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Dovbischuk, Tetiana & Kley, Stefanie. “The call of the green: The role of green spaces in residential relocations across the life course in Germany ”. Population, Space and Place (2024): S. e2810.
Kley, Stefanie & Dovbischuk, Tetiana. “Wer profitiert von Grün in kompakten Städten? Grüner Fensterblick und Wohnzufriedenheit in verschiedenen sozialen Schichten”. (2024) CSS Working Paper Series (Arbeitspapier)
Kley, Stefanie & Dovbischuk, Tetiana. “The equigenic potential of green window views for city dwellers’ well-being ”. Sustainable Cities and Society 108. (2024): S. 105511.
Dovbischuk, Tetiana. Urban green space usage and nature satisfaction across life course phases and socio-economic classes. Routledge Focus, London: Taylor & Francis, 2024.
Dovbischuk, Tetiana. “Mitigating urban stress through nature-based solutions: green spaces in relocation decision-making”. WiSo-Working Paper Series No. 85. (2024)
Kley, Stefanie, & Dovbischuk, Tetiana. “Soziale Selektivität von Wohnstandortentscheidungen im Hinblick auf Grünräume und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität”. (2023) GESIS, Köln.
Kley, Stefanie & Dovbishchuk, Tetiana. “How a Lack of Green in the Residential Environment Lowers
the Life Satisfaction of City Dwellers and Increases Their
Willingness to Relocate”. Sustainability 13 (7). (2021): S. 3984.
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