November 11, 2021: "Beyond Climate Neutrality?"
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke (University of Greifswald / German Advisory Council on Global Change)
Thursday, November 11th 2021, 6:30 PM (Berlin time)
Abstract: The climate crisis and the crises caused by the COVID-19 pandemic must be tackled together. Many countries are working on strategies to implement the Paris Agreement. At the climate conference in Glasgow, therefore, it will be imperative to reconcile short- and long-term goals and measures. States have to rethink negative emission technologies.
The lecture is part of the CSS Lecture Series "After Sustainability. What if we stopped pretending?"
More information on further talks in the series can be found here. You can download the poster for the talk here.
The lecture is in German. The lecture will take place via Zoom Webinar. Please register via css.wiso"AT"uni-hamburg.de to receive the dial-in link.
July 6, 2021: "From Environmental Policy to Earth System Governance"
Prof. Frank Biermann (Utrecht University / Earth System Governance Project)
Tuesday, July 6th 2021, 6:30 PM (Berlin time)
Abstract: The mainstream “environmental policy“ paradigm can no longer capture the myriad transformations and interconnections of our planetary systems. Which new concepts are available? What are the central questions for the social sciences to “navigate the Anthropocene”? In this talk, Frank Biermann develops his vision of new governance to cope with the Anthropocene challenges of the 21st century, covering important issues such as planetary justice, planetary boundaries and the role of the Sustainable Development Goals, the need to decolonize sustainability discourses, and the dangers of the increasing normalization of geoengineering.
The lecture is part of the CSS Lecture Series "After Sustainability. What if we stopped pretending?"
More information on further talks in the series can be found here. You can download the poster for the talk here.
The Lecture will take place via Zoom Webinar. Please register via css.wiso"AT"uni-hamburg.de to receive the dial-in link.
June 30, 2021: "Earthly Multitudes and the Challenge of a Self-Differentiating Planet"
Prof. Nigel Clark (Lancaster University / Lancaster Environment Centre)
Wednesday, June 30th 2021, 6:00 PM
Abstract: We might view sustainability as an especially cramped and fearful response to the challenges of a dynamic, self-differentiating Earth.In this talk, using the concept of ‘earthly multitudes’ (Clark and Szerszynski2021) Prof. Clark will be looking at some of the many ways that humans respond to both the threats and the opportunities that arise out of our planet’s capacity to transform itself.After focusing on the excessive, unpredictable aspects of tapping into planetary forces, the talk will circle back on the issue of how strategies of growth and accumulation –including sustainability –avoid facing up to the excess inherent in the Earth itself.
The lecture is part of the CSS Lecture Series "After Sustainability. What if we stopped pretending?"
More information on further talks in the series can be found here. You can download the poster for the talk and poster of the Lecture Series here.
The Lecture will take place via Zoom Webinar. Please register via css.wiso"AT"uni-hamburg.de to receive the dial-in link.