Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Möglichkeiten zur Verbesserung von Arbeitsbedingungen in globalen Supply Chains”. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 55, forthcoming. (2025)
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Schrage, Stephanie/Behnam, Michael. “The Challenges and Prospects of Deliberative Democracy for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility”. Journal of Business Economics Vol. 95, forthcoming. (2025) DOI:
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Die Rolle von Multistakeholderinitiativen im Rahmen der Global Governance: Relevanz, Herausforderungen und kritische Analyse ”. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 53. (2024): S. 4-11.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael/Schormair, Maximilian J. L.. “A Discursive Justification Perspective on Organisational Integrity”. Research Handbook on Organizational Integrity. Hg. Kaptein, Muel. Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024, S. 190-209.
Warnke, Lina/Maier, Anna-Lena/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich . “Social Media Platforms’ Responses to COVID-19-related Mis- and Disinformation: The Insufficiency of Self-Governance”. Journal of Management and Governance Vol. 28. (2024) forthcoming.
Apffelstaedt, Kristin/Schrage, Stephanie/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich . “Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and Legitimacy: A Deliberative Systems Perspective”. Business Ethics Quarterly Vol. 34, No. 3. (2024): S. 375-408.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas/ Schomair, Maximilian J. L./Singer, Abraham. “The Challenges and Prospects of Deliberative Democracy for Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility ”. Business Ethics Quarterly Vol. 33, No. 1. (2023): S. 1-25.DOI:
Maier, Anna-Lena/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich . “Deliberating with the Autocrats? A Case Study on the Limitations and Potential of Political CSR in a Non-Democratic Context”. Journal of Business Ethics Vol. 184, No.1. (2023): S. 11-32.DOI:
Maier, Anna-Lena/ Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich . “Digital Entrepreneurship and the International Ethical Context”. Digital Entrepreneurship and the Global Economy. Hg. Munoz, J. Mark. Routledge, 2023 , forthcoming.
Thommen, Jean-Paul/Achleitner, Ann-Kristin/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Hachmeister, Dirk/Kaiser, Gernot. Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Umfassende Einführung aus managementorientierter Sicht. 10. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Verlag, 2023. Lehrbuch.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Apffelstaedt, Kristin. “Labour Rights in Global Supply Chains”. Corporate Social Responsibility. Second Edition. Hg. Rasche, Andreas/Morsing, Mette/Moon, Jeremy/Kourula, Arno. Cambridge University Press, 2023, S. 456-483.
Thommen, Jean-Paul/Achleitner, Ann-Kristin/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Hachmeister, Dirk/Jarchow, Svenja/Kaiser, Gernot . Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre Arbeitsbuch. Repetitionsfragen – Aufgaben – Lösungen. 9. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Verlag, 2022. Lehrbuch.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Integrative Social Contracts Theory: Ein Ansatz zur Übernahme ethischer Verantwortung in multinationalen Unternehmen”. Wirschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 51, pp. 426-438. (2022)
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Maier, Anna-Lena. “Digitale Disruption und das Innovator’s Dilemma”. Wirschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 52, No. 12. (2022): S. 10-17.
Maier, Anna-Lena. “Political Corporate Social Responsibility in Authoritarian Contexts”. Journal of International Business Policy Vo. 4, No. 4. (2021): S. 476-495.
Schrage, Stephanie/ Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Addressing Governance Gaps in Global Value Chains: Introducing a Systematic Typology”. Journal of Business Ethics (2021): S. Vol. 170, pp. 657-672.
Schormair, Maximilian J. L./Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Creating Value by Sharing Values: Managing Stakeholder Value Conflict in the Face of Pluralism through Discursive Justification”. Business Ethics Quarterly (2021): S. Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 1-36..
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Digitale Plattformen: Konzept, Bedeutung und Analyse der Problembereiche”. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 49, No. 2-3. (2020): S. 12-18.
Grimm, Jordis. “Cognitive Frames of Poverty and Tension Handling in Base-of-the-Pyramid Business Models”. Business & Society Published Online: 26. Nov. 2020. (2020)
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk U./Schormair, Maximilian J. L. “The Institutionalization of Responsible Management Education”. Handbook of Responsible Management Learning & Education. Hg. Moosmayer, Dirk C./Laasch, Oliver/Parkes, Carole/Brown, Kenneth G. . SAGE, 2020, S. 426-438.
Grimm, Jordis/ Schormair, Maximilian/ Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Co-Constructing Decoupling and Recoupling: A Process Perspective on the IAS DETOX”. Academy of Managment Proceedings Published Online: 29. July 2020. (2020)
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich . “Social Accountability 8000. Ein deliberativer Ansatz zur Implementierung von Unternehmensethik in multinationalen Unternehmen? ”. Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik . Hg. Beschorner, Thomas/Brink, Alexander/Hollstein, Bettina/Hübscher, Marc/Schumann, Olaf . Wiesbaden: Springer, 2020, S. 804-807.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Sweatshops in globalen Lieferketten multinationaler Unternehmen: Eine kritische Analyse”. Wirschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 48, No. 12. (2019): S. 13-18.
Grimm, Jordis/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Gaining Mutual Benefits Through Business-non-profit Partnership in Base-of-the-Pyramid Markets: A Relational View”. Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Change. Institutional and Organizational Perspectives. Hg. Sales, Arnaud. Springer International Publishing, 2019, S. 177-203.
Huber, Kristin/Schormair, Maximilian J. L.. “Progressive and Conservative Firms in Multistakeholder Initiatives: Tracing the Construction of Political CSR Identities Within the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh”. Business & Society (2019): S. Online first.
Schrage, Stephanie/ Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Global Business Models and the Social Responsibility of Multinational Enterprises: Challenges and Solutions”. Herausforderungen für das Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement. Globalisierung – Digitalisierung – Geschäftsmodelltransformation. Hg. Arnold, Christian/Keppler, Sonja/Knödler, Hermann/Reckenfelderbäumer, Martin. Springer Nature, 2019, S. 195-221.
Remmer, Stefanie/ Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Applying Materiality Assessment in Strategic Management – The Implicit Coating of the Materiality Lens”. Rethinking Strategic Management. Sustainable strategizing for positive impact. Hg. Wunder, Thomas. Springer Nature, 2019, S. forthcoming.
Schrage, Stephanie/Huber, Kristin. “Living Wages in International Supply Chains and the Capability Approach”. New Frontiers of the Capability Approach. Hg. Comim, Flavio/Fennell, Shailaja/Anand, P.B.. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, S. 351-383.
Kreikebaum, Hartmut/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael . Strategisches Management. 8. Auflage. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer Verlag, 2018. Lehrbuch.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Maier, Anna-Lena. “Zwischen “hard law” und “soft law”: Zielkonflikte und potenzielle Dilemmata von CSR und Compliance”. CSR und Compliance. Synergien nutzen durch integriertes Management. Hg. Kleinfeld, Annette/Martens, Annika. Springer, 2018, S. 63-75.
Grimm, Jordis/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Gaining Mutual Benefits Through Business-non-profit-partnerships in Base-of-the-pyramid Markets: A Relational View”. Corporate Social Responsibility. Institutional and Organizational Perspectives. Hg. Beschorner, Thomas/Sales, Arnoud. Springer, 2017, S. forthcoming.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Huber, Kristin. “Labour Rights in Global Supply Chains”. Corporate Social Responsibility. Hg. Morsing, Mette/Rasche, Andreas/Moon, Jeremy. Cambridge University Press, 2017, S. 451-472.
Thommen, Jean-Paul/Achleitner, Ann-Kristin/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Hachmeister, Dirk/Jarchow, Svenja/Kaiser, Gernot . Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre Arbeitsbuch. Repetitionsfragen – Aufgaben – Lösungen. 8. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Verlag, 2017.
Schormair, Maximilian/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Das Shared Value-Konzept von Porter und Kramer – The Big Idea?”. CSR und Strategisches Management. Hg. Wunder, Thomas. Springer, 2017, S. 95-110.
Thommen, Jean-Paul/Achleitner, Ann-Kristin/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Hachmeister, Dirk/Kaiser, Gernot. Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Umfassende Einführung aus managementorientierter Sicht. 8. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler Verlag, 2017.
Kuhn, Lena/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Die Stakeholderanalyse und ihre Implikationen für das strategische Management: Eine kritische Reflexion der Stakeholderwahrnehmung am Beispiel chinesischer Erdölunternehmen”. Internationales Management und die Grundlagen des globalisierten Kapitalismus. Hg. Eckert, Stefan/Trautnitz, Georg. Springer, 2016, S. 341-372.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Vertrauensbasierte Führung in Unternehmensnetzwerken: Eigenschaften, Bedeutung und kritische Anmerkungen zu einem "Management" von Vertrauen”. Vertrauensbasierte Führung: Credo und Praxis. Hg. Keuper, Frank/Sommerlatte, Tom. Springer, 2016, S. 89-113.
Kilian, Karsten/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Müller, Michael. “Der länderbezogene Wert von Automarken”. Markenartikel No. 1-2. (2016): S. 53-55.
Müller, Michael/Kilian, Karsten/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Zum Wert internationaler Marken: Kritische Analyse und Studienergebnisse”. transfer Werbeforschung & Praxis No. 1. (2016): S. 26-32.
Huber, Kristin/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Political CSR and Social Development: Lessons from the Bangladesh Garment Industry”. Development-Oriented Corporate Social Responsibility. Hg. Jamali, Dima/Karam, Charlotte/Blowfield, Michael. Volume 1: Multinational Corporations and the Global Context. Greenleaf Publishing, 2015, S. 228-246.
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Decoupling Responsible Management Education: Why Business Schools May Not Walk Their Talk”. Journal of Management Inquiry Vol. 24, No. 3. (2015): S. 239-252.
Schormair, Maximilian/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Das Shared Value-Konzept von Porter und Kramer – Der Rede wert? Eine unternehmensethische Einordnung”. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 44, No. 10. (2015): S. 579-583.
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “What Drives Ethics Education in Business Schools? Studying Influences on Ethics in the MBA Curriculum”. Handbook on Ethics and Marketing. Hg. Nill, Alexander. Edward Elgar, 2015, S. 284-301.
Schormair, Maximilian/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “From Financial, to Stakeholder, to Comprehensive Value Creation: Toward Realigning Business and Society through a Procedural Conception of the Corporate Objective”. (2014) International Conference Paper presented at the Philosophy of Management Conference, Chicago 2014
Schormair, Maximilian/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Shared Value beyond the Porter & Kramer Paradox: A Procedural Framework”. (2014) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Business Ethics Network, Copenhagen 2015
Huber, Kristin/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Understanding Corporations as Political Actors: Implications for Social Development”. (2014) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia 2014
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Heinecke, Patrick. “Success Factors of Regional Strategies for Multinational Corporations: Exploring the Appropriate Degree of Regional Management Autonomy and Regional Product/Service Adaptation”. Management International Review Vol. 54, No. 5. (2014): S. 615-651.
Schormair, Maximilian/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Realigning Business and Society through Creating Shared Value? A Procedural Framework for Advancing Shared Value”. (2014) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Business Ethics, Philadelphia 2014
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Normierung gesellschaftlicher Verantwortung durch ISO 26000. Ein kritischer Vergleich? (Korreferat)”. Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik Vol. 14, No. 3. (2013): S. 401-404.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “Trust and the United Nations Global Compact: A Network Theory Perspective”. Business & Society Vol. 52, No. 1. (2013): S. 135-169.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Magin, Vera/Müller, Michael. “Herausforderung Preisprognose: Was ist der Preis von morgen?”. Marketing Review St. Gallen Vol. 30, No. 5. (2013): S. 98-109.
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Schedel, Ingo. “Cross-Disciplinary Ethics Education in MBA Programs: Rhetoric or Reality?, ”. Academy of Management Learning & Education Vol. 12, No. 1. (2013): S. 71-85.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Müller, Michael. “Internationale Mehrmarkenstrategien”. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium Vol. 42, No. 8. (2013): S. 416-421.
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “What Drives Ethics Education in Business Schools? Studying Influences on Ethics in the MBA Curriculum”. (2013) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando 2013
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Cross-Disciplinary Ethics Education in MBA Programs”. Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management (2012) Awarded Best Paper of Academy of Management MED Division 2012
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Global Policies and Local Practice: Loose and Tight Couplings in Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives”. (2012) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston 2012
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Heinecke, Patrick. “Shaping Regional Strategies of Multinational Corporations”. (2012) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston 2012
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Schedel, Ingo. “Cross-Disciplinary Ethics Education in MBA Programs: Rhetoric or Reality?”. (2012) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston 2012
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Hofmann, Iris. “Managing Political Responsibility: An Ethical Road Map for Stakeholder Dialogs based on Deliberation”. Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung des Unternehmens: Hintergründe, Schwerpunkte und Zukunftsperspektiven. Hg. Hahn, Rüdiger/Janzen, Henrik/Matten, Dirk. Wiesbaden: 2012, S. 153-177.
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Social Accountability 8000 and Socioeconomic Development. A Critical Evaluation”. Business Regulation and Non-State Actors. Whose Standards? Whose Developments?. Hg. Reed, Daryll/Utting, Peter/Mukherjee-Reed, Ananya. Routledge, 2012, S. 68-80.
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Global Governance – The Role of the United Nations Global Compact in a Global Economy”. Business Ethics: A European Review Vol. 21, No. 1. (2012): S. 100-114.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Anmerkungen zum "Management" von (System)Vertrauen und Nichtwissen: Eine ökonomische Perspektive”. Erwägen – Wissen – Ethik (vormals Ethik und Sozialwissenschaften) Vol. 22, No. 2. (2011): S. 16-18.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Erfolgreich durch innovative Geschäftsmodelle”. Business+Innovation Vol. 2, No. 3. (2011): S. 24-32.
Crane, Andy/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich et al.. “Comments on BEQ’s Twentieth Anniversary Forum on New Directions for Business Ethics Research”. Business Ethics Quarterly Vol. 21, No. 1. (2011): S. 157-187.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas/Waddock, Sandra. “Accountability in a Global Economy: The Emergence of International Accountability Standards”. Business Ethics Quarterly Vol. 21, No. 1. (2011): S. 23-44.
Rasche, Andreas/Schedel, Ingo/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Ethics Education in MBA Programs: Looking into the Beyond Grey Pinstripes Data Survey”. (2011) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, St. Antonio 2011
Hofmann, Iris/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Deliberative Democracy and Corporate Citizenship: Multinational Corporations and the Quest for Legitimacy”. Advances in Business and Management. Hg. Nelson, William D.. Vol. 3. Nova Science Publishers, 2011, S. 137-160.
Hofmann, Iris/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Managing Political Responsibility: An Ethical Road Map for Stakeholder Dialogs based on Deliberation”. (2010) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Montreal 2010
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “The Global Compact as a Network of Networks”. The United Nations Global Compact: Achievements, Trends and Challenges. Hg. Rasche, Andreas/Kell, Georg. Cambridge: 2010, S. 340-354.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Entwicklungslinien der ökonomischen Vertrauensforschung”. Vertrauen – zwischen sozialem Kitt und der Senkung von Transaktionskosten. Hg. Maring, Matthias. München: 2010, S. 169-197.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Normen und Werte”. Vahlens Großes Personallexikon. Hg. Scholz, Christian. München: 2009, S. 785-787.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Ethikmaßnahmen”. Vahlens Großes Personallexikon. Hg. Scholz, Christian. München: 2009, S. 318-321.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Wirtschaftsethik”. Vahlens Großes Personallexikon. Hg. Scholz, Christian. München: 2009, S. 1210-1211.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “Strategy Process Management in Multinational Companies: Status Quo, Deficits and Future Perspectives”. Problems and Perspectives in Management Vol. 7, No. 1. (2009): S. 59-74.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Heinecke, Patrick. “Success Factors of Regional Strategies for Multinational Corporations”. (2009) International Conference Paper presented at the International Business Conference at the University of Reading, Reading 2009
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Vertrauen und seine Bedeutung im ökonomischen System. Kritische Anmerkungen zu einem "Management von Vertrauen”. Wirtschaftspolitische Blätter Vol. 56, No. 2. (2009): S. 185-205.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Unternehmensethik”. Vahlens Großes Personallexikon. Hg. Scholz, Christian. München: 2009, S. 1153-1155.
Hofmann, Iris/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Corporations as Political Actors: Classifying Corporate Citizenship and Advancing Legitimation”. (2009) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago 2009
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “The Interplay of Individual and Collective Knowledge in Multinational Corporations – An Integrative Framework from a Constructivist Perspective”. (2009) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago 2009
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Social Audit”. Vahlens Großes Personallexikon. Hg. Scholz, Christian. München: 2009, S. 1038-1041.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “Advancing Integrative Social Contracts Theory: A Habermasian Perspective”. Journal of Business Ethics Vol. 89, No. 2. (2009): S. 215-234.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Gerechtigkeit”. Vahlens Großes Personallexikon. Hg. Scholz, Christian. München: 2009, S. 399-402.
Rasche, Andreas/Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Governance in a Global Economy – The Contribution of the United Nations Global Compact”. (2008) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Mailand 2008
Schedel, Ingo/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Hofmann, Iris. “Strategic Management, Firm Performance and Contingency Effects. Toward a Comprehensive Research Model”. (2008) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim 2008
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “In Search of Global Governance. The Contribution of the United Nations Global Compact”. (2008) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Anaheim 2008
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Von Mythen und Irrtümern”. Panorama No. 5/2008. (2008): S. 14-16.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives: A Stakeholder Theory Perspective”. Journal of Business Ethics Vol. 82, No.3. (2008): S. 755-773.
Rasche, Andreas/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Upsetting Traditional Governance. How the United Nations Global Compact Links Actors and Levels”. (2008) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Amsterdam 2008
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “The Interplay of Individual and Collective Knowledge in Multinational Corporations: An Integrative Framework from a Constructivist Perspective”. (2008) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Mailand 2008
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “A Discourse Ethical Perspective on Social Accounting: The Case of the "Global Eight"”. Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensethik. Hg. Scherer, Andreas/Patzer, Moritz. Wiesbaden: 2008, S. 291-313.
Rasche, Andreas/Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “The Case of a Global Public Policy Network – What the United Nations Global Compact Is (Not)”. (2008) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Mailand 2008
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “A Critical Perspective on Social Accounting: The Contribution of Discourse Philosophy”. Trends in Business and Economic Ethics. Hg. Haase, Michaela/Cowton, Chris. Berlin: 2008, S. 175-197.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “Corporate Accountability in a Post-National World – Reflecting on Standardized Ethics Initiatives”. (2007) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Vienna 2007
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “The Significance of Standardized Ethics Initiatives: A Stakeholder Theory Perspective”. (2007) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management, Paris 2007
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “Problems and Opportunities of Standardized Ethics Initiatives: A Stakeholder Theory Perspective”. (2007) International Conference Paper presented at the Workshop Kommission Wissenschaftstheorie, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Munich 2007
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Sieben Innovationsmythen”. Der F&E-Manager No. 1/2007. (2007)
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas/Behnam, Michael/Schedel, Ingo. “Opportunities and Problems of Standardized Ethics Initiatives – A Stakeholder Theory Perspective”. (2007) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia 2007
Gilbert Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael /Schedel, Ingo. “Advancing Integrative Social Contracts Theory: A Habermasian Perspective”. (2007) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia 2007
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Vertrauen als Gegenstand der ökonomischen Theorie: Ausgewählte theoretische Perspektiven, empirische Einsichten und neue Erkenntnisse”. Zeitschrift für Management Vol. 2, No. 1. (2007): S. 60-107.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas/Behnam, Michael/Schedel, Ingo. “A Critical Perspective on Social Accounting: The Case of the "Global Eight"”. (2007) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia 2007
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “Discourse Ethics and Social Accountability: The Ethics of SA 8000”. Business Ethics Quarterly Vol. 17, No. 2. (2007): S. 187-216.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “A Discourse Ethical Perspective on Social Accounting Initiatives: The Case of the “Global Eight””. (2007) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management, Paris 2007
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Kleinfeld, André. “Die fünf Innovationsfehler”. IFAM Newsletter März 2006. (2006)
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Kleinfeld, André. “Unternehmensentwicklung: Sieben Innovationsmythen”. absatzwirtschaft online (2006)
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Systemvertrauen in Unternehmensnetzwerken. Eine Positionsbestimmung aus strukturationstheoretischer Perspektive”. Vertrauen in Organisationen. Hg. Götz, Klaus. München – Mering: 2006, S. 113-134.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “Putting Discourse Ethics into Practice: The Case of Multinational Corporations”. Unternehmerische Verantwortung in Zeiten kulturellen Wandels. Hg. Beschorner, Thomas/Schmidt, Matthias. München – Mering: 2006, S. 41-69.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “Problems and Opportunities of Standardized Ethics Practices: Exploring Linkages between Civil Society, Businesses and Stakeholders”. (2006) International Conference Paper presented at Workshop Kommission Organisation, Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft, Chemnitz 2006
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael/Schedel, Ingo. “Implementing Discourse Ethics in Multinational Corporations”. (2006) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta 2006
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael/Schedel, Ingo. “Investigating Deficits in the Strategy Process of Multinational Firms”. (2006) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta 2006
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten/Hümmler, Holm Gero . “Innovationsmanagement: im Schneckenhaus”. Lebensmittelzeitung No. 17. (2006): S. 55.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten/Hümmler, Holm Gero. “Kein klares Bekenntnis zur Innovation”. Zeitschrift für die Energiewirtschaft Vol.105, No. 17-18. (2006): S. 70-73.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “A Critical Evaluation and Extension of Social Accountability 8000: The Contribution of Discourse Philosophy”. (2006) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management, Oslo 2006
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “The Difficulties of Social Accounting Practice: A Discourse Theoretical Discussion of SA 8000”. (2006) International Conference Paper presented at the International Conference on Ethical Aspects of Management in Theory and Practice, Berlin 2006
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten/Hümmler, Holm Gero. “Innovationsmanagement: Einsame Wölfe auf der Jagd nach neuen Produkten”. Pharma-Marketing Journal No. 2. (2006): S. 58-60.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “Social Accountability 8000. Problems and Perspectives from a Discourse Theoretical Lens”. (2005) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the British Academy of Management, Oxford 2005
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “Strategic Management in German Multinational Companies: Linking Strategy Process and Performance”. (2005) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Quebec 2005
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Kontextsteuerung und Systemvertrauen in strategischen Unternehmensnetzwerken”. Die Unternehmung Vol. 59, No. 5. (2005): S. 407-422.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten/Kleinfeld, André. “Die Risiken zwar sehen, aber nicht einbeziehen. Defizite der Risikobewertung bei Internationalisierungsstrategien”. io new management Vol. 74, No. 12. (2005): S. 33-38.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “Business Ethics in Multinational Corporations: A New Approach to Balance Compliance and Integrity”. (2005) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Quebec 2005
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Rasche, Andreas. “A Critical Evaluation and Extension of SA 8000. The Contribution of Discourse Philosophy”. (2005) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Management, Munich 2005
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Schüerhoff, Vera. “Individual and Collective Knowledge in Small and Medium Sized Companies – A Constructivist Perspective”. Wissens- und Informationsmanagement in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen. Hg. Meyer, Jörn-Axel. Lohmar – Köln: 2005, S. 21-35.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “A Habermasian Approach to ‘Manage’ Business Ethics in Multinational Corporations”. (2004) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy, Canberra 2004 (Best Paper Award)
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Herzog, Jan. “Real Options and Organizational Embeddedness – A Structurationist Perspective”. (2004) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Stockholm 2004
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Herzog, Jan. “Creating Inter-Subjectivity through Real Option Valuation: A Structurationist Perspective”. (2004) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, New Orleans 2004
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Kleinfeld, André. “Strategisches Management muss “verjüngt” werden. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie”. io new management Vol. 73, No. 10. (2004): S. 26-31.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Schüerhoff, Vera. “Creating and Transferring Collective Knowledge Patterns in Networks – A Constructivist Perspective on Communication”. (2004) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Stockholm 2004
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Herzog, Jan. “Real Option Valuation in International Companies: Actors, Flexibility, and Structure from a Structuration Theory Perspective”. (2003) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Monterey 2003
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Wichtige Erfolgspotenziale liegen in deutschen Unternehmen brach”. Absatzwirtschaft Online (2003)
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Die Institutionalisierung von Unternehmensethik in internationalen Unternehmen: Ein Ansatz zur Erweiterung der Zertifizierungsinitiative Social Accountability 8000”. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft Vol. 73, No. 1. (2003): S. 25-48.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Assessing the Impact of Social Standards on Compliance and Integrity-Management in International Companies”. (2003) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Monterey 2003
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten . “Konzepte von gestern? In der Strategieentwicklung nutzen nur wenige Unternehmen das Potential erfolgssteigernder Ansätze”. absatzwirtschaft Sonderausgabe zum Deutschen Marketing-Tag, Oktober 2003. (2003): S. 128-131.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Herzog, Jan. “Real Option Valuation as a Process of Structuration. Managers as Socially Embedded Agents in International Companies”. (2003) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European International Business Academy, Copenhagen 2003
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten. “Mit der Dampflok in die Zukunft? Pharma Strategieentwicklung wenig marktorientiert”. Pharma-Marketing Journal No. 2. (2003): S. 42-45.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Behnam, Michael. “Assessing the Impact of Social Standards on Compliance and Integrity-Management in Organizations”. (2003) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle 2003
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. Vertrauen in strategischen Unternehmensnetzwerken – ein strukturationstheoretischer Ansatz. Wiesbaden: 2003. Habilitationsschrift
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. ““Quasi-Regulation”: A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing the Relation between Compliance and Integrity-Management in International Companies”. (2003) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European International Business Academy, Copenhagen 2003
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Schüerhoff, Vera. “A Constructivist Perspective on Knowledge Transfer – Consequences for the Management of an Integrated Network”. (2003) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle 2003
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten. “Bedingt zukunftsfähig: Ergebnisse einer Studie zum Thema „Strategic Issues in German Industries“”. vdi-Nachrichten März 2003. (2003): S. 24.
Kreikebaum, Hartmut/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Neue Organisationsformen Multinationaler Unternehmungen: Besonderheiten einer Strukturation strategischer Unternehmensnetzwerke”. Management in Multinationalen Unternehmungen. Hg. Holtbrügge, Dirk. Heidelberg: 2003, S. 141-160.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Luber, Thorsten. “Der Handel verschenkt Zukunftspotenziale”. Lebensmittelzeitung No. 8. (2003): S. 65.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Schüerhoff, Vera. “Knowledge Transfer in the Integrated Network. A Constructivist Perspective”. (2003) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European International Business Academy, Copenhagen 2003
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Globale strategische Netzwerke”. Wertorientiertes Start-Up-Management. Grundlagen – Instrumente – Strategien. Hg. Hommel, Ulrich/Knecht, Thomas. München: 2002, S. 698-720.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Corporate Citizenship: Examining New Modes and Methods of Stakeholder Engagement & Accountability?”. (2002) Track: Social Auditing: Implementing Business Ethics in Multinational Corporations with Social Accountability 8000?, International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Denver 2002
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Strategic Management and Uncertainty: An Entrepreneurial Approach for M-Commerce Companies”. Proceedings of the National Business and Economics Society. Hg. Knapp, Debbie. Lakewood: 2002, S. 37-69.
Kreikebaum, Hartmut/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Reinhardt, Glenn O.. Organisationsmanagement internationaler Unternehmen. Grundlagen und moderne Netzwerkstrukturen. 2. Auflage. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2002.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “A New Concept of Strategic Management for M-Commerce Companies”. (2002) International Conference Paper presented at the 2002 Annual Conference of the National Business and Economics Society, Wailea 2002
Kreikebaum, Hartmut /Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. Management ethischer Konflikte in international tätigen Unternehmen. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2001.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Metten, Tobias. “Vertrauen als Medium der Steuerung in strategischen Unternehmensnetzwerken”. (2001) Arbeitsbericht No. 2 des Instituts für Internationale Unternehmensführung an der EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, Oestrich-Winkel
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Internationalization Strategies of Medium-Sized German Companies: An Empirical Survey”. Journal of International Business and Economy Vol. 2, Fall. (2001): S. 95-109.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Werteorientiertes Management durch ethische Zertifizierung”. io management 70, No. 7-8. (2001): S. 48-53.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Internationalization Strategies of German Medium-Sized Enterprises”. (2001) Arbeitsbericht No. 1 des Instituts für Internationale Unternehmensführung an der EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, Oestrich-Winkel
Bassen, Alexander/Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk. “Internationalisierung des Mittelstands. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Studie zum Internationalisierungsverhalten deutscher mittelständischer Unternehmen”. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft Vol. 71, No. 4. (2001): S. 413-432.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Gründungsprozeß”. Lexikon für kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen. Hg. Meyer, Jörn-Axel/Schwering, Markus G.. München: 2000, S. 124-125.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Unternehmensentwicklung”. Lexikon für kleinere und mittlere Unternehmen. Hg. Jörn-Axel/Schwering, Markus G.. München: 2000, S. 279-280.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Topkandidaten für den Mittelstand”. exportnet – Magazin zur Außenwirtschaft Vol., No. 1. (2000): S. 63-64.
Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Internationalization of German Medium-Sized Enterprises. Results of an Empirical Study”. (2000) International Conference Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, Phoenix 2000
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Grimm, Ulrich. “Die Entscheidungsethik und ihre Anwendung in international tätigen Unternehmen”. Unternehmensführung, Ethik und Umwelt, Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Hartmut Kreikebaum. Hg. Wagner, Gerd Rainer. Wiesbaden: 95-125, 1999
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Vertrauen in virtuellen Unternehmen. Die Bedeutung von Vertrauen für die erfolgreiche Zusammenarbeit in virtuellen Unternehmen”. io management Vol. 68, No. 12. (1999): S. 30-34.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Anforderungen an ein Personalmanagement im Rahmen der Internationalisierung des Mittelstandes”. Internationalisierung: Chancen für den Mittelstand. Hg. Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank AG. Frankfurt am Main: 1998, S. 126-152.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Auswirkungen der Internationalisierung auf mittelständische Unternehmen”. Internationalisierung: Chancen für den Mittelstand. Hg. Deutsche Genossenschaftsbank AG. Frankfurt am Main: 1998, S. 8-27.
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. Konfliktmanagement in international tätigen Unternehmen. Ein diskursethischer Ansatz zur Regelung von Konflikten im interkulturellen Management. Sternenfels – Berlin: 1998. Dissertation
Kreikebaum, Hartmut/Behnam, Michael/Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich. “Diskursives Konfliktmanagement im Rahmen der Strategischen Unternehmensplanung international tätiger Unternehmen”. (1996) Arbeitspapier No. 04/96 des Lehrstuhls für Internationales Management an der EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, Oestrich-Winkel
Gilbert, Dirk Ulrich/Würthner, Christina. “Die Eignung der Diskursethik zur Handhabung von Konflikten in international tätigen Unternehmen”. (1995) Arbeitspapier No. 02/95 des Lehrstuhls für Internationales Management an der EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, Oestrich-Winkel