ConWEB Papers
ConWEB was founded in 2000 within the framework of the University Association of European Studies (UACES) Study Group on Constitutionalism and Governance Beyond the State by Jo Shaw (Law) and Antje Wiener (Politics), and co-edited with Jutta Brunnée (Law) and Stephen Toope (Law). ConWEB is precurser of Global Constitutionaism: Human Rights, Democracy, Rule of Law.
The editorial board consisted of:
- Jutta Brunnée (University of Toronto)
- Stephen Toope (University of Cambridge)
- Mathias Albert (University of Bielefeld)
- Michelle Everson (Birckbeck College, London)
- Juergen Neyer (University of Frankfurt/Oder)
- Shane O'Neill (Queen's University, Belfast)
- Thomas Pfister (University of Konstanz)
- Joanne Scott (University College London)
- Jo Shaw (University of Edinburgh)
- Stephen Toope (University of British Columbia)
- Neil Walker (University of Edinburgh)
- Jeremy Webber (University of Victoria)
All papers can be downloaded as PDF files here:
ConWEB No. 1-3/2009
3/2009 |
"European Governance", or "Governmentality"? Reflections on the EU's System of Government |
Cris Shore |
2/2009 |
Emmanuel Sigalas |
1/2009 |
Suicide Missions: the 'political opportunity structure' and constraints of constituency |
Aoibhín de Búrca |
ConWEB No. 1-4/2008
04/2008 |
We the People and the Others: The Co-founding of Democratic States |
Hans Agné |
03/2008 |
Sergio Fabbrini |
02/2008 |
Birgit Locher & |
01/2008 |
Mark A. Pollack |
ConWEB No. 1-2/2007
02/2007 |
The Function of a European Basic Law: a Question of Legitimacy |
Tor-Inge Harbo |
01/2007 |
Silviya Lechner |
ConWEB No. 1-6/2006
06/2006 |
The Problem of Legitimacy in the European Polity. Is Democratization the Answer? |
Claus Offe, |
05/2006 |
Constructivist Approaches in International Relations Theory: Puzzles and Promises |
Antje Wiener |
04/2006 |
A New Kind of Europe? Democratic Integration in the European Union |
James Tully |
03/2006 |
Franke Wilmer |
02/2006 |
Luca Barani |
01/2006 |
Arne Niemann |
ConWEB No. 1-5/2005
05/2005 |
The Neofunctionalist Were (almost) Right: Politicization and European Integration |
Lisbet Hooghe, Gary Marks |
04/2005 |
Beyond Territoriality: The Case Case of Transnational Human Rights Litigation |
Peer Zumabansen |
03/2005 |
James Tully |
02/2005 |
Sovereignty Reloaded? A Constructivist Perspective on European Research |
Tanja E. Aalberts |
01/2005 |
Redefining Sovereignty via International Constitutional Moments? |
Andreas |
ConWEB No. 1-4/2004
04/2004 |
Democracy and the European Constitution: Majority Voting and the Small Member States |
Johannes Pollack |
03/2004 |
The Division of Powers between the European Court of Justice and National Courts |
Gareth Davies |
02/2004 |
Contested Norms in the Process of EU Enlargement: Non-Discrimination and Minority Rights |
Guido Schwellnus, |
01/2004 |
Finding Place for Freedom, Security and Justice: The European Union's Claim to Territorial Unity |
Hans Lindahl |
ConWEB No. 1-6/2003
06/2003 |
Richard Bellamy, Justus Schoenlau |
05/2003 |
Berthold Rittberger |
04/2003 |
Limits of European Citizenship: European Integration and Domestic Immigration Policies |
Maarten P. Vink |
03/2003 |
Miriam Aziz |
02/2003 |
Marika Lerch |
01/2003 |
Improving EU Constitutional Politics? A Preliminary Assessment of the Convention |
Carlos Closa |
ConWEB No. 1-7/2002
07/2002 |
Stephen Weatherill |
06/2002 |
Pathos and Patina: The Failure and Promise of Constitutionalism in the European Imagination |
Ulrich Haltern |
05/2002 |
Chloe Wallace, |
04/2002 |
Drafting a European Constitution - Challenges and Opportunities |
Andreas Follesdal |
03/2002 |
Dimitris N. Chryssochoou |
02/2002 |
Brussels between Bern and Berlin: Comparative Federalism meets the European Union |
Madeleine O. Hosli |
01/2002 |
Yoichiro Usui |
ConWEB No. 1-6/2001
06/2001 |
Constitutionalising Governance: Democratic Dead End or Dead On Democracy? |
Vincent Della Sala |
05/2001 |
Much ado about Nothing? - Minority Protection and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights |
Guido Schwellnus |
04/2001 |
Jo Shaw |
03/2001 |
Europe Goes Camper - The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights From a Consumerist Perspective |
Ulrich Haltern |
02/2001 |
The Informal Eurogroup: a New Working Method and an Institutional Compromise |
Uwe Puetter |
01/2001 |
Diversity and Equality: Three Approaches to Cultural and Sexual Difference |
Avigail Eisenberg |
ConWEB No. 1-6/2000
06/2000 |
The Unfreedom of the Moderns in Comparison to their Ideals of Constitutionalism and Democracy |
James Tully |
05/2000 |
Europe and the Constitution: What if this is As Good As It Gets? |
Miguel Poiares Maduro |
04/2000 |
Michael Merlingen, |
03/2000 |
Philippe C. Schmitter |
02/2000 |
Miguel Poiares Maduro |
01/2000 |
Constitutionalism and citizenship in the European Union: a normative theoretical approach |
Lynn Dobson |