Strategische Unternehmensführung
Strategische Unternehmensführung | 23-21.11.211 Strategische Unternehmensführung |
Lehrende | Prof. Dr. Dirk Ulrich Gilbert; Stefanie Remmer |
Veranstaltungsart | Lecture + Tutorial |
Kommentare/Inhalte: |
The field of strategic management is of equal importance for both practice and business theory. Dealing with the strategic aspects of corporate management seems not only attractive, but also necessary. Long-term survival on the market and the sustainable achievement of competitive advantages are generally not primarily attributable to indicators such as the size or age of a company, but rather to its successful strategies. The development and implementation of strategies are therefore key tasks for the management of companies. In order to create a broad and comprehensible basis for understanding strategic management, this lecture will first explain important basic terms and the purpose of strategic management. Then, the influence of the current COVID-19 pandemic on strategy development will be discussed. A process model of strategic management is then presented and its key phases discussed in detail. Important tools and decision-making aids for strategic management (e.g. industry structure analysis and business model analysis) will be presented and illustrated using specific practical examples. The event will also focus on the discussion of viable strategies in global competition, the investigation of the influence of digitalization on strategy development and the associated analysis of digital platform strategies as well as the investigation of the responsibility of internationally active companies for sustainable development. The lecture "Strategic Corporate Manageent" covers the following topics in detail: 1. Introduction 2. A Conception of Strategic Management 3. Outlook |
Lernziel: |
The aim of the lecture is to give students an insight into the research field of strategic management. They should also be able to apply the content they have learned to specific practical problems and independently analyze strategic decisions made by companies. Students will also recognize the need to deal with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic and digitalization for strategy development in companies. Through numerous practical examples, students gain a deeper insight into the current strategic problem areas and challenges facing companies. |
Vorgehen: |
The course consists of a lecture and a tutorial. In the lectures, the basic concepts and theories of strategic management are explained and combined with practical applications. The tutorials aim to deepen the subject areas of the lecture and to transfer the theories of strategic management to practical company examples. The tutorials have a scope of 2 SWS. They are an essential part of the course “Strategic Management” and serve in particular as preparation for the final exam. Due to the restrictions in teaching due to the COVID-19 pandemic, both the lectures and the exercises will take place completely digitally. There will be no face-to-face sessions at the university. The course will be administered via OpenOLAT in particular: Teaching is largely asynchronous. This means that the content of the lectures and tutorials is made available in the form of videos and can be accessed by students at a time of their choosing. Important: However, three lecture dates per semester take place synchronously and in the form of a Zoom meeting. The dates are at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the semester to enable a personal introduction of the lecturers and a direct exchange with the course participants. During the synchronous Zoom meetings, students have the opportunity to discuss questions about the lecture and tutorial in detail. The synchronous lecture dates take place on the following dates: Monday, 12. Apr. 2021 from 10:15 - 11:45 The details of the process in the tutorial will be announced in the course description (see materials at STiNE) and at the first synchronous lecture date on April 12, 2021. Further details on the organization of the course and the technical implementation can be found in the course description. Important: The importance of self-study and literature work: |
Literatur |
The content and the structure of the lecture is closely based on the following book: Kreikebaum, Hartmut/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael (2018): Strategisches Management, 8. überarbeitete Auflage, Stuttgart. Print: E-Book: With regard to the basic texts, the 7th edition (2011) of the above-mentioned textbook can also be used as an alternative for in-depth study. |
Zusätzliche Hinweise zu Prüfungen |
The exam will take place as a take home exam. All details about the exam will be announced during the course.
Duration: 90 Min. Processing Period: 4 Days |