- Neeharika Kakunuri (supervisor)
Title: The Role of Economic Development and Social Change in curbing Violence Against Women -
Marie Schäfer (supervisor) Title: The Gender Equality Gap
- Christopher Gardiner (supervisor)
Title: Economic behaviour and performance in competition
Dennis Becker (supervisor) Title: Geschlechterunterschiede in der Bildung
Mats Kahl (co-reviewer) Title: Competition in the German Market for Gasoline Retailing
Hequn Wang (comittee) Titel: Understanding Socioeconomic Perceptions and Expectations for European Social Policy
Hashem Nabas (co-supervisor)
Title: Drivers of Entrepreneurship - The Case of Syrian Refugees in Asylum Countries - Dorota Korenkiewicz (co-supervisor)
Title: Gender Diversity and its Impact on Quality
- Ekaterina Sprenger (co-supervisor)
Title: Essays on Migration
- Julian Jäger (supervisor, completed on Nov 23, 2023)
Title: Perceptions and Attitudes toward Inequality and Immigration in Europe
- Henrike Schwickert (co-supervisor and co-reviewer, completed on November 10, 2023)
Title: Behavioral Aspects of Climate Policy
- Leonie Ratzke (committee, completed on April 25, 2023)
Title: Assessment of ecosystem services in estuaries and urban areas
- Josefine Koebe (co-reviewer, completed on Jan 30, 2023)
Title: Unintended yet effective: evidence from policy reforms in early childhood education and care education and environmental economics
- Eva Markowsky (supervisor, completed on Sep 7, 2022)
Title: Migration, Language and Economic Behavior. On the Relationsship between Culture, Language and Economic Choice
- Thuy Trang Schwenke-Lam (co-reviewer, completed on Dec 15, 2021)
Title: Nachhilfenutzung als Indikator segmentierter Assimilationsprozesse in Familien deut-
scher, türkischer und vietnamesischer Herkunft - Shushanik Margaryan (co-reviewer, completed on Sep 7, 2021)
Title: Empirical Analyses of Societal Challenges: Social Cohesion, Labor Market Transition and Population Health
- Julia Samwer (committee, completed in July 2021)
Title: The Role of Labour Market Institutions in International Organisations, Trade and Technology - An Empirical Analysis
- Dan Dammann (co-reviewer, completed on Jan 22, 2021)
Title: Three Essays on the Effects of Political Crises on Economic Attitudes
- Philipp Poppitz (committee, completed on Jul 11, 2019)
Title: Neglected Dimensions of Inequality
- Hendrik Bruns (committee, completed in Nov 2018)
Title: Environmental Policy: How context affects behavior
- Melanie Schröder (supervisor, completed on Oct 25, 2018)
Title: Essays on Gender Identities and Household Decision-Making -
Luise Görges (supervisor, completed on Sep 11, 2018) Title: Economic Analyses of the Impact of Gender Norms on Female Labour Supply
- Annemarie Paul (co-supervisor, completed on Oct 18, 2017)
Title: Essays in Empirical Labor Economics - The Socio-economic Impact of Changes in the Labor Market
- Clemens Ohlert (co-supervisor, completed on July 13, 2017)
Title: Wage inequality in Germany and the Role of Organisations - Katja Hillmann (committee, completed on Jan 8, 2016)
Title: Transitions between employment, unemployment and entrepreneurial activities - Evidence from Germany
- Norma Schmitt (now Burow) (co-supervisor, completed on Dec 3, 2014)
Title: Gender Stereotypes and Individual Economic Decision-Making - Anna Barrera Vivero (committee, completed on Feb 26, 2014)
Title: Promoting Change in Legally Plural Settings: Domestic Violence and Indigenous Women's Quest for Justice in the Andes"