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Antje Wiener hat als Leiterin der Research Area 4 des Centre for Globalisation and Governance (CGG) in den vergangenen Jahren eine Reihe von Veranstaltungen und öffentlichen Vorträgen organisiert, die Teil der CGG Lecture Series sind. Einige Veranstaltungen sind als lecture2go abrufbar.
Das Programm und die Aufzeichnungen der von Jan Wilkens organisierten Vortragsreihe "European Crisis in Global Perspective" finden Sie hier (Link).
Winter term 2016/17 CGG Lecture in Cooperation with HIS
Wednesday, February 8, 2017, 6 pm
Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung (HIS), Mittelweg 36, Hamburg
Prof. Philippe Sands (University College London, Faculty of Laws)
East West Street. On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity
When human rights lawyer Philippe Sands received an invitation to deliver a lecture in the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, he began to uncover a series of extraordinary historical coincidences. It set him on a quest that would take him half way around the world in an exploration of the origins of international law and the pursuit of his own secret family history, beginning and ending with the last day of the Nuremberg trial. Part historical detective story, part family history, Sands guides us through some interconnected stories on the development of international law and the inclusion of the terms 'crimes against humanity' (Lauterpacht) and 'genocide' (Lemkin) in the judgement at Nuremberg.
Philippe Sands is Professor of Law and Director of the Centre on International Courts and Tribunals at the University College London Faculty of Laws. His fields of expertise include public international law, the settlement of international disputes, and environmental and natural resources law. As a practicing barrister he has extensive experience litigating cases before various international courts, including the ITLOS in Hamburg. Sands is also a regular commentator in the media. His most recent book East West Street is winner of the Baillie Gifford (Samuel Johnson) Prize for Non-Fiction.
The event was recorded with kind support of the HIS
8. Februar 2017_Philippe Sands: East West Street. On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity from HH_Institut_für_Sozialforschung on Vimeo.
Summer term 2016 Globalization, Social and Political Change
Zu der im Sommersemester 2016 gemeinsam mit anderen Research Areas des CGG organisierten Vortragsreihe, hat die Research Area 4 Prof. Wouter Werner (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) eingeladen.
14/07/2016, Wednesday, |
Prof. Wouter Werner Screening International Criminal Justice - A Study of Four Advocacy Documentary Films |
Winter term 2014/2015 Contestation, Knowledge, Practice: Contributions to the Debate in Global Governance, Constitutionalism and World Society
Today’s international relations feature a paradox. On the one hand, there is an increase in references to constitutional norms and processes across global regions and in a range of international organizations. On the other hand, the interpretation of international law is frequently subject to controversy. In the global realm, an ever-broader range of ‘public’ and ‘private’ actors with different levels of authority and legitimacy intervene into these processes. Against the background of diverse and, more often than not, divergent, ‘global’ and ‘local’ background knowledges, the meaning of corresponding norms is highly contested. Examples ranging from decisions of the United Nations Security Council or domestic courts to locally operating human rights advocacy groups indicate that when international norms are applied, practice faces the need to “translate” and re-contextualize norms in “productive” ways.
Research on norms suffers from being divided through disciplinary boundaries, with schol-ars sometimes using different vocabularies. Starting from the interface between global governance, constitutionalism, and world society approaches, the lecture series on “Con-testation, Knowledge, Practice” aims to stimulate ‘interdisciplinary encounters” by featuring speakers with different disciplinary backgrounds in order to highlight the paradoxical constellations of global normativity.
COORDINATION: Prof. Antje Wiener PhD FAccS, head of the research area 4 of the CGG “Global Governance, Constitutionalism and World Society” and Dr. Philip Liste
VENUE: Main building of the University of Hamburg, Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, Hörsaal C/ auditorium C
19/11/2014, Mittwoch, |
Professor Dr. Kirsten Ainley, Practices of Responsibility in International Relations |
10/12/2014, Mittwoch, |
Dr. Christian Büger, Experimental Governance: Lessons from the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia |
17/12/2014, Mittwoch, |
Professor Annelise Riles PhD, New Approaches to International Financial Regulation: What Legal Scholars and Policymakers Can Learn from Critical and Anthropological Studies of Knowledge, Contestation and Practice |
07/01/2015, Mittwoch, |
Prof. Dr. Stephan Stetter, Frozen Crossing, Hot Contestations: Macht- und Herrschaftspraktiken im Kontext des Nahen Ostens |
28/01/2015, Mittwoch, |
Dr. Christoph Humrich, Politics in the New Arctic: Resource Contest, Contested Sovereignties and Regional Governance |
Winter term 2012/2013 Social Change and Politics in a Globalised World
14/11/2012 |
Prof. emerit. Nicholas Onuf „Relative Strangers: Reflections on Hospitality, Social Distance, and Diplomacy“ |
21/11/2012 |
Prof. Dr. Hauke Brunkhorst „The European Crisis - Paradoxes of Constitutionalizing Democratic Capitalism“ |
28/11/2012 |
Dr. Dorothee Bohle „Von Osteuropa lernen? Krrisenbewältigungsstrategien in Osteuropa und ihre Übertragbarkeit auf den Westen“ |
09/01/2013 |
Dr. Anthony F. Lang, Jr. „The Arab Spring: From Revolutions to Constitution" |
Winter term 2011/12 Global Constitutionalism: Thinking about Justice, Legitimacy and Democracy in Global Terms
02/01/2011 |
Prof. Robert Howse Interpretation and Effectiveness in International Law |
09/11/2011 |
Prof. Richard Bellamy, PhD Are International Human Rights Conventions Democratically Legitimate?: Political Constitutionalism and the Hirst Case |
07/12/2011 |
Prof. Cecelia Lynch, PhD Christianity, Sovereignty and Universalism in International Relations |
14/12/2011 |
Prof. Dr. Christoph Möllers Alternative Lecture: 12 Statements to the state of the European Union |
18/01/2012 |
Prof. Neil Walker, PhD Constitutionalism and Publicness in the new Global order: A Shifting Relationship |
25/01/2012 |
Prof. Richard Ned Lebow, PhD Darthmouth College (USA) Identity, Justice and Globalization |
Winter term 2009/10 Global Governance und die Konstitution internationaler Ordnung
Diese Lecture Series ist leider nicht als Video abrufbar. Die Referenten und Titel waren wie folgt:
21/10/2009 |
Prof. Dr. Mathias Albert |
05/11/2009 |
Prof. Michael Cox, PhD |
09/12/2009 |
Prof. Antje Wiener, PhD |
04/01/2010 |
Prof. Michael Byers, PhD |
20/01/2010 |
Prof. Dr. Dr. hc Rüdiger Wolfrum |
27/01/2010 |
Prof. Nick Rengger, PhD |
03/02/2010 |
Prof. Kathryn Hochstetler, PhD |
10/02/2010 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn |