Car-Free Mobility
Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Katharina Manderscheid
Research Assistant: Fabian Zimmer
Student Assistant: Joshua Kaewnetara
The real-world laboratory "Car-free mobility" is a sub-project of the transdisciplinary research project "Climate-friendly Lokstedt | Self-Sustaining Local Transformation Dynamics", in which the joint partners Universität Hamburg, Eimsbüttel District Office and the Bürgerhaus Lokstedt e.V. work together with the local population to develop approaches for a sustainable and liveable development of the district under the overall project management of Anita Engels.
The subproject deals with mobility and transport, which constitute a major source of greenhouse gas emissions in Hamburg, as everywhere else. In addition, driving and parking cars occupy a large part of the public space. How could street space change if there were less car traffic? And is urban mobility possible at all without a private car? These are the questions that will be addressed in practical real-life laboratories. Research will take place in cooperation with social scientists, the involved partners in practice and the population of Lokstedt. Interested volunteers can take part in the discussion of the problem and collect, jointly evaluate and discuss traffic data themselves. For a given period of time, they can also use alternative means of transport if they are willing to do so without using their own car during this time. In addition, interviews will be conducted to explore personal mobility experiences and the changes they have undergone as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic.
Diskussions Climate-friendly Lokstedt
Project Results (in German)
Duration: 2020-2022
Grant provided by: The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF),
Grant numbert: 1UR2008A
Main Areas of Research: Car-fee Mobility (Autofreie Mobilität)