Öffentliche Vorträge (Auswahl)
How to live with norm contestation? (European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue, EUI, Florence)
In January 2020, Antje Wiener gave the opening lecture at the European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue 2020.
This lecture, entitled ‘How to live with norm contestation?‘, was delivered at the second meeting of the European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue. The second European Cyber Diplomacy Dialogue (ECDD) was organised by the EU Cyber Direct Project and the European University Institute School of Transnational Governance, and took place on 20-21 January 2020 in Florence, Italy.
You can watch the full and individual parts of the lecture on the EU Cyber Direct Website (Opening Lecture on EU Cyber Direct).
How to live with norm contestation? | Prof. Antje Wiener | ECDD 2020
Democracy and its Futures (University of Victoria)
Live-stream event at University of Victoria workshop 'Democracy and its Futures'
On the 21st and 22nd of March 2019 Antje Wiener participated in a scholars/society workshop at the University of Victoria, Canada, titled 'Democracy and its Futures'. One element of the workshop sessions was the live streamed public event "Public Debates in Turbulent Times - Academica and Media". On Panel 2, hosted by Rebeccah Nelems from the Centre for Global Studies at the University of Victoria, Wiener dicussed the question "What do distinctive democratic traditions offer to the debate?". Also on the panel: Pablo Ouziel from the University of Victoria as well as David Owen from the University of Southampton.
Democracy and its Future: Academia and Media
International Relations and International Law: Divided by a Common Language (FU Berlin)
Lecture by Antje Wiener at FU Berlin
Title: International Relations and International Law: Divided by a Common Language
Antje Wiener gave a lecture at Free University of Berlin entitled: "International Relations and International Law: Divided by a Common Language” on 9th April 2018. The lecture took place in context of a meeting of the KFG Research Group on The International Rule of Law.
For further details please have a look at the slides used in the lecture here.
Global International Relations Theory: Contestation Repertoires and Normative Change (King's College London)
Public Lecture by Antje Wiener at King's College London
Title: Global International Relations Theory: Contestation Repertoires and Normative Change
The event is part of the Transnational Law Institute Signature Lectures Series 2017-2018 "Democratic Politics in Global Crisis? Challenges, Approaches, Resistances"
The talk spoke on Prof. Wiener's forthcoming book 'Constitution and Contestation of Norms in Global International Relations’ (CUP 2018). The book presents a principled approach to practice that addresses the normativity-practice nexus as an enduring issue for norms studies in international relations theory and international law alike. The apporach is illustrated with referene to three case scenarios which examine the involvement of local actors in global norm conflicts about fundamental rights, the prohibition of torture and the sexual violence prohibition. Providing accounts of local interventions made on behalf of those affected by breaches of norms, the book identifies the constraints and opportunities for stakeholder participation in a fragmented global society. The book also considers cultural and institutional diversity with regard to the co-constitution of norm change. Proposing a clear framework to operationalize research on contested norms, and illustrating it through three recent cases, this book contributes to the project of Global International Relations by offering an agency-centred approach.
The Signature Lectures are delivered by world renowned scholars whose work tackles central challenges in global governance by cutting across disciplinary boundaries to develop new analytical and conceptual frameworks, which address today’s pressing problems of transnational legality and legitimacy with rigour and fresh eyes. Previous speakers included: Saskia Sassen, Albie Sachs, Sally Engle Merry, Wolfgang Streeck, Joseph Weiler, Eve Darian-Smith, Guy Standing, Upendra Baxi and Boaventura Sousa Santos.
Please find further information about the event and registration on the institute's website.
You can find the soundcloud link here.
Global International Relations Theory: Contestation Repertoires and Normative Change (LSE)
Public Lecture by Antje Wiener at LSE, October 16, 2017
Title: Global IR Theory: Contestation Repertoires and Normative Change
Antje Wiener gave a lecture on "Global International Relations Theory: Contestation Repertoires and Normative Change" as part of the International Theory Workshop series at the London School of Economics which was organised by George Lawson and Kirsten Ainley and mainly addressed PhD students at the Department for International Relations at LSE.
If norms lie in the practice and all practice is norm-generative, whose practices count? The lecture discusses this question with reference to global norm conflicts and local contestation. It advances an agency-centred exploratory approach to norms research in order to examine the local-global co-constitution of normative change. Each of the illustrative case scenarios on fundamental rights, torture prohibition and sexual violence prohibition, stages diverse groups of affected stakeholders in a global multilogue. The research demonstrates how diverse local capabilities are revealed through contestation, and the effect these practices have on the global normative structure of meaning-in-use. For example, while the torture prohibition norm may appear ‘robust’ despite some affected stakeholders’ efforts to justify the actual application of novel ‘interrogation techniques’, that finding applies to an empty norm ‘container’, as the moral substance of the norm is effectively discarded.
The Rule of Law in Inter-national Relations (Cambridge University)
Public Lecture by Antje Wiener at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law (LCIL), University of Cambridge January 27, 2017 (Poster).
Title: The Rule of Law in Inter-national Relations: Contestation despite Diffusion - Diffusion through Contestation
After the EU Referendum – where next for social science? (AcSS, London)
Public panel discussion with Antje Wiener on "After the EU Referendum – where next for social science?" at the Academy of Social Sciences (AcSS) in London, June 30, 2016.
After the EU Referendum: Where next for social science
Europe after the Euro Crisis (Bilbao)
Public lecture by Antje Wiener at the Conference "Europe after the Euro Crisis" September 2, 2013 in Bilbao, Spain (min. 8:19)
Title: Constitutionalism Unbound
International Conference EUROPE AFTER THE EURO CRISIS
The Turbot War Read as a Site of Critical Encounter (Diplomatic Academy Vienna)
Public lecture by Antje Wiener at the Diplomatic Academy in Vienna April 17, 2015
Title: Contestation in World Politics: The Turbot War Read as a Site of Critical Encounter
Public lecture "Contestation in World Politics"
New Frontiers in Global Justice: A Conference with Amartya Sen (University of California)
Public lecture by Antje Wiener at the conference "New Frontiers in Global Justice: A Conference with Amartya Sen", April 1, 2011 at the University of California, USA (min. 51:27)
Panel title: Local Knowledge and a “Comparison” View of Justice