Questions regarding admission requirements
My primary degree was neither in “Economics” nor in “Volkswirtschaftslehre”. Can I apply for your program?
Yes, you can apply at the categories b or c. Please visit our website for more detailed information about the different requirements.
What precisely is meant by "advanced training in Economics"?
Beyond basic training in microeconomics, macroeconomics and quantitative methods, you must have passed at least three lectures on advanced topics in economics. These should cover both theoretical and applied issues. Examples:
- International Economics
- Economic Growth
- Industrial Organizations
- Applied Micro- and/or Macroeconomics
- Game Theory
- Philosophy of Law and Economics
- Industrial Economics
- Political Economics
- Behavioral Economics
- Institutional Economics
- International Banking and Finance
- Economics of Health
- History of Economics
May I apply if I have not yet taken a test to prove my English language proficiency?
Yes. In this case, you must submit your registration for one of the accepted tests (e.g. a print-out of the online registration). The test results have then to be submitted as soon as possible, latest by 31 May.
Delayed submission or insufficient test results may forfeit your admission.
I failed to achieve the required score in the English language test I took. May I repeat the test and submit the new test result at a later date?
If the deadline for applications has not yet expired, you are welcome to try for another test. If there is not enough time for that, you must submit your registration for one of the accepted tests (e.g. a print-out of the online registration). The test results have then to be submitted as soon as possible, latest by 31 May.
Delayed submission or insufficient test results may forfeit your admission.
I took an English language test that is not on your list. Is it accepted?
We only accept the English language tests that are listed on our website:
I have a Bachelor degree from a program that is entirely taught in English. Do I need an English language test?
You are exempt from providing an official language test, if you can proof that your first degree program was completely taught in English (proven by a written confirmation from the university).
Can I substitute the required GRE revised General Test or GRE Subject Test Mathematics with anything else?
No. The GRE revised General Test or the GRE Subject Test Mathematics ensures the comparability of applicants with very different backgrounds and thus helps the admissions committee to evaluate all applications as objectively as possible.
Questions regarding the online application
What is STiNE?
STiNE is the student information network that provides valuable support to students from their initial application through to completion of studies (and even beyond that as alumni). To apply to a program at the University of Hamburg you must use the online application form on STiNE.
How do I apply via STiNE?
Once you have set up an applicant’s account in STiNE you may log in repeatedly during the application period to complete the application form. You must upload your documents and submit the completed form electronically via STiNE.
Can I start the application process now?
The application period begins on 15th February. It is not possible to fill in the application form earlier.
May I submit a paper application without going through STiNE?
No. For legal reasons you must use STiNE for your application.
Can I send my application by mail?
No. It is necessary to complete the application form in STiNE and upload all required documents with it until 31 March.
Is it possible to apply for more than one master’s program at the University of Hamburg? May I apply for both MSc Economics and MSc Politics, Economics and Philosophy program?
No. It is not possible to apply for more than one international program at the same time.
I don’t understand a particular question in STiNE. Whom can I contact for assistance?
If you do not understand a particular question regarding the admission requirements or the documents to submit on the application form, please contact the Team for applications.
Will the receipt of my application be confirmed?
After submission of the application form you receive a notice confirming that your application was received.
Can I make changes to my application after I have submitted them?
Yes, please contact STiNE-Support.
STiNE is not working. Whom can I contact for assistance?
If you experience technical difficulties using the STiNE portal, please contact STiNE-Support.
Questions regarding documents to be submitted
Must the application documents be uploaded as a PDF? Can I instead submit the documents as a WORD document e.g.?
It is absolutely essential to upload your application documents as PDF. If you submit documents in other formats, we may have problems to access them. PDF documents can be created directly from WORD documents or most image editing software by using the Adobe PDF function, if installed, or by using free software and the print function.
Please note that the PDF must not exceed the maximum file size of 5 MB. Therefore, please be sure to compress images or image files before converting them into a PDF.
My primary degree certificate will not be available in time for the application deadline. What can I submit in its place?
If you you are still studying when you apply and cannot yet provide a final certificate listing your grades, please submit your current Transcript of Records confirming your provisional grade point average. You will then need to submit your degree certificate by the end of the first semester of your master’s program.
Do I need to add official documents from my university to the application?
No. Uncertified copies are sufficient.
What should the letter of motivation contain?
The letter of motivation should contain up to 500 words and could refer to the following aspects:
- Why do you want to study MSc Economics?
- What makes you a good candidate for the program?
- How does the MSc Economics fit into your overall career objectives?
- Give a brief glance at your personal background.
What should the letter of recommendation of a university lecturer contain?
The letter should answer the following questions:
- How long have you known the applicant?
- How did you first get to know the applicant? Which of your lectures or seminars did the applicant attend?
- What is your opinion of the applicant’s academic and personal qualification?
- Is the applicant qualified for the program he or she applies for?
Which language must the letter of recommendation be written in?
The letter of recommendation may be written either in German or in English.
Who is entitled to write a letter of recommendation for me?
In general, the letter of recommendation should be drafted by someone who is able to comment on your academic abilities and competencies.
International letter of recommendations: The referee must be be a lecturer (at least PhD level) who teaches full-time at your (or another) university. Emeritus professors are also eligible to write a letter of recommendation. Please note that we do not accept references from postdocs/research fellows.
German letter of recommendations: The referee must be a (junior) professor. Emeritus professors are also eligible, but emeriti from other status groups are not. Recommendation letters from employees with a doctorate who are permanently employed at the WiSo faculty of the University of Hamburg for teaching and who are not active in research (e.g. postdocs) are eligible, too.
Can my employer also write the letter of recommendation?
Does the letter of recommendation have to be written by lecturers in my major subject or can they also come from a lecturer in one of my minor subjects?
The letter of recommendation may be written by lecturers of your choice.
I have difficulty obtaining a letter of recommendation by a university lecturer. What will happen if I do not submit a letter of recommendation?
If a university does not issue a letter of recommendation and the applicant submits corresponding proof, the letter of motivation is weighted twice.
Should the letter of recommendation be submitted together with the other application documents or should it be sent directly by the university lecturer?
There are two possible ways to submit the letter of recommendation. Either students upload the letter of recommendation as part of their application documents at the application form or it can be submitted confidentially on the following link.
What can I do if my referee prefers to forward the recommendation letter directly to the university?
If your referee prefers to send the recommendation directly to the university, please pass on the link to this form:
In this case, please do not forget to upload a note in the designated field in STiNE. Make sure that the references reach us in time.
Questions regarding admission and enrollment
What happens after my application is successful?
Once your application has been reviewed, an acceptance or rejection letter will be made available in your STiNE account at the section “Dokumente” (Documents).
An enrollment deadline will be indicated in your acceptance letter - please submit the documents required for enrollment by this date. Detailed information about the enrollment process can be found at the website of the Campus Center.
If you have been admitted, please submit the paper documents required for enrollment to the Application and Admissions Team (Team Bewerbung und Zulassung) by the deadline indicated in your acceptance letter.
What documents do I have to submit for admission?
Please have a look at the checklist for enrollment into International Master’s Degree Programs.
Where can I certify my documents?
Enrollment requires submission of certified copies. Here you can find some information about the certification.
I have no health insurance yet. Can I still be admitted to the program?
If you are not familiar with the German health insurance system, you can find information about health insurance on the website of the Campus Center.
How do I know if I'm rejected?
You will find a letter of rejection in your STINE account.
I have been rejected. Can I apply for next year again?
Yes, you are welcome to apply next year again.
Questions regarding the course of studies
Does the master program also begin in the summer semester?
No. The program only starts in the winter semester.
Can I study part-time?
Yes, you can study this master’s degree part-time. Detailed information about prerequisites, deadlines, the application procedure, and any exceptions is available on the university's Campus Centers website.
It is not necessary to announce that you would like to become a part-time student within the application.
Questions regarding tuition
What are the tuition fees for the program?
Since winter term 2012/13 there are no more study fees at the University of Hamburg. Please have a look at the following link to inform yourself about the current semester contribution.
Is there a scholarship for the program?
No. Currently, neither the university nor the program are able to provide any sort of scholarships. Please check the general information on financing your studies.
Comprehensive information on scholarships available from German funding bodies can be found at the website of DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).