Society Research
Behind the BuzzWord: understanding transformation in the sustainability debate
12 November 2020, by CSS
Photo: Francesco Gallarotti; Unsplash; cropped
The 17th meeting of the Junior Research Group "Environmental Sociology" was held on October 8th and 9th in Hamburg via Zoom. Under the heading "Behind the BuzzWord: understanding the concept of transformation in the sustainability debate", the conference aimed at an environmental-sociological reflection of the transformation concept.
The conference offered space for exchange for doctoral or master students of social sciences that deal with topics in the fields of environment, sustainability or climate change. Theoretical and empirical contributions were presented at the meeting and covered a wide range of topics, from the role of environmental sociology at the interface with other social actors to workshop reports from transdisciplinary projects or practical consideration of research transfer.
You can find a summary of the two-day event here [in German only].
Get to know the Junior Research Group "Environmental Sociology" (NGU)
The Junior Research Group "Environmental Sociology" (Nachwuchsgruppe Umweltsoziologie /NGU) was founded in 2002 during a congress of the German Sociological Association (DGS) in Leipzig and is today a loose network of interested young researchers.
You can find more about NGU here.