News (2018)17 October 2018|Environmental Economics“An economic model of the meat paradox”The Research Seminar Environmental & Development Economics welcomes Nicolas Treich (Toulouse School of Economics), who will present his work on “An...10 October 2018|Environmental EconomicsArticle about the Research Project 'Food Preferences'.Prof. Dr. Grischa Perino is part of the interdisciplinary research project "Food Preferences". It was introduced on the home page of the University of...16 April 2018|Environmental EconomicsArticle by Prof. Perino about the current reform of EU emissions tradingThe EU has once again reformed its emissions trading system. Prof. Perino has taken a closer look at the planned changes for the journal Nature...20 March 2018|Environmental EconomicsNew paper on transparency of nudgesTogether with colleagues from other Universities, Hendrik Bruns, PhD student at the International Max-Planck Research School and the Chair of...30 January 2018|AdministrationProf. Dr. Perino will stay at University of HamburgProf. Dr. Grischa Perino refused a call from Carl von Ossietzsky University Oldenburg for a W3-professorship with the topic "Economy, especially...