Kostiantyn Yanchenko is a media and communication scholar from Ukraine working in the field of political communication.
He holds a double master's degree in Journalism, Media, and Globalization from the University of Aarhus (Denmark) and the University of Hamburg. In his master's thesis, Kostiantyn Yanchenko was studying populist communication on Ukrainian television political talk shows.
His cumulative doctoral dissertation at the University of Hamburg dealt with the concept, effects, and audiences of populist storytelling.
In the years 2022-2021, Kostiantyn Yanchenko was active at the German-Ukrainian Academic Society, where he organized courses on journalism and communication research.
Since November 2022, he has been working as a research assistant in the BMBF-funded project “Few-Shot Learning for Automated Content Analysis in Communication Science” (FLACA) in the team of Prof. Dr. Katharina Kleinen-von Königslöw (digital Communication + Sustainability).
He also supports the Journalism and Mass Communication department of the WiSo faculty with teaching.