Public Lectures 2014
May 8th |
„Essential and Embattled Expertise: the Knowledge-Expert-Policy Nexus around the Sarin Gas Attack in Syria” – Vortrag von Prof Anna Leander, Copenhagen Business School |
Lecture Series Summer Semester 2014: Ökonomisierung des Sozialen“ im Kontext der Globalisierung -Trends und Gegentrends-
April 2nd |
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beyer, „Von der Systemarchitektur zum Kartenhaus - die Finanzialisierung der Gesellschaft als scheiterndes Projekt“ |
April 9th |
Prof. Dr. Birgit Pfau-Effinger, „Pflegebedürftige Senioren als „Konsumenten von Pflege“ – Vermarktlichung der Pflege und ihre sozialen Folgen“
May 7th |
Prof. Dr. Peter Niesen, “Über verfassunggebende Gewalt“ Video of the Lecture on Lecture2go
May 21st |
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas von Staden, „Compliance with International Human Rights Decisions”
Date changed to November 5th 2014
Prof. Dr. Rolf von Lüde, „Die Universität ist keine Reifenfabrik – Steuerungsmodelle für Forschung und Lehre zwischen New Public Management und Kollegialität“ Die Lecture von Prof. Dr. Rolf von Lüde wurde auf das Wintersemester 2014/2015 verschoben. Der neue Termin ist am 05. November 2014
July 7th |
Dr. habil. Konstanze Senge, „Moralische Güter und ihre Kosten: Zur Translation einer Corporate Social Responsibility“ |
Coordination: Prof. Dr. Birgit Pfau-Effinger und Dr. Patricia Frericks, Leiterinnen der CGG Research Area 2 „Change in Institutional Constellations of the Welfare State“
Lecture Series Winter Semester 2014/2015: Contestation, Knowledge, Practice: Contributions to the Debate in Global Governance, Constitutionalism and World Society
Today’s international relations feature a paradox. On the one hand, there is an increase in references to constitutional norms and processes across global regions and in a range of international organizations. On the other hand, the interpretation of international law is frequently subject to controversy. In the global realm, an ever-broader range of ‘public’ and ‘private’ actors with different levels of authority and legitimacy intervene into these processes. Against the background of diverse and, more often than not, divergent, ‘global’ and ‘local’ background knowledges, the meaning of corresponding norms is highly contested. Examples ranging from decisions of the United Nations Security Council or domestic courts to locally operating human rights advocacy groups indicate that when international norms are applied, practice faces the need to “translate” and re-contextualize norms in “productive” ways.
Research on norms suffers from being divided through disciplinary boundaries, with scholars sometimes using different vocabularies. Starting from the interface between global governance, constitutionalism, and world society approaches, the lecture series on “Con-testation, Knowledge, Practice” aims to stimulate ‘interdisciplinary encounters” by featuring speakers with different disciplinary backgrounds in order to highlight the paradoxical constellations of global normativity.
November 5th |
Prof. Dr. Rolf von Lüde, Die Universität ist keine Reifenfabrik – Steuerungsmodelle für Forschung und Lehre zwischen New Public Management und Kollegialität Lecture der CGG Lecture Series, Sommersemester 2014: 'Ökonomisierung des Sozialen' im Kontext der Globalisierung -Trends und Gegentrends |
November 19th |
Professor Dr. Kirsten Ainley, Practices of Responsibility in International Relations
December 10th |
Dr. Christian Büger, Experimental Governance: Lessons from the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia
December 17th |
Professor Annelise Riles PhD, New Approaches to International Financial Regulation: What Legal Scholars and Policymakers Can Learn from Critical and Anthropological Studies of Knowledge, Contestation and Practice |
January 7th |
Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter, Frozen Crossing, Hot Contestations: Macht- und Herrschaftspraktiken im Kontext des Nahen Ostens
January 28th |
Dr. Christoph Humrich, Politics in the New Arctic: Resource Contest, Contested Sovereignties and Regional Governance |
Coordination: Prof. Antje Wiener PhD FAccS, head of the research area 4 of the CGG “Global Governance, Constitutionalism and World Society” and Dr. Philip Liste
Venue: Main building of the University of Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Hörsaal C/ auditorium C