Sie finden Antje Wieners Publikationen ebenfalls auf Google Scholar und SSRN.
- Wiener, Antje (2018). Contestation and Constitution of Norms in Global International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (link).
- ISA ILAW Book Award 2020.
- International Affairs Top 10 Christmas Readings.
- International Affairs Top 5 Books October 2019.
- Buchbesprechung von Garrett Wallace Brown und Sagar S. Deva in International Affairs.
- Buchbesprechung von Audie Klotz in Perspectives on Politics.
- Buchbesprechung von Lisbeth Zimmermann in Politik 100x100.
- Buchbesprechung von Silvia Steininger in International Journal of Constitutional Law.
- Wiener, Antje (2014). A Theory of Contestation. Berlin: Springer (ebook/paperback)
- Buchbesprechung von Stefan Wallaschek in PVS.
- Buchbesprechung im Rahmen des "Symposiums on Contestation and International Relations" in Polity; Beiträge:
- Jonathan Havercroft, "Introduction",
- Antje Wiener, "A Theory of Contestation—A Concise Summary of Its Argument and Concepts",
- Christian Bueger, "Practices, Norms, and the Theory of Contestation",
- Brent Steele, "Broadening the Contestation of Norms in International Relations",
- Sasikumar S. Sundaram, "Norm Contestation and Global Governance: Taking Actor Configurations and Practical Reasoning Seriously",
- Lisbeth Zimmermann, "“Inter-National” Habermas: Contestation and Understanding under Conditions of Diversity",
- Jonathan Havercroft and Raymond Duvall, "Challenges of an Agonistic Constructivism for International Relations",
- Antje Wiener, "A Reply to My Critics".
- Wiener, Antje (2008). The Invisible Constitution of Politics. Contested Norms and International Encounters. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (nun auch erhältlich als ebook und paperback (2012);
- Buchbesprechung von Friedrich Kratochwil in I•CON.
- Wiener, Antje (1998). 'European' Citizenship Practice: Building Institutions of a Non-State. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press (link).
- Orchard, Phil & Wiener, Antje (eds) (2024) Contesting the World: Norm Research in Theory and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (link)
- Lang, Anthony F. & Wiener, Antje (eds.) (2023). Handbook on Global Constitutionalism (Second Edition, thoroughly revised and extended). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (link).
- Wiener, Antje; Börzel, Tanja A. & Risse, Thomas (eds.) (2018). European Integration Theory. Dritte Auflage, Oxford: Oxford University Press (link).
- Lang, Anthony F. & Wiener, Antje (eds.) (2017). Handbook on Global Constitutionalism. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing (link).
- Oeter, Stefan & Wiener, Antje (eds.) (2016). Symposium: All Emperors? On the Constituent Power of Unbound Constitutionalism. International Journal of Constitutional Law, 14(3) (link).
- Neyer, Jürgen & Wiener, Antje (eds.) (2011). Political Theory of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press (link).
- Wiener, Antje & Diez, Thomas (eds.) (2009). European Integration Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press (1ste Edition 2003) (link).
- Wiener, Antje & Puetter, Uwe (eds.) (2009). Special Issue: Contested Norms in International Relations. Journal of International Law & International Relations, 5 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (ed.) (2007). Special Issue: Contested Meanings of Norms - The Challenge of Democratic Governance Beyond the State. Comparative European Politics, 5 (link).
- Wiener, Antje & Shaw, Jo (eds.) (2003). Special Issue: The Evolving Norms of Constitutionalism. European Law Journal, 9 (link).
- Christiansen, Thomas, Jørgensen, Knud Erik & Wiener, Antje (eds.) (2001). The Social Construction of Europe. London: SAGE (nun auch erhältlich als ebook, überarbeitete und verbesserte Version der Sonderausgabe Journal of European Public Policy 6(4), 1999, mit einem Beitrag von Ernst Haas; Einleitung nun auch als einer von 20 Artikeln in der Sonderausgabe "Twenty Years of JEPP" veröffentlicht).
- Neunreither, Karlheinz & Wiener, Antje (eds.) (2000). European Integration after Amsterdam: Institutional Dynamics and Prospects for Democracy. Oxford: Oxford University Press (E-book mit Oxford Scholarship Online (2003))
- Christiansen, Thomas; Jorgensen, Knud Erik & Wiener, Antje (1999) Special Issue: The Social Construction of Europe, Journal of European Public Policy, 6 (4) (Link)
- Reusch, Wera & Wiener, Antje (eds.) (1991). Geschlecht, Klasse, Ethnie: alte Konflikte und neue soziale Bewegungen in Lateinamerika. Saarbrücken/Fort Lauderdale: Breitenbach Publishers.
- Zengerling, Cathrin, Jill Bähring, Stefan C Aykut and Antje Wiener (2024) Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonisation II: Zooming in on Two Cases, Carbon and Climate Law Review, 18(1): 3-16 (Journal Website)
- Aykut, Stefan C, Antje Wiener, Cathrin Zengerling and Jill Bähring (2023) Climate Litigation as a Social Driver Towards Deep Decarbonisation I: A Framework and a General Assessment, Carbon and Climate Law Review, 17 (3): 181-192 (Journal Website)
- Kang, Susan, Havercroft, Jonathan, Eisler, Jacob, Wiener, Antje, & Shaw, Jo (2023). Climate change and the challenge to liberalism. Global Constitutionalism, 12(1), 1-10. (Journal Website)
- Wiener, Antje (2022), Societal multiplicity for international relations: Engaging societal interaction in building global governance from below, Cooperation and Conflict 57(3): 348-366 (Journal Website).
- Eisler, Jacob, Havercroft, Jonathan, Shaw, Jo, Wiener, Antje and Susan Kang (2022), The pendulum swings back: New authoritarian threats to liberal democratic constitutionalism, Global Constitutionalism 11(1): 1-8 (Journal Website).
- Shaw, Jo, Eisler, Jacob, Havercroft, Jonathan, Wiener, Antje and Val Napoleon (2021), After Trump, Global Constitutionalism 10(1): 1-9 (Journal Website).
- Ackerly, Brooke, Cabrera, Luis, Forman, Fonna, Fuji Johnson, Genevieve, Tenove, Chris and Antje Wiener (2021), Unearthing Grounded Normative Theory: Practices and Commitments of Empirical Research in Political Theory, Critical Review of Social and Political Philosophy 24(1): 1-27 (Journal Website).
- Wiener, Antje (2021), A field day with Fritz: Introduction to the Symposium, International Theory 13(3): 513-521 (Journal Website).
- Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes, Vetterlein, Antje and Antje Wiener (2020), The problem of non-compliance: knowledge gaps and moments of contestation in global governance, Journal of International Relations and Development 23: 636–656 (Journal Website).
- Havercroft, Jonathan, Eisler, Jacob, Shaw, Jo, Wiener, Antje and Val Napoleon (2020), Editorial: Decolonising global constitutionalism, Global Constitutionalism 9(1): 1–6 (Journal Website).
- Wiener, Antje (2019), Multiplizität als Alleinstellungsmerkmal, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 26(2): 142-153 (Journal Website & pdf).
- True, Jacqui and Antje Wiener (2019), Everyone wants (a) peace: the dynamics of rhetoric and practice on ‘Women, Peace and Security’, International Affairs 95(3): 553–574 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje, Jeffrey Dunoff, Jonathan Havercroft and Mattias Kumm (2019), Global Constitutionalism as agora: Interdisciplinary encounters, cultural recognition and global diversity, Global Constitutionalism 8 (1): 1–11 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Havercroft, Jonathan, Antje Wiener, Mattias Kumm and Jeffrey Dunoff (2018), Editorial: Donald Trump as Global Constitutional Breaching Experiment, Global Constitutionalism 7(1): 1–13 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2017), Agency of the governed in global international relations: access to norm validation, Third World Thematics: A TWQ Journal 2(5): 709-725 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Kumm, Mattias, Jonathan Havercroft, Jeffrey Dunoff and Antje Wiener (2017), Editorial: The end of 'the West' and the future of global constitutionalism, Global Constitutionalism 6(1): 1-11 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2017), A Theory of Contestation—A Concise Summary of Its Argument and Concepts, Polity 49(1): 109-125 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2017), A Reply to My Critics, Polity 49(1): 165-184 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje and Stefan Oeter (2016), Introduction: Who recognizes the emperor’s clothes anymore? International Journal of Constitutional Law 14(3): 608-621 (Journal Webseite & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2016), Contested Norms in Inter-National Encounters: The ‘Turbot War’ as a Prelude to Fairer Fisheries Governance, Politics and Governance 4(3): 20-36 (Journal Webseite & pdf).
- Tully, James, Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Anthony F. Lang, Mattias Kumm and Antje Wiener(2016), Introducing global integral constitutionalism, Global Constitutionalism 5(1): 1-15 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Dunoff, Jeffrey L., Antje Wiener, Mattias Kumm, Anthony F. JR. Lang and James Tully (2015), Hard times: Progress narratives, historical contingency and the fate of global constitutionalism, Global Constitutionalism 4(1): 1–17 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2015), In the Eye of the Beholder: A Sociology of Knowledge Perspective on Norm Transfer, Journal of European Integration 37(2): 211–228 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2014), Kontestation in Verknüpften Diskursräumen, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 21(2): 147-154 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje und Philip Liste (2014), Lost Without Translation? Cross-Referencing and a New Global Community of Courts, Indiana Journal of Global Legal Studies 21(1): 263-296 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Kumm, Mattias, Anthony F. Lang, James Tully, and Antje Wiener (2014), How large is the world of global constitutionalism?, Global Constitutionalism 3(1): 1–8 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Vetterlein, Antje and Antje Wiener (2013), Gemeinschaft Revisited: Die sozialen Grundlagen internationaler Ordnung, Leviathan 41(S28): 78-103 (Jornal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2013), Tackling Invisible Frontiers of Global Justice: An Extension of Sen's 'Comparison View of Justice' into IR, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16(2): 249-265 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Lang, Anthony F., Mattias Kumm, Antje Wiener, James Tully, and Miguel Poiares Maduro, (2013), Interdisciplinarity: Challenges and opportunities, Global Constitutionalism 2(1): 1–5 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2012), Global Constitutionalism. Oxford Bibliographies Online. New York: Oxford University Press (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje, Anthony F. Lang, James Tully, Mattias Kumm and Miguel Poiares Maduro (2012), Why a New Journal on Global Constitutionalism? Global Constitutitonalism 1(1): 1–15 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2010), Zur normativen Wende in den IB: Triangulation of a Different Kind, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 17(2): 335–354 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Hansen-Magnusson, Hannes and Antje Wiener (2010), Studying Contemporary Constitutionalism: Memory, Myth and Horizon, Journal of Common Market Studies 48(1): 21-44 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Puetter, Uwe and Antje Wiener (2009), The Quality of Norms is What Actors Make of It: Critical Constructivist Research on Norms, Journal of International Law and International Relations 5(S1): 1-16 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2009), Enacting Meaning-in-Use. Qualitative Research on Norms and International Relations, Review of International Studies 35(1): 175-193 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2008), European Responses to International Terrorism: Diversity Awareness as a New Capability?, Journal of Common Market Studies 46(1): 195-218 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Puetter, Uwe and Antje Wiener (2007), Accommodating Normative Divergence in World Politics: European Foreign Policy Coordination, Journal of Common Market Studies 45(5): 1063-1086 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2007), The Dual Quality of Norms and Governance beyond the State: Sociological and Normative Approaches to Interaction, Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10(1): 47-69 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2007), Contested Meanings of Norms: A Research Framework, Comparative European Politics 5(S1): 1-17 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2007), Das Normative in der Internationalen Politik: Unsichtbare Konsequenzen von Institutionenbildung? Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 14(1): 183-190 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2007), Fact or Artefact: Analysing Core Constitutional Norms in Beyond-the-State Contexts (Comment), Journal of European Public Policy 13(8): 1308-1313 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2007), Relazioni Internazionali e Costruttivismo: Puzzles e Promesse, Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica xxxvii(1): 25-54 (Journal Website) [Englische Version veröffentlicht in ConWEB Webpapers on Constitutionalism and Governance Beyond the State 5/2006 pdf)].
- Wiener, Antje (2006), Bürgerschaft jenseits des Staates: die europäische Bürgerschaftspraxis folgt eigenen Regeln, vorgänge. Zeitschrift für Bürgerrechteund Gesellschaftspolitik 45(2): 27-38 (Journal Website & pdf)
- Wiener, Antje (2005), Umstrittenheit im Integrationsprozess: Widerstand = Scheitern?, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 12(2): 117-124 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2004), Contested compliance: Interventions on the normative structure of world politics, European Journal of International Relations 10(2): 189-234 [neu veröffentlicht: Simmons 2008] (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2003), Constructivism: The Limits of Bridging Gaps, Journal of International Relations and Development 6(3): 252-275 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2003), Evolving Norms of Constitutionalism, European Law Journal 9(S1): 1-13 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2001), The Constitutional Significance of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, German Law Journal 2(18): E9 (Journal Website).
- Wiener, Antje (2001), Zur Verfassungspolitik jenseits des Staates: Die Vermittlung von Bedeutung am Beispiel der Unionsbürgerschaft, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen 8(1): 73-104 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Christiansen, Thomas, Jorgensen, Knud E., and Antje Wiener (1999), The Social Construction of Europe, Journal of European Public Policy 6(4): 528-544 (Journal Website).
- Fierke, Karin M. and Antje Wiener (1999), Constructing Institutional Interests: EU and NATO Enlargement, Journal of European Public Policy 6(5): 721-742 [neu veröffentlicht in: Christiansen et al. (2001); und Schimmelfennig & Sedelmeier (2005)] (Journal Website & pdf).
- Risse, Thomas and Antje Wiener (1999), 'Something Rotten' and the Social Construction of Social Constructivism: a Comment on Comments, Journal of European Public Policy 6(S5): 775-782 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1999), Forging Flexibility: The British ‘No’ to Schengen, European Journal of Migration and Law 1(4): 441-463 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1999), The Constructive Potential of Citizenship: Building European Union, Policy & Politics 27(3): 271-293 (Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1998), The Embedded Acquis Communautaire: Transmission Belt and Prism of New Governance, European Law Journal 4(3): 294–315 (Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1997), Making Sense of the New Geography of Citizenship - Fragmented Citizenship in the European Union, Theory and Society 26(4): 529-560 (neu veröffentlicht in: Hanagan & Tilly 1999) (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje and Vincent Della Sala (1997), Constitution Making and Citizenship Practice – Bridging the Democracy Gap in the EU? Journal of Common Market Studies 35(4): 595-614 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1997), Assessing the Constructive Potential of Union Citizenship - A Socio-Historical Perspective, European Integration online Papers (EIoP): 1(17) (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1996-1997), LA CIUDADANÍA COMO ESTRATEGIA POLÍTICA, Lola Press: International Feminist Magazine 6: 14-22 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (1996), Editorial: Fragmentierte Staatsbürgerschaft, PROKLA. Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialwissenschaft 26(105): 488-495 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1996), Rethinking Citizenship: The Quest for Place-Oriented Participation in the EU, Oxford International Review 7(3): 44-51 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1994) Institutionalizing Revolution, Rioting For Reform-Mexican Politics from Zapata to the Zapatistas, Studies in Political Economy. A Socialist Review 44(1): 125-140 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1992), Wider den theoretischen "Kessel". Ideen zur Sprengung der binären Logik in der NSB-Forschung, Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen 2(5): 34-43 (Journal Website & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1988), Gewerkschaften in der mexikanischen Bekleidungsindustrie, Peripherie 30/31: 118-131.
Beiträge in Sammelbänden
- Wiener, Antje (2024) European Citizenship Practice. In: García Cabeza, Marisol and Thomas Fais (eds.) Encyclopedia of Citizenship Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 274-280 (link)
- Wilkens, J., Pagnone, A., Gonçalves Gresse, E., López-Rivera, A., Engels, A., Marotzke, J., Aykut, S.C., Rödder, S., Sillmann, J. & Wiener, A. (2023) CLICCS Plausibility Assessment Framework. In: Engels (eds.) Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023. The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming—Social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany, 19-31 (link)
- Wilkens, J., Pagnone, A., Gonçalves Gresse, E., López-Rivera, A., Engels, A., Marotzke, J., Aykut, S.C., Rödder, S., Sillmann, J. & Wiener, A. (2023) An integrative approach to assess the plausibility of climate future scenarios. In: Engels (eds.) Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023. The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming—Social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany, 20-25 (link)
- Wiener, A., Aykut, S.C., Gonçalves Gresse, E., López-Rivera & Wilkens, J. (2023) The Social Plausibility Assessment Framework: from social drivers to the plausibility of deep decarbonization. In: Engels (eds.) Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023. The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming—Social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany, 26-28 (link)
- Zengerling, C., Aykut, S.C., Wiener, A., Bähring, J., d’Amico, (2023) Climate Litigation. In: Engels (eds.) Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023. The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming—Social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany, 104-110 (link)
- Wilkens, J., López-Rivera, A., Rothe, D., Schenuit, F., Wiener (2023) Knowledge Production. In: Engels (eds.) Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2023. The plausibility of a 1.5°C limit to global warming—Social drivers and physical processes. Cluster of Excellence Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS). Hamburg, Germany, 133-139 (link)
- Lang, Anthony F., Wiener, Antje (2023) Introduction to the Handbook on Global Constitutionalism: protecting rights and democracy while binding power. In Lang, Anthony F. & Wiener, Antje (eds.), Handbook on Global Constitutionalism (Second Edition, thoroughly revised and extended). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 1–21 (link)
- Wiener, Antje (2023) Constitutionalism. In van Aaken, Anne et al. (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of International Law in Europe. Oxford: Oxford Academic (link)
- Wiener, Antje (2023). Norm(ative) Change in International Relations: A Conceptual Framework. In Krieger, Heike & Liese, Andrea (eds.), Tracing Value Change in the International Legal Order Perspectives from Legal and Political Science Oxford: Oxford University Press. 25–46 (link)
- Wiener, Antje (2023). Practising Civic Freedoms in Global Governance: Contestation, Agency, Sites. In Karmis, Dimitrios & Maclure, Jocelyn (eds.), Civic Freedom in an Age of Diversity: The Public Philosophy of James Tully (pp.). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press. 146–170 (link)
- Orchard, Phil, Wiener, Antje (2022) Norms and Norm Contestation. In: Mello, Patrick A. & Ostermann, Falk (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Foreign Policy Analysis Methods. London: Routledge, 51-66 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2022) Climate, Climatic Change and Society (CLICCS). In: Hantrais, Linda (ed.) How to Manage International Multidisciplinary Research Projects. Edgar Elgar Publishing, 101-113 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2022) Practicing Academic Intervention: An Agonistic Reading of Praxis. In: Hellmann, Gunther & Steffek, Jens (eds.) Praxis as a Perspective on International Politics. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 215–233 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2022) The Contested Freedom of the Moderns: Conceiving Norm Contestation as the ‘Glue’ for Re-Ordering the Globalized World. In: Tully, James et al. (eds.) Democratic Multiplicity Perceiving, Enacting and Integrating Democratic Diversity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 310-329 (link).
- Aykut, S.C., Wiener, A., Engels, A., Gresse, E., Hedemann, C., & Petzold, J. (2021) The Social Plausibility Assessment Framework. In: Stammer, Detlef et al. (eds.) Hamburg Climate Futures Outlook 2021. Assessing the Plausibility of Deep Decarbonization by 2050. Cluster of Excellence - Climate, Climatic Change, and Society (CLICCS), Hamburg, 29-38 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2021) Framing Responsibility Research in International Relations. In: Hansen-Magnusson, H. & Vetterlein, A. (eds.) The Routledge Handbook on Responsibility in International Relations. London: Routledge, 409-422 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2020) The Concept of Contestation of Norms - An Interview. In: Reder, Michael et al. (eds.) Yearbook on Practical Philosophy in a Global Perspective (YPPGP-JPPGP). Vierte Ausgabe, München: Karl Alber Verlag, 196-206 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2019) Stakeholder Access to Norm Validation: Whose Practices Count in Global International Relations? In: Peterson, M.J. (ed.) Contesting Global Environment Knowledge, Norms and Governance. London: Routledge, 127-143 (link).
- Wiener, Antje & Diez, Thomas (2018) Introducing the Mosaic of Integration Theory. In: Wiener, Antje; Börzel, Tanja A. & Risse, Thomas (eds.) European Integration Theory. Dritte Ausgabe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-24 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2018) Taking Stock of Integration Theory, In: Wiener, Antje; Börzel, Tanja A. & Risse, Thomas (eds.) European Integration Theory. Dritte Ausgabe, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 256-272 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2018) The Rule of Law in Inter-national Relations: Contestation despite Diffusion - Diffusion through Contestation. In: May, C. & Winchester, A. (eds.) Handbook on the Rule of Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 109-132 (link)
- Wiener, Antje (2017) Still Missing the Other Half: World making and sense making. In: Gould, Harry D. (ed.) The Art of World Making: Nicholas Onuf and His Critics. London: Routledge, 113-123 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2017) Responsibility Contestations: A Challenge to the Moral Authority of the UN Security Council. In: Ulbert, C.; Finkenbusch, P.; Sondermann, E. & Debiel, T. (eds.) Moral Agency and the Politics of Responsibility. London: Routledge, 85-102 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2017) Going Home? 'European' Citizenship Practice Twenty Years After. In: Kochenov, D. (ed.) EU Citizenship and Federalsim. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 243-268 (link & pdf)
- Wiener, Antje (2017) The Impossibility of Disentangling Integration. In: Outhwaite, W. (ed.) Brexit: Sociological Responses. London: Anthem Press, 139-152 (via Jstore, Publisher's Website) (pdf). Lesen Sie die Reviews zum Buch im JCS (Link) und EJCPS (Link).
- Wiener, Antje (2015) A Hidden Asset in Times of Crisis: The EU's Unbound Constitutional Quality. In: Champeu, S.; Closa, C.; Innerarity, D. & Maduro, M. P. (eds.) The future of Europe. Democracy, legitimacy and justice after the Euro crisis. London: Rowman & Littlefield, 111–134 (pdf); (lesen Sie den Global Policy Review (PDF)).
- Wiener, Antje (2013) Towards Global Citizenship Practice? In: Huysmans, J. & Guillaume, X. (eds.) Citizenship and Security. The Constitution of Political Being. London: Routledge, 75-94 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2011) Comment: Global Constitutionalism and the Concept of Difference. In: Raube, K. & Sattler, A. (eds.) Difference and Democracy. Frankfurt/M. & New York, 261-275 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2011) Zur Verfassungspolitik jenseits des Staates: Die Vermittlung von Bedeutung am Beispiel der Unionsbürgerschaft. In: Stetter, S.; Masala, C. & Karbowski, M. (eds.) Was die EU im Innersten zusammenhält. Debatten zur Legitimität und Effektivität supranationalen Regierens. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 281-315 (link).
- Neyer, Jürgen & Wiener, Antje (2011) Introduction: The State of the Art of a Non-State-Oriented Political Theory. In: Neyer, Jürgen & Wiener, Antje (eds.) Political Theory of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-18 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2011) Conclusion: Through Uncharted Waters of Constitutional Quality: Navigating Between Modern Statehood and International Organisation. In: Neyer, Jürgen & Wiener, Antje (eds.) Political Theory of the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 213-230 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2010) Cultural Validation: Examining the Familiarity Deficit of Global Governance. In: Bjola, C. & Kornprobst, M. (eds.) Arguing Global Governance. London: Routledge, 103-116 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2010) Normative Baggage in International Encounters: Contestation all the Way. In: Kessler, O.; Hall, R. B.; Lynch, C. & Onuf, N. (eds.) On rules, politics, and knowledge: Friedrich Kratochwil, international relations, and domestic affairs. Basingstoke, Hampshire & New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 202-212 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2007) Demokratischer Konstitutionalismus jenseits des Staates? Perspektiven auf die Umstrittenheit von Normen. In: Niesen, P. & Herborth, B. (eds.) Anarchie der kommunikativen Freiheit - Jürgen Habermas und die Theorie der internationalen Politik. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 178-203 (pdf).
- Kaleck, Wofgang & Wiener, Antje (2007) Umstrittene Normen in der Staatengesellschaft: das deutsche Völkerstrafrecht und die Debatte um die Völkerrechtsreform. In: Wolf, K.D. (ed.) Staat und Gesellschaft - fähig zur Reform?. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 281-302 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2006) Constructivism and Sociological Institutionalism. In: Michelle, C. & Bourne, A.K. (eds.) Palgrave Advances in European Union Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 35-55 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2006) Soft Institutions. In: Bogdandy, A.V. & Bast, J. (eds.) Principles of European Constitutional Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, 419-449 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje & Schwellnus, Guido (2004) Contested Norms of European Enlargement. In: Bermann, G. & Pistor, K. (eds.) Law and Governance in an Enlarged Europe. Oxford: Hart Publ., 451-483 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2003) Finality vs. Enlargement: Opposing Rationales and Constitutive Practices towards a New Transnational Order. In: Weiler, J.H.H. & Wind, M. (eds.) European Constitutionalism Beyond the State. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 157-201 (pdf).
- Diez, Thomas & Wiener, Antje (2003) Introducing the Mosaic of Integration Theory: It’s Past, Present and Future. In: Wiener, Antje & Diez, Thomas (eds.) European Integration Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-21 (pdf).
- Diez, Thomas & Wiener, Antje (2003) Taking Stock of Integration Theory. In: Wiener, Antje & Diez, Thomas (eds.) European Integration Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 237-248 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2003) The Turn Towards Dialogue? Constructivist Stations on the Bridge and their Potential. In: Hellmann, G.; Wolf, K.D. & Zürn, M. (eds.) The State of the Art of Research in International Relations in Germany. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 133-159.
- Wiener, Antje (2001) Crossing the Borders of Order: Democracy beyond the Nation-State? In: Albert, M.; Jacobson, D.; Lapid, Y. (eds.) Identities, Borders, Orders: New Directions in IR Theory. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 181-201 (link & pdf).
- Shaw, Jo & Wiener, Antje (2001) The Paradox of the ‘European’ Polity. In: Cowles, M. G. & Smith, M. (eds.) Risks, Reforms, Resistance of Revival, State of the European Union Vol. 5. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 64-88 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje & Neunreither, Karlheinz (2001) Introduction: Amsterdam and Beyond. In: Neunreither, Karlheinz & Wiener, Antje (eds.) European Integration After Amsterdam. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1-11 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1999) From Special to Specialized Rights – The Politics of Citizenship and Identity in the European Union. In: Hanagan, M. & Tilly, C. (eds.) Extending Citizenship – Reconfiguring States. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 195-227 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1999) Contextualized Citizenship in a Global Framework. In: Thomas, K. & Tetreault, M.A. (eds.) Racing to Regionalize: Democracy, Capitalism, and Regional Political Economy, International Political Economy Yearbook Vol. 11. Boulder: Col. Lynne Rienner, 141-165 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1999) Promises and Resources - The Developing Practice of European Citizenship. In: La Torre, Massimo (ed.) European Citizenship: An Institutional Challenge, European Forum Yearbook. Dordrecht, London, Boston: Kluwer International, 387-414 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1997) Citizenship in a Non-State. In: Gardener, J. P. (ed.) Citizenship: The White Paper. London: The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, 245-265.
- Wiener, Antje (1996) StaatbürgerInnenschaft im Kontext: Staatsangehörigkeit und Zugehörigkeit. In: Kulawik, Teresa.(ed.) Der halbierte Staat : Grundlagen feministischer Politikwissenschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Campus Verlag, 105-133 (pdf).
- Reusch, Wera & Wiener, Antje (1991) Einleitung. In: Reusch, Wera & Wiener, Antje (eds.) Geschlecht - Klasse - Ethnie : alte Konflikte und neue soziale Bewegungen in Lateinamerika. Saarbrücken: Breitenbach, 5-15 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1991) Frauenbranche. Frauengewerkschaft. Frauenpolitik? Politische Mobilisierung mexikanischer Näherinnen im Spannungsfeld von Tradition und Feminismus. In: Reusch, Wera & Wiener, Antje (eds.) Geschlecht - Klasse - Ethnie : alte Konflikte und neue soziale Bewegungen in Lateinamerika. Saarbrücken: Breitenbach, 33-60 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1991) La mujer que sabe latin no tiene marido ni bien fin. In: Aehnelt, Reinhard (ed) Mexiko – ein politisches Reisebuch. Hamburg: VSA Verlag, 234-238 (pdf).
Working Papers
- Wiener, Antje (2024) Staatsräson: Empty Signifier or Meaningful Norm? In Verfassungsblog. Long version available at SSRN (link).
- Wiener, Antje & Orchard, Phil (2023) Social in Practice, Contested in Principle: Future Norm Research. Contesting the World: Norm Research in Theory and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Forthcoming), Phil Orchard and Antje Wiener (eds.). Available at SSRN: or
- Wiener, Antje & Orchard, Phil (2023) Norm Research in Theory and Practice. Contesting the World: Norm Research in Theory and Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (Forthcoming), Phil Orchard and Antje Wiener (eds.). Available at SSRN: or
- Mondragon Toledo, Gabriel; Niemann, Holger; Scheffran, Jürgen; Wiener, Antje (2022) Conceptualizing strategic Narratives: The peace movement as a strategic respondent to Covid-19, CSS Working Paper Series, No 7, 1-20 (link)
- Merschel, Oliver, Wiener, Antje, Brückner, Hauke, Datchoua-Tirvaudey, Alvine, Riebe, Lennart, Soares, Ana & Mondragón Toledo, Gabriel (2022) Global International Relations. ‘Doing Theory’ from ‘Somewhere’. Paper prepared for presentation at the roundtable Global International Relations: Prospects and Challenges, International Studies Association Annual Convention, April 7 2021. CSS Working Paper Series No 5, 1-18 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2021) Practicing Academic Intervention: An Agonistic Reading of Praxis. Praxis as a Perspective on International Relations, Gunther Hellmann and Jens Steffek (eds.). Available at SSRN, 1-15 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2021) The Contested Freedom of the Moderns: Conceiving Norm Contestation as the ‘Glue’ for Re-Ordering the Globalized World. Democracies and their Futures, Keith Cherry, Jeanne Morefield, Joshua Nichols, Pablo Ouziel, and James Tully (eds.). Available at SSRN, 1-23 (link). SSRN's Top Ten download list for: PSN: Democracy Promotion (Topic) and PSN: State & Political Institutions (Topic).
- Wiener, Antje (2021) Framing Responsibility Research in International Relations. Handbook on Responsibility in World Politics, Hannes Hansen- Magnusson and Antje Vetterlein (eds.). Available at SSRN, 1-18 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2020) Societal Multiplicity for International Relations: From Intersubjective Knowledge at the Middle Ground to Intersocietal Multilogues. Paper presented at the 7th European Workshops in International Studies, Brussels, 1-4 July 2020 ‘Together We’re Stranger’: Strange and Familiar in International Relations. Available at SSRN, 1-25 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2020) A field day with Fritz: Introduction to the symposium. International Theory, Symposium "In the Midst of Theory and Practice", Hannes Peltonen and Knut Traisbach (eds.). Available at SSRN, 1-12 (link). SSRN'S Top Ten download list for: Conflict Studies: Terrorism eJournal and PSN: International Law/Rule of Law & Terrorism (Topic).
- Wiener, Antje (2020) Norm(ative) Change in International Relations: A Conceptual Framework. KFG The International Rule of Law - Rise or Decline? Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 44, 1-27 (link). SSRN's Top Ten download list AARN: Jurisprudence.
- Wiener, Antje (2020) The Concept of Contestation of Norms - An Interview. Yearbook on Practical Philosophy in a Global Perspective (YPPGP-JPPGP) 2020, No. 4, 1-8 (link). SSRN's Top Ten download list AARN: Jurisprudence.
- Wiener, Antje & Diez, Thomas (2018) Introducing the Mosaic of Integration Theory, KFG The Transformative Power of Europe Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 88, 1-31 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2018) Taking Stock of Integration Theory. KFG The Transformative Power of Europe Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 89, 1-23 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2017) Nachhaltige Normativität im globalen Raum. Kontestation und Konstitutionalisierung, WiSo-HH Working Paper Series, Working Paper No. 38, 1-12 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2006) Constructivist Approaches in International Relations Theory: Puzzles and Promises, conWEB – webpapers on Constitutionalism and Governance beyond the State, Working Paper No. 5, 1-27 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2002) Finality vs. Enlargement. Constitutive Practices and Opposing Rationales in the Reconstruction of Europe, Jean Monnet Working Paper, Working Paper No. 8/02, 1-38 (link & pdf).
- Wobbe, Theresa & Wiener, Antje (2002) Norm Resonance in Global Governance - Contested Norms in the Process of EU Enlargement, Paper prepared for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the International Studies Association, 24-27.
- Wiener, Antje (2001) Social Facts in World Politics – Constructivist Positions as Stations on a Bridge, ISA Conference Papers Online.
- Wiener, Antje (2001) Zum Demokratiedilemma europäischer Politik: Symbole und Inhalte der Verfassungsdebatte, Jean-Monnet-Working Paper, Working Paper No. 2001/1, 1-27 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2000) Forging Flexibility. The British 'No' to Schengen, ARENA Working Paper, Working Paper No. 1, 1-25 (link & pdf).
- Fierke, K.M & Wiener, Antje (1999) Constructing Institutional Interests: EU and NATO Enlargement, EUI Working Papers, Working Paper No. 99/14, 721-742 (pdf).
- Shaw, Jo & Wiener, Antje (1999) The Paradox of the 'European Polity', Harvard Jean Monnet Working Paper, Working Paper Nr. 10/99 64-88 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1998) The Embedded Acquis Communautaire. Transmission Belt and Prism of New Governance, EUI Working Papers, Working Paper No. 98/35, 1-38 (pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1997) Assessing the Constructive Potential of Union Citizenship - A Socio-Historical Perspective, European Integration online Papers (EIoP), Working Paper Vol. 1 No 017, 1-27 (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (1994) Identity-Power-Politics, or Social Movements Inside Out: A Critical Feminist Perspective on Social Movements, Latin American Studies Association, Pittsburgh, March 10-12, 1994, Available at SSRN: (link)
Blogbeiträge & Medienbeiträge
- Wiener, Antje (2024) Staatsräson: Empty Signifier or Meaningful Norm? In Verfassungsblog, 12. Januar 2024 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2019) Das Unsichtbare Dritte. In: Weber, U. & Kolboske, B. (eds.) 50 Jahre später - 50 Jahre weiter? Kämpfe und Errungenschaften der Frauenbewegung nach 1968. Eine Bilanz. München: Max Planck Gesellschaft (link & pdf).
- Wiener, Antje (2018). The Impossibility of Disentangling Integration. Discover Society, 9. Januar 2018 (link).
- Acharya, A, Gholiagha, S, Wiener, A & J Wilkens (2017). Entering the Global Multilogue – A Replique to the German ZEIT Manifesto. In: Duck of Minerva, 24. Oktober 2017 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2016). WPTPN: Trump and The End of Taken-For-Grantedness: When the Exception Becomes the Rule. In: Duck of Minerva, 13. Dezember 2016 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2016). Why the Brexit debate might mark the end of Britain’s unwritten constitution. In Verfassungsblog, 22. Oktober 2016 (link).
- Gholiaga, Sassan & Wiener, Antje (2013). Schutzverantwortung: Ein politikwissenschaftlicher Blick auf den Völkerrechtsteil des Koalitionsvertrags. In: Verfassungsblog, 09. Dezember 2013 (link).
- Wiener, Antje (2012). Rettungsschirm für Grundrechte: Anmerkungen von Antje Wiener. In: Verfassungsblog, 22. März 2012 (link).