Bearbeitung gelöscht. Meine Einwilligung kann ich jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft gegenüber WISO-Studienmanagement widerrufen. Die bisherige Verarbeitung bleibt von einem Widerruf unberührt.Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen zur Datenverarbeitung.Anmelden